3 octobre 2010
Enfants de la Source, bien aimés, nous allons, ensemble, réactiver l'Etoile collective et ensuite je vous donnerai mon chemin au sein de ces 12 Etoiles. Vibration AL. ... Effusion Vibratoire ... Vibration Bien ou Attraction. ... Effusion Vibratoire ... Vibration Clarté. ... Effusion Vibratoire ... Vibration IM, Ici. ... Effusion Vibratoire ... Vibration Unité. ... Effusion Vibratoire ... Vibration Christ. ... Effusion Vibratoire ... Vibration OD. ... Effusion Vibratoire ... Je suis AL. Vibration. ... Effusion Vibratoire ... Vibration Mal ou Répulsion. ... Effusion Vibratoire ... Vibration IS, Maintenant. ... Effusion Vibratoire ... Vibration Profondeur. ... Effusion Vibratoire ... Vibration Vision. ... Effusion Vibratoire ... Et Vibration OD. ... Effusion Vibratoire ... Je suis Alpha, point AL et Omega, point OD. Je suis la Voie, point IM. Je suis la Vérité, point IS. Je suis la Vie, point Christ. Je suis Bien et Mal. Je suis Unité, Clarté et Précision. Profondeur et Vision. De cet ensemble, mon Etoile est tracée dans cette phrase : « Je suis l'Alpha et l'Omega, je suis la Voie, la Vérité et la Vie ». Vibration. Lumière et Feu. ... Effusion Vibratoire ... Que la Paix, et ma Paix, vous accompagnent. Je suis Alpha et Omega. Je suis la Voie, la Vérité et la Vie. Vous êtes Alpha et Omega. Vous êtes la Voie, la Vérité et la Vie. ... Effusion Vibratoire ... De Cœur à Cœur. ... Effusion Vibratoire ... A demain. ... Effusion Vibratoire … _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NDR : Vous retrouverez les détails des 12 Etoiles de Marie (localisation, schéma ...) dans la rubrique de notre site "protocoles / Les 12 Etoiles de Marie". Nous partageons ces informations en toute transparence. Merci de faire de même, si vous les diffusez, en reproduisant l'intégralité du texte et en citant sa source : |
03 de octubre 2010 Los niños de la Fuente, querida, vamos a trabajar juntos para revivir el Grupo de las galaxias y luego me voy a dar mi camino en estos 12 estrellas. AL vibración. ... Vibratorio derramamiento ... A pesar de las vibraciones o atracción. ... Vibratorio derramamiento ... La claridad de vibración. ... Vibratorio derramamiento ... Vibración IM aquí. ... Vibratorio derramamiento ... Unidad de Vibración. ... Vibratorio derramamiento ... Cristo de vibración. ... Vibratorio derramamiento ... vibraciones OD. ... Vibratorio derramamiento ... Yo soy la Liga Americana. Vibración. ... Vibratorio derramamiento ... Mal o repulsión vibración. ... Vibratorio derramamiento ... La vibración es AHORA. ... Vibratorio derramamiento ... la vibración de profundidad. ... Vibratorio derramamiento ... Visión vibraciones. ... Vibratorio derramamiento ... Vibración y EP. ... Vibratorio derramamiento ... Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega Punto de AL, OD punto. Yo soy el Camino, punto de MI. Yo soy la Verdad, el punto es. Yo soy la Vida, Cristo punto. Estoy bien y del mal. Unidad I, claridad y precisión. La profundidad y la visión. De este conjunto, mi estrella se representa en esta frase: "Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega, Yo soy el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida." Vibración. Luz y fuego. ... Vibratorio derramamiento ... Que la paz, y mi paz con vosotros. Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega. Yo soy el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida. Usted es el Alfa y la Omega. Tú eres el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida. ... Vibratorio derramamiento ... De Corazón a Corazón. ... Vibratorio derramamiento ... Nos vemos mañana. ... Vibratorio derramamiento ... _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NDR: Va a encontrar más detalles de las Estrellas 12 de María (ubicación, diseño ...) sección de nuestro sitio "protocolos / Las 12 estrellas de María". Compartimos esta información sin problemas. Gracias por hacer lo mismo, si su distribución mediante la reproducción de todo el texto y citando su fuente. |
Conversation with Jeshua, October 2002
Jeshua, who are you?
I am the one who has been among you and who you have come to know as Jesus.
I am not the Jesus of your church tradition or the Jesus of your religious writings. I am Jeshua-ben-Joseph; I have lived as a man of flesh and blood. I did reach Christ consciousness before you, but I was supported in this by powers which are beyond your imagination at present. My coming was a cosmic event - I made myself available for this.
It wasn’t easy. I did not succeed in my endeavours to pass on to people the immensity of God’s love. There was much misunderstanding. I came too early, but someone had to come. My coming was like throwing a stone in a large fishpond. All fish flee and the stone sinks into the deep. There are ripples noticeable long after though. One might say that the kind of consciousness I wished to convey, did its work underground after that. At the surface of the pool there were constant ruffles; well-meant but misguided interpretations rose to meet and fight each other in my name. The ones who were touched by my energy, moved by the impulse of Christ energy, could not really integrate it with their psychological and physical reality.
It has taken a long time before Christ consciousness could set foot on earth. But now the time has come. And I have returned and speak through many, through all and to everyone who wants to hear me and who has come to understand me from the quietness of their hearts. I do not preach and I do not judge. My sincerest hope is to speak to you of the vast and unfailing presence of Love, accessible to you at any time.
I am part of a much larger consciousness, a greater entity, but I, Jeshua, am the incarnated part of that entity (or field of consciousness). I do not like the name Jesus much, for it has become so caught up with a distorted version of what I stand for. ‘Jesus’ is owned by the church traditions and authorities. He has been molded to fit the interests of the church patriarchs for centuries, so much so that the prevailing image of Jesus is now so far removed from what I represent, that it would truly please me if you could just let it go and release me from that heritage.
I am Jeshua, man of flesh and blood.
I am your friend and brother. I am familiar with being human in every way. I am teacher and friend. Do not fear me. Embrace me like you’d embrace one of your kin. We are family.
Jeshua, Jesus and Christ
The Christ energy that I came to offer you stems from a collective energy that has gone beyond the world of duality. This means that it recognizes the opposites of good and bad, light and dark, giving and taking, as the aspects of one and the same energy. Living from the reality of Christ consciousness means that there is no struggle with anything. There is a complete acceptance of reality. This absence of struggle or resistance is its main characteristic. Since Christ (or the Christ energy) recognizes the extremes of all thoughts, feelings and actions as the manifestation of the one divine energy, there can be no duality, no judgment in the way ‘he’ (the christed energy) experiences reality.
Let’s give an example here. When the Christ in you watches an armed conflict between people, her heart weeps for the fate of the beaten one, but she does not judge. She feels the pain and humiliation with each blow, and her heart is filled with compassion, but she does not judge. She watches the offender, the one with the gun, who has power, who inflicts pain, and she feels……..the hatred and bitterness inside of him, and her heart grieves, but she does not judge. The heart of Christ embraces the whole spectacle with deeply felt compassion, but without judgment, for she recognizes all aspects as experiences she has gone through herself. She herself has lived out all of these roles, of offender and victim, of master and slave, and she has come to the understanding that she is neither of them, but that which underlies both.
The Christ energy has passed through all the energies of duality. It identified itself now with the dark, then with the light, but through it all, something remained the same. And when she realized this “sameness” underlying all her experiences, her consciousness obtained a new kind of unity: it was “christed”. The christed energy was the energy I came to offer you.
Who I was is quite difficult to explain. I will try so by distinguishing between three ‘identities’: Jeshua, Jesus, and Christ. I, the one who is now speaking, am Jeshua. I was the human being who carried the Christ energy in my incarnation on Earth. This energy may also be called Christ. Jesus - in my terminology - is the name for the Godlike man who was the result of the infusion of Christ energy into the physical and psychological reality of Jeshua. This Christ energy was poured into Jeshua from spheres of Light which are - from your standpoint - located in your future. Jesus was the man who performed miracles and put forward prophesies. Jesus was an emissary from the spheres of light, incarnated in me. In fact, he was my future self. Jesus was, from my perspective as the man Jeshua living on earth, my future self, who had become one with the Christ energy. Because the Christ in him was clearly present and visible to many people around him, he appeared to them as divine.
I, Jeshua, was a man of flesh and blood. The unique and to some extent artificial aspect of the “Jesus-construction” was that I received his/my Christed self from the future. I did not become christed on the basis of my past and the experiences therein. I did not achieve enlightenment in a natural way, but by means of an intervention from outside so to speak, by an infusion of Christ energy from the future. I had agreed to play this role before I began this lifetime. I agreed to be ‘overshadowed’ by the Jesus presence, as an act of service, and also because of a deeply felt longing to get to know the reality of my deepest potentials.
Jesus, my future self from the spheres of light, had become one with the Christ energy. Yet he did not represent the entire energy of Christ here on earth, for this energy encompasses more than Jesus. He is one part or cell of it.
Christ or the Christ energy (it is more like an energy field than a personal entity) is a collective energy which has many aspects or “cells”, which are cooperating in such a way that they function as one “organism”. All cells make a unique contribution to the whole and experience themselves as individuals while being part of the whole as well. One might call these several aspects of the Christ energy angels or arch-angels. It is the hallmark of angels that they have a sense of individuality as well as a high-degree of selflessness, which allows them to feel one with collective energies and be joyfully in their service. The notion of (arch) angels is elucidated in the last chapter of the Lightworker series ('Your Light Self').
Jesus’ mission on earth
Jesus was an energy from the future who came to earth to bring illumination and knowledge to humanity. He came from another world or even dimension, and he brought with him the elevated energy of this reality. His awareness of his own Greater Self remained intact while he incarnated on earth. Because of his presence in me, Jeshua, I could easily realize the flexibility of material laws and “perform miracles”.
The reason why the Jesus/Jeshua personality came to earth was to create an opening or doorway to a different state of consciousness. I wanted to set an example of the possibilities that are available to each human being. In the spheres of light where Jesus came from, it was felt that the earth was going into a direction which would end up in great darkness and self-alienation for the souls involved in the earth experiment. It was decided that a powerful impetus for change was going to be given which would clearly show human beings the choices available to them. By sending the energy personality of Jesus, we wanted to hold up a mirror to human beings and remind them of their own divine origin and the dormant potentials they carried within. The potentials for peace, freedom and mastership over yourself.
Every human being is the master of his own reality. You are creating your own reality all the time. You are able to let go of a miserable or unsatisfying reality and allow Light to enter and transform your creation. Man is his own master, but he tends to give his power away to outside authorities who claim to know the truth and to want the best for you. This happens in politics, medicine, education, and etcetera. Also, your “entertainment industry” is full of false images about happiness, success and beauty, which serve no one except the ones who construct them. Have you ever thought about how much money is spent just creating images? In the media, the newspapers, the movies, on radio and television, images are spread all the time. Where do these images come from? Why are they there? Who designs them?
Images are a means of exerting power over people. Images can make people subservient and disconnected from their true needs, without the use of physical force or violence. Images can make people voluntarily give away their own power and self-worth. They delude you in such a way that you need not be violently forced into anything; you will accept the values portrayed by the image as your own and act accordingly. This is what we would call invisible mind-control and it is rampant among your ‘free’ western societies.
The function of Light is primarily to bring clarity, awareness and transparency to the invisible structures of thought and feeling that shape your life. Light is the opposite of mind-control. Where Light enters a reality, it breaks the bonds of mere power and authority and it breaks down the hierarchies based on it. It holds misuse of power up to the light and it frees people of delusions and illusions that take away their power for self-determination.
Jesus was a threat to the ruling order at the time he lived. By what he told people and sheerly by what he radiated, he caused structures of power to be seen for what they truly were. This was unbearable and unacceptable for the existing hierarchy.
The role of Lightworker, which Jesus took upon him, was heavy; especially for me, Jeshua, the human being who agreed to carry this intense, bright energy in my lifetime. I, Jeshua, was almost overshadowed by the force of Jesus’ presence, the presence of my future self! Although it filled me with great insights, love and inspiration, it was quite a challenge physically to carry or “hold” his energy. I could not really integrate his energy into my physical being - the cells in my body were ‘not ready’ for it yet - so on a physical level my body got exhausted from carrying these intense energies of Light.
Apart from the physical aspect, there was also a psychological burden to carrying the Christ energy. I found it very hard to watch the nature of the Christ energy being misunderstood frequently, even by my closest friends or ‘disciples’. As the human being that I was, I sometimes became desperate and doubted the value of the journey I undertook. I felt that the world was not ready for the Christed energy. I felt that its essence was not recognised. Jesus was truly a pioneer in his time.
Results of Jesus’ coming to earth
By the coming of Jesus to earth, a seed was planted. It was the seed of the Christ energy. People were moved by what I said and did, and unconsciously, at the soul-level, they did recognize the Christ energy. Deep within their souls, a memory was stirred. Something was touched and set in motion.
At the surface, on the level of what can be seen and felt in the physical world, my coming created much commotion. In virtue of the law of duality, the powerful infusion of Light creates a powerful reaction from the Dark. This is just a matter of logic. Light is confronting. It wants to break structures of power and set the imprisoned energies free. Darkness is the energy that wants to suppress and control. So these two energies have opposing interests. Where one gains in power, the other will strike back to defend itself and regain balance. Thus, my coming to earth also initiated much struggle and violence, as a counter reaction to the Light I came to spread.
The persecution of my followers, the early Christians, is one example of this violent counter reaction. But the Christians themselves, the founders of the Church, did not shun violence either in their pursuit to spread my teachings. Think of the crusades and the Inquisition. In the name of Christ, the most barbaric deeds of darkness have been performed, by Christians as well as non-Christians.
The masters of Light, who decided to send me as an emissary to earth, were aware of the fact that the intense and unprecedented energy of Jesus might invoke strong reactions of darkness. Jesus penetrated the reality of earth like a comet. It was a kind of emergency measure from the spheres of light, from energies which were deeply concerned with earth and its inhabitants. It was an ultimate attempt to divert the direction in which the earth was heading, a way of interrupting cycles of ignorance and destruction which kept on repeating themselves.
The results were ambiguous. On the one hand, the Light of Jesus invoked much Darkness (by way of counter reaction). On the other hand, the seed of the Christ consciousness was planted in the hearts of a number of people. An important reason for my coming was to awaken the lightworker souls on earth. (See the other channelled material for an explanation of the notion of lightworker). They would be most sensitive and receptive of my energy, although many had become lost in the density and darkness of the earth plane as well. Lightworkers are in fact emissaries of Light with the same mission as Jesus. The difference is that in their incarnation in a physical body, they are less connected to their wider divine Self than I was. They are more subject to the karmic burdens and illusions of the earth plane. They are more bound to the past. With the incarnation of Jesus, something special was occurring. Jesus did not carry any karmic burdens from the past and he could therefore more easily keep in touch with his divinity. He was here in a somewhat artificial way, a presence from the future, being here and there at the same time.
The consciousness of the beings of Light which jointly decided to ‘insert’ the energy of Jesus into earth reality at the time was not perfect and all-knowing. Every conscious being is in the process of developing and understanding itself all the time. Among humans, there is a persistent belief that everything is predestined by some divine plan; behind this belief is the notion of a dominant, omniscient God. This notion is false. There is no predestination by an outside force. There are only probabilities which are the result from inner choices you yourself make. My coming to earth was based on a decision made by a collective energy of light, which Jesus was a part of. It was a choice that involved risks and an unpredictable outcome.
The collective energy of light I am speaking of is an angelic realm that is deeply connected to humanity and earth because it helped to create man and earth. Actually, you are part of them and not separate from them at all, but we are now speaking multidimensionally, i.e. on a level of consciousness that is outside of your linear framework of time. In another dimension or framework of time, you are these angels that make up the spheres of light, from which Jesus descended to earth. (See the last chapter of the Lightworker series ('Your Light Self') for an in-depth explanation of multidimensionality and your angelic nature).You – lightworkers - are much more interconnected with ‘the Jesus event’, this infusion of Christ energy on earth, than you suppose. It was to some extent a collective endeavour, to which you all contributed, and from which I, Jeshua, was the visible, physical representative.
My message was that the Christ energy is present in all human beings as a seed. When you look up to me as some kind of authority, you have misunderstood my message.
I wished and still wish to invite you to believe in yourself, to find the truth within your own heart, and not to believe in any authority outside of you. Ironically, the official Christian religion has placed me outside of your reality as an authority to worship and obey. This is quite the opposite of what I intended. I intended to show you that you can be a living Christ yourself. I now ask you to recognize the Christ within, and to return to me my humanness. I am Jeshua, man of flesh and blood, and truly a friend and brother to you all. © Pamela Kribbe
Jeshua channelled by Pamela Kribbe – June 2009 - This channeling is also available as audio file. The transcript has been slightly edited for purposes of readability. Heartfelt thanks to Maria Baes for making the transcript. Dear friends, I AM Jeshua. I was the bearer of Christ consciousness two thousand years ago, and now you are the ones carrying that torch. It is a torch of light that brings change in this world, a world that is in need of change at this very moment. You live in an age of crisis. There is a financial crisis, an economic crisis going on right now, and there is also crisis of the planet, an environmental crisis going on. You live in the midst of this crisis, which is also an opportunity for change. Always when things change in a fundamental way, a lot of old things need to fall away drastically and fundamentally. You who feel drawn to my messages are the ones who are to lead the way for others. Yes, you have been born in this time on purpose; you wanted to make a change, to be the change that humanity needs. You are the teachers of the new era. It is to you that I bring a message of hope an encouragement. I wish to encourage you to take up the role of the teacher that you are. Many lifetimes, you have spent on earth preparing for this time, for now the planet and humanity are ready for a transformation, an evolution toward a heart-based consciousness that recognizes the oneness of all that lives and breathes on earth. You have been the carrier of this sense of oneness for centuries, you have been light-workers on earth before, and now the times are with you. Look behind the surface of what appears to be negative and bad news. Look behind it all. This is a great opportunity for change. Humanity is asked to go deep within and to address the negative emotions and fear that rise to the surface in times of crisis. Now more than ever humanity needs healing, and is prepared to receive healing. You are the ones who are leading the way. You are the teachers of the new era, and I ask you not to be shy about yourselves. Because of all the experiences you had on earth before, you have become shy and withdrawn about who you are, about the light that you carry within. There is passion in your heart, and your soul. You long to be the shining light that you are, but you are also hiding from your own power, because you carry old memories of being rejected for this, and even being persecuted and killed for it. I can see your fears and insecurity, but you are grand and powerful if you believe in yourself. You have come a long way. Many times, you visited earth, and gained experience. You are a mature and old soul now and you wish to share the wisdom of your heart. I want you to look inside yourself, and feel the passion that you were born with, the passion to make a difference. I ask you not to hide anymore. How do you teach? What is this teaching that I speak of? It is not about conveying theories and knowledge from books to others; it is not about preaching or telling people what to do. It is about a vibration that you bring into the world, a vibration of compassion and inner peace. And so when you address your own darkest parts, your emotions of fear, of anger of distrust, when you shine a light on your dark parts, it is then that your vibration rises, and that you bring a new light into this world. It will be visible in your eyes, in the way you speak or listen to others. Do not hide it, be as open as you can because you are beautiful. It is when you bring this vibration into the world that people are drawn to you. Not because you know the truth, or because you know what is going to happen to them, but because there is a space of safety and friendliness around you. They feel accepted around you. That is what teaching in the new era is about: accepting the other completely with both their light and dark parts, seeing their inner beauty, their passion and their innocence and encouraging them to see it themselves. Being a teacher in the new era is different from what you may have expected. It is about finding peace deep within, and not being led astray by the negativity that is around you. In a sense, it means to let go of the world, to not be of it, but on the other hand, to be open to everyone, and let them taste the vibration that you are radiating out into the world. Be in the world but not of it. How your teaching will look like, what form it will take is different for every individual. Each one of you has a certain passion, a talent, a longing to do one specific thing rather than another. Your energy, your light, can take many forms, and to me the specific form it takes is of less importance. What I’d like you to be aware of today is that you are a teacher, that you have come a long way. I encourage you especially in these times not to hide it any more, to share your wisdom with others and bring your passion alive. That is what it means to bring a new energy into this world.
You all have become very sensitive. Your hearts have been opened. In many ways, in this era the feminine energy is being re-birthed through you, as you are the ones who are the first to open up to heart-based consciousness, recognizing the oneness of all life. You have opened up your heart, and as a side-effect, you take in the negative feelings and emotions of those around you, and the feelings that are simply present in the atmosphere around earth. This sensitivity can sometimes be a burden. You sometimes absorb so much negativity, that you feel down and depressed, and you do not even know where it is coming from. |
Many people are hypersensitive. They cannot stand the noise, aggression and hasty pace of modern society. Often they suffer from psychosomatic disorders and insomnia. What other folks take for granted, for example going to a family party, is quite a chore for them. Simply doing what other people consider normal often turns out a disaster for them. As a child they are often misunderstood and underappreciated. Because it’s hard for them to stand up for themselves and because they easily dream away, school time is tough. Building a career and becoming successful according to society’s standards often doesn’t work for them. They more or less muddle along at the fringes of society. Participating in mainstream activities is experienced as exhausting and draining. Because of all this, their self image isn’t very positive; they often feel insecure and inferior. Their thoughts are gloomy and may repeat themselves endlessly. Of course, this image is somewhat of a caricature. Yet many people will (partly) recognize themselves in it. Let us now focus on some of the positive traits of hypersensitive people. They appreciate peace and quiet and long to live in harmony with their fellow humans. They are sensitive to beauty, especially the beauty of nature. They are very empathic and open to the spiritual. They have a rich imagination. To their own surprise, people who are in trouble are naturally drawn to them and come to them for guidance. What is the matter with these people? The answer is that they are not (just) hypersensitive, they are highly sensitive. In fact, they are angels in disguise.
Every living being emits a certain vibration or aura: flowers, the sun, people, animals, plants, and also human society at large. You are highly sensitive when your vibration, your aura is more refined and delicate than the vibration of human society. |
Muchas personas son hipersensibles. No pueden soportar el ruido, la agresión y el ritmo apresurado de la sociedad moderna. A menudo sufren de trastornos psicosomáticos y el insomnio. ¿Qué otras personas dan por sentado, por ejemplo ir a una fiesta familiar, es una tarea titánica para ellos. Simplemente hacer lo que otras personas consideran normal a menudo resulta un desastre para them.
As un niño son a menudo mal entendido y subestimado. Porque es difícil para ellos ponerse de pie por sí mismos y porque fácilmente soñar, tiempo de la escuela es difícil. La construcción de una carrera y convertirse en éxito de acuerdo con estándares de la sociedad a menudo no funciona para ellos. Ellos confusión más o menos a lo largo en los márgenes de la sociedad. Participar en actividades de carácter general se experimenta como agotador y drenaje. Por todo ello, su imagen de sí mismo no es muy positivo, sino que a menudo se sienten inseguros e inferiores. Sus pensamientos son tristes y podrán repetir curso endlessly.
Of, esta imagen es algo así como una caricatura. Sin embargo, muchas personas (en parte) se reconocen en ella. Vamos a centrarnos en algunos de los rasgos positivos de las personas hipersensibles. Ellos valoran la tranquilidad y largo plazo para vivir en armonía con sus semejantes. Son sensibles a la belleza, sobre todo la belleza de la naturaleza. Son muy empático y abierto a lo espiritual. Tienen una rica imaginación. Para su propia sorpresa, las personas que están en problemas son naturalmente atraídos por ellos y llegar a fin de orientarles.
¿Qué le pasa a esta gente? La respuesta es que no son (sólo) hipersensible, que son altamente sensibles. De hecho, ellos son ángeles disfrazados. ¿Qué es la alta sensibilidad? Cada ser viviente emite una cierta vibración o aura: flores, el sol, la gente, animales, plantas, y también de la sociedad humana en general. Usted está muy sensible cuando su vibración, su aura es más refinada y delicada que la vibración de la sociedad humana. Imagine un radiante, hermoso ángel que descendía del cielo para nacer en un cuerpo humano en una metrópoli moderna. El ángel tiene dificultades para hacer frente al ruido, el caos y la fealdad del mundo que los rodea. ¿Dónde está la serenidad y la belleza de la naturaleza, donde están las flores? ¿Dónde está el conocimiento interior y profundo, el sentido de unidad con el cosmos? El ángel siente destrozada y alienados. El mundo a su alrededor no alienta ni reconocer él (o ella *). El ángel comienza a pensar que hay algo mal con él y él se pone triste y deprimido. Como él no se siente como en casa, se retira y vagamente anhela otra realidad. La gente alrededor de él lo consideran un soñador que no quiere hacer frente a los hechos de la vida. El ángel de luz disminuye. Considerando que era una alta sensibilidad al principio, él se ha convertido en una hipersensible. Usted puede preguntarse por qué este ángel encarnado en la Tierra. Muchos ángeles están encarnados en la Tierra y cada ángel tiene su propio motivo para estar aquí. Sin embargo, existe una motivación general: ayudar a la Tierra. A través de la presencia de todos estos ángeles, la sociedad humana como un entero gana en luz y sensibilidad. La presencia angélica eleva la vibración del mundo. Esto ocurre especialmente cuando los ángeles recuerdan quienes son y cuando su auto-confianza se restablezca. Fue entonces cuando su luz brillará verdad. Ahora imagine que usted es un ángel. ¿Qué se puede hacer para convertirse en radiante de nuevo, para transformar su hipersensibilidad a la alta sensibilidad? Paso 1 - Darse cuenta de que eres angelRealize que usted es un ángel y no tengas miedo de demostrarlo. Cree en tu propia luz, su capacidad creativa y superar su miedo a manifestarte. Este es el primer paso. ¿Cómo hacer est
o? Es importante conectar con el espiritual. Ver el mundo desde una perspectiva espiritual, recuerda el reino eterno de amor y la belleza que se originan desde y hacia la que usted pertenece. Usted siempre ha estado en contacto con esta realidad etérea sutil. Ahora toma otro salto y realmente creemos que estar allí. El momento en que conectas con él, también ponerse en contacto con su núcleo interno y comience a darse cuenta de quién eres en realidad. ¿Te acuerdas de que tu conciencia es eterna y que es una magnífica fuente de la luz y la creatividad. En el momento que se sientan parte de este otro reino, que es su verdadero hogar, la sentencia que pone la sociedad humana en que se convierte en mucho menos de una carga para ti. Te das cuenta de que su estancia aquí es sólo temporal y que esta agitado, la sociedad caótica desaparecerá un día y hacer lugar para una sociedad más pacífica, armoniosa y feliz. Lo que la sociedad actual piensa en ti y espera de usted no es tan importante. Más importante es lo que vienen a hacer, cómo se va a manifestar tu luz
en este mundo. Al detectar su verdadero origen, se enciende tu luz propia. La luz es creativa y transformadora. Usted se dará cuenta de que su entorno empieza a responder a lo contrario. La vida fluye más fácilmente y la gente te tome más en serio. Usted ha dado un primer paso fundamental en la transición de hipersensibilidad a sensitivity.Step alta 2 -
Tomar conciencia de su energyYou hombres son capaces de dar su verdadera luz a los demás sólo si también son capaces de no darlo. Si usted no puede decir 'no' a la gente, su «sí» no tiene sentido. Aprender a establecer límites y ponerse de pie por sí mismo es fundamental. Si no lo hace, sus flujos de energía en un pozo sin fondo y de forma permanente se sentirá débil y agotado. Para evitar que esto suceda, es necesario ponerse en contacto con su energía masculina. Muchas personas que se inclinan hacia lo espiritual, tienen una imagen negativa de la energía masculina. Se asocia con la violencia, la opresión y la agresión y considera que no es espiritual. Como resultado de esta actitud negativa hacia la energía masculina, muchas personas espiritualmente inclinado y se sienten impotentes hipersensibles e incapaces de valerse por sí mismos. La solución es entender que no hay nada malo con la energía masculina per se, sino que es el desequilibrio entre el macho y la hembra la que causa el problema. En relación con la energía masculina de inferior calidad, mucha gente deb
itar su propia fuerza. Esto ocurre particularmente en las mujeres sensibles. Especialmente cuando usted pasa por un proceso de crecimiento espiritual, es de importancia primordial para conectarse con su energy.As hombres antes de tomar el paso 1 y tomar mayor conciencia de quién eres en realidad, usted se distinguen con energía de su entorno. Su luz se notará. Esto atraerá a usted lo que yo llamo sanguijuelas de energía. Se trata de personas u otras entidades, por ejemplo, la organización que usted trabaja, quien se alimentan con su energía. Ellos te priva de la energía sin dar algo de vuelta. Si usted no es capaz de protegerse en un entorno, se obtiene stuck.At este punto, usted necesita usar su fuerza masculina. Disfrute de la parte masculina de usted, su hombre interior y confiar en él.
Que tome la forma de una espada en la mano que rompe los lazos entre usted y todo lo que te priva de la energía.
Un error común en el uso de la espada de su energía masculina con soltura es la noción de igualdad. "Todos somos iguales y por lo tanto no debo distinguir de los demás, y compartir lo que tengo con ellos." La idea de la igualdad es correcto hasta cierto punto. Al nivel del alma somos iguales. En el plano de la manifestación sin embargo no lo somos. Algunas personas son más capaces de dejar brillar su luz interior a través de otros. Al no reconocer esto, damos sanguijuelas de energía aire libre. Especialmente la gente que irradian mucha luz y que tienen mucho que dar, debe protegerse. Tenga en cuenta de quién o qué le dan su energía para. No todo el mundo está preparado para recibir lo que tiene que ofrecer. No deje que su don más preciado ser arrastrados por las personas u organizaciones que no coinciden con su vibración. Use su energía masculina para este fin. Paso 3 - Darse cuenta de que la madre tierra es su gente hipersensible friendMany sienta resistencia hacia la vida en la Tierra. Esta resistencia se debe en parte al hecho de que no se sienten a gusto en la sociedad occidental moderna. La energía de la sociedad no coincide con su cuenta y se sienten alienados por ella. Ellos se quieren ir, sino que inconscientemente recordar su herencia espiritual y largo plazo para ser el "hogar" de nuevo. Quieren volver a la paz y la armonía de los reinos celestiales, que contrastan marcadamente con el ruido, el miedo, la agresión y el anonimato de la actual sociedad humana. Aparte de esta razón para sentir la resistencia hacia la vida en la Tierra, las personas sensibles también tienen intuiciones sobre lo que pasó en sus vidas pasadas en la Tierra. A menudo se llevan memorias dentro de la guerra, la persecución y otras formas de agresión. Recuerdan tratando de ser y hacer el bien en la Tierra y ser violentamente rechazado por ella. Para superar su resistencia a ser aquí, es importante distinguir entre la energía de la sociedad humana y la energía de la Tierra misma. Para ello, busque un lugar hermoso en la naturaleza. Ir allí en un día laborable cuando está tranquilo. Siente la energía allí, la serenidad y la paz. Abre tu corazón a este lugar en la naturaleza y sentir todas las energías presentes en ellas. Aparte de que hay espíritus de la naturaleza, como hadas y duendes, que trabajan en estrecha colaboración con la Tierra. Ahora siente la Tierra misma. Esta es la tierra que vinieron a buscar, la Tierra, que al llegar a usted y que desea darle apoyo. Abran su corazón a su energía y amor.
Al entrar en esta conexión con la Tierra, son capaces de tomar verdaderamente su lugar y haz brillar tu luz en este mundo. Usted es capaz de cambiar el mundo y hacerla más bonita. Hay un lugar para ustedes en la Tierra donde uno se siente como en casa. Este lugar se convertirá en un faro de luz que transforma el mundo que te rodea. personas hipersensibles ocultar para el mundo. Las personas altamente sensibles irradiar su luz libremente en él. Paso 4 - Usa tu energía femenina para convertirse en energía femenina aún más sensitiveYour puede hacer la diferencia entre temer a alguien y amar a alguien. Le permite mirar detrás de la máscara que alguien se está poniendo y ver su vulnerabilidad. En nuestros corazones todos somos buenos. Dios está en el corazón de todos. Puede utilizar la energía femenina en su interi
or para ser aún más sensibles, para utilizar su empatía para comprender realmente lo que es estar en los zapatos de la otra persona. Comprender al otro desde dentro le puede ayudar a poner en perspectiva sus comentarios hirientes o comportamiento ofensivo. Puede ayudarle a renunciar a ella.
Esto se hace posible cuando la energía masculina en el interior es lo suficientemente fuerte para proteger su lado femenino. Cuando estamos heridos por lo que otra persona le dice a nosotros, a menudo no son afectados por las palabras mismas, sino por nuestra propia interpretación sensible de esas palabras.
A menudo la gente no se fuera a buscarnos, es más que dejar escapar algo que no está dirigido a usted personalmente. Su energía masculina puede ayudar a no tomar las cosas personalmente. Su energía femenina le ayuda a sentir lo que realmente está pasando en la otra persona. Al usar el don de la sensibilidad femenina, que ahora vemos un montón de luces en este oscuro mundo que nos rodea. Llegando a ser aún más sensibles, damos un paso hacia el corazón de nuestros semejantes, que a menudo es más caliente y más brillante de lo que pensábamos. Al darse cuenta de la luz en el corazón de la otra, esta luz se quema más fuerte.
trabaja para ser aún más sensible en dos direcciones: no sólo usted consigue un sentido más profundo de lo que la otra persona, sino que también llegar a conocerte mejor. Se sienten algo sensible, cálida y bella en ti que no había notado antes, al reconocer a la otra persona, que usted reconoce. Así es como se empieza a sentir como en casa en la Tierra. Para ser un ángel se balancedEvery ser humano da y recibe. Para mantenerse sano físicamente y espiritualmente, tenemos que estar en equilibrio con nuestro medio ambiente. El flujo de dar y recibir el flujo de la necesidad de ser equilibrado. En el momento que irradian más de nuestra luz, hacer la transición de hipersensibilidad a la alta sensibilidad y convertirse en el ángel que somos, el flujo de dar aumentos.
Nos exudan una luz creativa y bella y compartirlo con nuestro medio ambiente, a menudo sin saberlo. La energía que se adentren en el mundo quiere venir de nuevo a nosotros en forma de (física), su abundancia.
Esto causa problemas en muchas sensibles. las personas hipersensibles a menudo no creen que la vida puede ser bella, rica y abundante para el dobladillo. Ellos sienten que no sería correcto, que no valen la pena por lo que bloquean el flujo de la recepción que quiere venir a ellos. Las tradiciones religiosas que le enseñan que es mejor dar que recibir, o que es pecado para disfrutar, el apoyo a esta línea de pensamiento. El miedo y la duda de mantener a la abundancia natural que quiere venir a su atenta way.Be de esto. Compruebe por usted mismo si usted está realmente abierto a lo que el universo quisiera dar a usted, a todo el amor que está ahí para usted. Siempre y cuando no dicen «sí» a lo que el universo quiere enviar a su manera, usted no ha dicho con verdad "sí" a ti mismo. Di un fuerte y cariñoso sí mismo que, a todos ustedes. Al aceptar el flujo de recibir en su vida se convertirá en natural para ti. © Gerrit Gielen
Jeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe
November 22 - 2007, TilburgDear friends,
We are gathered here today to bring to you a message of love and hope, as we see how much difficulties you are experiencing at this time. I who is speaking am Jeshua but today I strongly represent the female aspect of the christ energy.
At this time, starting about four months ago, there is a huge influx of female energy in the realm of earth. This wave of energy helps bring about a new birth, a rebirthing of you as well as of earth. We would like to say a little more about the current developments, which often create resistance, disharmony and insecurity within you.
You are all enveloped in a deep inner transformation. This has been your conscious choice. There was a longing in your heart, even before you were born, to clean out the past and make way for a new energetic reality to be born on earth. You knew beforehand that this lifetime was going to offer you major opportunities for growth and healing. You sensed, before you started this lifetime, that earth was going to come to the end of a long cycle of power abuse and destruction.
You have been part of this cycle, in many past lifetimes on earth, and now you, as well as earth, have reached a point of departure, an opportunity to round off the cycle and move on. This is why you wanted to be born in this age and time, because this opportunity could only be seized while living on earth. The cycle could only be brought to a close by incarnating once more and integrating the energies of this whole cycle into this lifetime. Do you wonder why it is heavy sometimes?!
Before you can even get to this mission in a minimally conscious way, you first have to be born into a human body, into a personality that is partly shaped by external influences such as your parents, your community and your society. During your childhood, you generally forget who you are, as you are influenced and practically hypnotized by the convictions and anxieties of those who bring you up. Generally, you are surrounded by energies that are old and stifling, stemming from a tradition of fear and unconsciousness. Your original soul energy gets narrowed down and often it goes into hiding for some time.
Now, it has been your intention for this lifetime to rise above these restrictions and free yourself from it, and not just for yourself, but also to be the living bridge to a new level of consciousness on earth. You are here for yourself, but as you are growing and evolving, you are helping to lift the consciousness of humanity. You are supporting the movement of earth as a spiritual being and you are contributing to developments which affect your whole solar system and beyond.
But to be a part of this transformation and make a contribution to it, you first had to incarnate into an earthly personality, with all the burdens of tradition thrown into your lap for you to deal with. You are brave warriors indeed. We love you. And you have now reached a point that you truly and deeply wish to let go of the old. You cannot stand the energy of the past anymore. You are in the midst of the labor pain. You are being born again in this very body you have lived in for decades, but as a new You. You are actually in the process of reincarnating again while in this body, but now as the higher you, the expansive you that consciously wanted to be here to seize this opportunity to finish the cycle.
It is now your desire to let your deepest inner knowing, your true self, be born on earth and manifest itself with joy and creativity. This radical and yet ‘predetermined’ desire has brought you to the place that you are now and we know it is difficult. You are turning yourself inside out, leaving no stone unturned and to others you may seem to be walking to the beat of an intangible drummer.
A huge battle is taking place within you between the old and the new. You are carrying the old to its grave, but before you can do so you have to look it into the eye and make peace with it. Otherwise it will not rest in peace. So you have to face and accept the darkness in you and in the world, before you can rise above it and be free. There is no such thing as darkness really, but as you feel tied down by heavy emotions of grief, fear and anger, you seem to be dealing with the demons of darkness. However, you are mostly dealing with your resistance to look these demons into the eye, to face up to them and accept them as viable presences. They are a part of you, the part that got hurt, frustrated and misguided. They are calling out to you to be recognized and understood by you! You are their guide, not their enemy! As you resist them, they knock on your door even harder. Only as they are embraced by your loving compassion, can they find peace and be laid to rest.
As you are going through this immense purgatory process of facing your inner demons and making room for the new, your body gets affected by the movements of your consciousness. It may react in strange ways, giving you discomfort and pain, but generally, it is all passing. It is part of the purgatory process. Emotionally, you go through highs and lows and you are faced with deep fear and doubts as everything familiar seems to slip through your hands at some point. You have to let go of it all. There’s no balancing the old and the new. This is a genuinely new beginning. The only compass you can go by is your own soul. Especially lightworkers, who are the pioneers, will find little or no support and recognition from your environment. You have to rely on yourself. You know deep down where you are heading. You planned this before your birth. Your innate knowledge and instincts in this area will bring you home.
As a human on earth you have been hypnotized by the collective belief system and traumatized energy surrounding earth. The collective human notion of life fosters the idea that life is about struggle and suffering. “You have to fight to survive, you cannot trust your fellow human, you need to be vigilant all the time.” All these beliefs and emotional structures now rise to the surface, especially now that you want to let go of them. As you want to trust and surrender, your habits of distrust and control raise their head and protest. As you want to open up and express your innermost inspiration, fear of rejection seems to block you and make you mute. A lot of inner conflict is going on, causing turmoil in your minds and hearts. The old thought patterns do not die so easily, as they are embedded in your way of being. This is a gradual process and you are moving forward. The key to remember is that you cannot overcome the old by struggling or fighting.
Letting go of struggle
You have gone through many lifetimes on earth in which struggle was your middle name. Many times you have tried to kindle the light of consciousness on earth and many of you were inspired by the christ energy in whatever form it took. You were deeply moved by its inherent vision of a better world, based on equality, peace and harmony. At the same time, you were deeply involved in struggle: you often felt you were different, and had to find your own way in life. You had to struggle to understand yourself, and then to express yourself in a world that, again, seemed to walk to the beat of a different drummer. You were “aliens” so to speak, ahead of the times, and in many lifetimes you were persecuted and violently rejected for your different way of looking at things. Therefore, spirituality and struggle seem to go hand in hand for you.What is asked of you now is to release that struggle. This is a different time. This is your time. You are here now not to struggle or defend yourselves or convince anyone. You are here to release yourself and surrender to the birth of You, your grander Self who has been waiting for this to happen.
Many of you now feel a lot of struggle and resistance in your life, like things are not flowing easily. What you need to do is go even deeper into yourself and relax into that boundless Inner Being who is not of this world. Your soul energy is available to you and it can help you remember why you are here now. Remember how clearly you knew, before you jumped into this lifetime, that this would be a profound and meaningful lifetime, including the frustrations and difficulties. Remember that you came here not to struggle but to release all struggle and come Home. Home is in the here and now, where your consciousness dwells. Wherever you are, lies the possibility to release and let go of struggle. You can accept where you are right now, and let expectations go. This is who you are now. Stand behind yourself and comfort yourself with the knowing that you are very close to what you came to do here.
To get there, you only need to give up your resistance, the idea that you have to get somewhere through struggling. You are so tied up with the notion of growing through pain that you actually think you are doing good work when you are suffering and trying and working hard on your spiritual growth. However, especially when you are confronted with heavy and dense energies from the past, the solution is to find a point of stillness within. It is not to “do anything” but to retreat into a point of neutrality, neutral awareness, “just being”. From that point, you will look at yourself and not try to change yourself. You just let yourself be.
One of the things that is still clinging to you from your last cycle of lifetimes on earth is a strong, male oriented energy of “doing”. Often you have been “warriors of the light” who wanted to change things for the better with great zest and passion. You were a bit overbearing there too. It is now asked of this male, action oriented energy to quiet down and enter into a new balance with the female side. The feminine aspect in this context is the carrier of lightness, ease and joy. It tells you to go with the flow of your feelings, to not focus so much on results as on what feels right to you now.
Allowing in the female energy will raise the question of how the flow of giving and the flow of receiving are related to each other in your life. Can you do what feels right to you and not mind other people’s expectations or your own internalized demands to yourself? Can you really take care of yourself and give yourself all that you truly long for in your life? This is not the typical lightworker’s question to ask. You have been focused enormously on the outside world, wanting to change it, improve it, etcetera. “What is my mission on earth?” and "how can I contribute to a better world?” – these are your favorite questions. And often you approach these issues with a warrior attitude that has become second nature. The idea that you are here also to nurture yourself, to enjoy and go with the flow of life, is hard to swallow for most of you! If you recognize this, it actually means that there is an imbalance between giving and receiving in your life. You are giving too much.
If you are giving a lot, working for the good of others and feeling very responsible for their needs, you are often struggling and you are “doing” a lot. You have trouble receiving and you are losing sight of your own humanness. You will likely end up frustrated and empty. To balance the male and the female energy, you need to get to that flow of living in which you feel inspired and joyful by what you do without feeling pressured to do so. Pressure signals that you are not free, that you are attached to results.
Whenever there’s pressure, withdraw and go into stillness.
Especially in these months, actually during the whole second half of 2007, a lot is moving on the inner level for lightworkers and it can be hard to find the right way of expressing or manifesting yourself presently. Instead of trying, struggling and pushing at such a time, it is easier, lighter, wiser to stay calm and not do much at all. Just feel what is going on inside of you. This new birth you are going through asks a lot from sically, so perhaps this is not the time to abundantly express yourself in the outside world. Surrender is the key here, and that’s what the feminine energy is all about.
You are right on track and we can assure you that the changes you are going through can hardly go faster than they are going now. Especially when you feel stuck and nothing seems so to go smoothly anymore, big changes are taking place on the inner level. Trust this and for once, stop analyzing yourself constantly! Go with the flow and trust.
Think of the physical birthing process of a child. Primal forces of nature are guiding this process. You cannot control these forces, you cannot decide when you are going to get a contraction, but what you can do is either resist it or go along with it. Going along with it means allowing the pain of the contraction to go through you and trusting that it will subside in a while and you can catch your breath again. What you can do is align yourself with the inner flow of your feelings and therefore make the whole process more easy and gentle. So, instead of judging yourself from an external viewpoint, measuring yourself up to all kinds of expectations and demands, feel what is really going on inside of you. Feel the truth of it and see how your external reality adequately reflects this.
I now would like to invite you to travel with me for a while. I would like to take you to a future reality which may help you feel more relaxed and trustful in the Now. Just travel with me in your imagination. We are going to visit the New Earth.
Visiting the New Earth
The New Earth is an energetic reality that is gaining more foothold gradually, thanks to your inner work. Now let us enter that world and draw in its energy. Just imagine yourself walking through a lovely forest with beautiful old trees and a soft breeze on your skin. You sense how the burdens of the past, the burdens of your current present, have dropped from your shoulders. You are a different you. You have already been born into the New Era. You you on all levels, emotionally, mentally and phy feel light, with a clear inner knowing, and you realize it has all been meaningful. You have learned from everything you went through and your soul has become deep and wise because of it. You feel light and comfortable and your heart is open in joyful anticipation. You enjoy nature and as you feel the earth beneath your feet, you sense peace and calmness. Something has changed on the planet. People have now learned to live in harmony with nature.Now you are approaching a settlement, a small community, in an open area that blends in naturally with the forest. This is where you live. You feel your heart open up as you realize who live there with you. These are your friends and soul mates. Your kinship is old, you have met in many lifetimes and they are like brothers and sister to you. It is always a blessing to be with them. You do not have to pretend or hide yourself in their presence, you can simply be who you are. You understand each other easily and you speak with each other almost telepathically, using very few words.
You have your own house there too. Take a look at it. Somewhere in that place there is a spot just for you and you go there now and take in some of the details of your house. Is it big or small, what materials is it made of, and especially….how does the house feel to you? Earth has offered you the materials to build it. Feel how the colors, materials and the view nurture you. This house is an energetic extension of you. Whenever you feel the need to withdraw yourself, you sit in this house. It allows you to enter into a deep connection with your own Being, while you are safely held by earth.
Now we are going to take a closer look at the group of people you are involved with. In the middle of this settlement there is a square, where people meet and join for mutual activities. This place holds the “energy of together” and there is something going on there right now. Let’s go see what it is about. You approach the square with a sense of curiosity and people welcome you with an open and loving smile. There is a grand circle of people holding hands, and two people immediately make room for you so that you can participate as well. You sense a deeply vibrant energy running through this group that you are part of. You sense the unity, the fellowship and the joy that you have made it together. You are now the inhabitants of the New Earth and there is much to do for you. You are engaged in various activities, in the area of building, growing food, communication, healing, whatever your area of expertise is. But all activities are pursued against the background of an all pervading harmony. No struggle, but peace. You let yourself be guided by your intuition, in the moment. There is plenty of room for play and relaxation as well.
Here you are, together, and you can feel how each one of you has gone through that birthing process that we described today. An old identity has made way for a new presence. You have been born into the light of the New Earth.
And now you hear a call coming towards you. As you stand there, joined with your brothers and sisters, you hear a call from the old earth crying out at you. It is your call, from the present, as we sit here today. As you are gathered here, feeling tired and worn out sometimes by the intensity of the birthing process, you can asking your future self and your soul family “over there” for love and support. You in the future can feel this summoning and you are able to send love and wisdom to the old you. Close your eyes and do this for a moment. Be that future self and send love to your present self. And you may sense that the group energy in that future reality knows exactly what you all need right now, for they have been you and have gone through that dark night of the soul.
Now change the perspective and come back to the present. Be on the receiving side. Accept the love and consolation coming from your soul family, and rejoice in the fact that you have indeed “made it”. Feel the respect they are paying you, for you are the ones who persevered and kept faith in yourselves as you gave birth to the New Earth. Ask your future self whether she or he has a message for you. What is important for you to know right now? Let the answer come to you, easily, lightly. There need be no words, or images, just feel the energy. Visualize how your future self takes your hands and looks you into deep the eye, transmitting hope and trust to you. Sense how you can truly let go, go with the flow of the labour contractions and take your time to integrate and ground the new energies.
We believe in you! Take it a day at a time and dare to be truly sweet and gentle for yourself. As soon as you turn hard on yourself, by being impatient and critical about yourself, you slip back into the old energy of struggle. You can release it now, the time is ripe for gentleness and kindness toward yourself. Be the face of compassion for yourself, and your radiance will bless others as well. Be the angel that you are and all else will fall into place.
© Pamela Kribbe 2007
Texto seleccionado: PARA NIÑOS
..."Yo se que hiciste mal, te perdono. Sólo no lo vuelvas a hacer". Jesús.
Diles a ellos, a todos los jóvenes y a los pequeños que Dios los ama y que ellos son puros de corazón y que no dejen que el maligno influya en sus mentes, que sepan reconocerme dentro de ellos mismos, dentro de cada uno esta mi espíritu que mora en ellos, que lo busquen y lo encontrarán, que lo busquen y con ese corazón ingenuo y genuino yo les responderé y estaré con ellos para guiarlos y conducirlos.
Ahorita la humanidad en general los está llenando de cosas que no permite que sus ojitos vean mas allá, y que no deja que se acerquen a mí con tantos distractores que existen.
Diles que yo los amo mucho, que estoy con ellos. Que yo también fuí niño y que también se lo que es serlo, que yo también jugue con otros niños, que yo también hacía travesuras; pero que nunca, nunca ofendí a mi madre porque ella es un tesoro sagrado, porque una madre da todo por sus hijos.
Que sepan que los comprendo, que los amo y si así lo quieren puedo ser su amigo y consejero, un amigo... el más sincero y fiel de todos, un amigo sin límite de tiempo, un super amigo como ahora se podría decir. Porque siempre tengo una palabra hermosa, una frase amiga.
Conmigo como amigo, padre y hermano; siempre tendrán el mas grande amor y no necesitarán de fantasmas apantallantes que los perturbe, y perturbe su andar por el camino. Diles que los quiero mucho y que los amo y los perdono. Sólo te digo, hazles saber cuanto los quieres como padre o como madre y ellos lo comprenderán. Ellos lo saben, sólo que no está mal que ellos lo escuchen de tus propios labios.
Diles que para mí son muy preciados.
Diles a ellos, a todos los jóvenes y a los pequeños que Dios los ama y que ellos son puros de corazón y que no dejen que el maligno influya en sus mentes, que sepan reconocerme dentro de ellos mismos, dentro de cada uno esta mi espíritu que mora en ellos, que lo busquen y lo encontrarán, que lo busquen y con ese corazón ingenuo y genuino yo les responderé y estaré con ellos para guiarlos y conducirlos.
Ahorita la humanidad en general los está llenando de cosas que no permite que sus ojitos vean mas allá, y que no deja que se acerquen a mí con tantos distractores que existen.
Diles que yo los amo mucho, que estoy con ellos. Que yo también fuí niño y que también se lo que es serlo, que yo también jugue con otros niños, que yo también hacía travesuras; pero que nunca, nunca ofendí a mi madre porque ella es un tesoro sagrado, porque una madre da todo por sus hijos.
Que sepan que los comprendo, que los amo y si así lo quieren puedo ser su amigo y consejero, un amigo... el más sincero y fiel de todos, un amigo sin límite de tiempo, un super amigo como ahora se podría decir. Porque siempre tengo una palabra hermosa, una frase amiga.
Conmigo como amigo, padre y hermano; siempre tendrán el mas grande amor y no necesitarán de fantasmas apantallantes que los perturbe, y perturbe su andar por el camino. Diles que los quiero mucho y que los amo y los perdono. Sólo te digo, hazles saber cuanto los quieres como padre o como madre y ellos lo comprenderán. Ellos lo saben, sólo que no está mal que ellos lo escuchen de tus propios labios.
Diles que para mí son muy preciados.
Queridos hijitos mios:
Estoy aquí presente en este momento, en este preciso instante en que tu lo necesitas, y está atento a este mensaje que no es obra de la casualidad el que lo leas, yo se que es el momento de que lo recibas.
Lo que te quiero decir es que los seres humanos están en un momento de transición en el que deben estar alertas, atentos a cada acontecimiento que cruce por sus vidas, porque ustedes deben saber diferenciar, discernir todo en cada momento , que sigan el rumbo de su vida, de su destino final, quiero decirles que no todo lo que ven con sus ojos es lo real, porque el mundo espiritual es mucho más grande y que deben abrirse a esa posibilidad que no ven pero que existe, que es lo real, tan real como el universo mismo. No quiere decir que por ser de día las estrellas no estén en su lugar, ellas siguen estando y sólo al anochecer puedes verlas, o la luna. Es existen aunque no las veas de día.
Así igual, debes pensar en eso cuando se te presente una situación adversa, en ese momento no me vez, no vez a mi Padre pero existimos, somos reales, no somos solamente o simplemente un mito, unos seres alejados de ustedes sino todo lo contrario, estamos listos para ayudarlos en todo momento en que lo necesiten. Deben recordarlo, deben asimilarlo en cada momento, no se trata de estar alejados del creador sintiéndose totalmente autónomos porque entonces estarían cayendo en un error, en una ilusión falsa que no los conducirá a nada bueno. Deben ser pacientes, amorosos, comprensivos y mirar al prójimo con los ojos que Dios ve. Y se preguntarán ¿cómo ve Dios a sus hijos?
Es más fácil de lo que se imaginan, los ve totalmente buenos, generosos, diligentes y amorosos, muy amorosos Él sabe que son así y no puede verlos de otra manera, y sabe que son parte de Él, como sus hijos a imagen y semejanza, con una chispa divina de su esencia. Lo que pasa es que no puede verlos diferentes, ahora, si sus hijos están haciendo algo que va en contra de los principios universales del amor, sólo los perdona… porque Él es el Padre misericordioso, aquí no es el problema del Padre o el problema mío, sino que el hijo en cuestión, es quien no sabe realmente quien es, y está totalmente desubicado.
Así es mi Padre, así soy yo porque somos uno en esencia con el Espíritu Santo. No juzgamos, ustedes mismos son quienes se juzgan a sí mismos, se flagelan y se creen con el poder suficiente para juzgar a sus propios hermanos de la vida. Se mancillan por el poder, por tener una razón análoga, una razón esquizofrénica, sin sentido y todavía cobijan su razón que no es otra cosa que el ego alejador del amor de Dios, el ego que perturba su mente, su alma, su corazón.
Deben estar alertas, deben ignorar a ese ego que no terminará sino queriéndose apoderar de esa criatura hermosa y bella, única y genuina e irrepetible que eres tu mismo (a). Así es como funciona, solamente mira con los ojos de Dios y verás que al mirar desde otra perspectiva, tu mundo empezará a cambiar. Pídenos ayuda y nosotros te asistiremos, pide, se específico, claro. Sabemos que tienes muchas necesidades pero aunque sabemos que necesitas muchas cosas, queremos que nos digas ¿cómo quieres que lo hagamos?
Recuerda si tu solicitas nuestra ayuda, pídelo desde el fondo de tu corazoncito limpio y puro, porque yo así los veo. Pide y se te dará, toca y se te abrirá… asi es, si tu lo crees realmente lo verás manifiesto.
Por otro lado estoy feliz de que hayas prestado tu tiempo para prestar atención a este mensaje que doy a través de mi hijita, esta mujercita hermosa que al principio era una escéptica e investigadora del tema y entre mas investigó, mas se sumergió en el Río del Espíritu de Dios, porque era una ingenua, todo lo ponía en tela de juicio y ahora su vida ha dado un vuelco tremendo y me presta su mano para darte esos mensajes que se que tocarán tu corazón en gran manera, porque así es el Espíritu de Dios, cuando te toca, te toca para toda la vida y ya no podrás ver igual, simple y sencillamente porque ahora sabrás quien eres tú, y ¿quién eres tú?. Sencillo, tu eres yo soy uno contigo en la alegría del Espíritu Santo y somos buenos, eso es lo que somos, eso es lo que eres tu mismo y no te has dado cuenta, no has querido despertar de tu letargo porque le estas dando veracidad a lo irreal, a lo que es solamente un holograma falso. Solamente descubre lo que tienes en tu corazón.
Y sabes, tienes algo muy grande y poderosos en ese bello corazón, allí alberga el Espíritu de Dios, siéntate en calma y hablale, hablale con el más tierno amor que puedas, porque él de ahí sale y es tu guía, pide:
- Espíritu Santo, ya no quiero sufrir, no se quien realmente soy, pero tu si lo sabes, yo soy uno contigo, yo soy un ser que no he descubierto tu divinidad en mí. ¡Ayúdame, asísteme! Se mi guía en todo momento, en toda situación tu eres quien me conducirá a mi Padre Amado. Pues finalmente quien ama al hijo, ama al Padre, en esa unión inseparable y tus hermanos también son hijos de nuestro Padre Dios.
Aquí estoy dispuesto a ayudarte, dime solamente: Padre, amigo, hermano, ayúdame, asísteme, se que estás en mi corazón. Y créelo, tu corazón es el templo que Dios tiene en ti, debes alabar su divinidad en ti, debes complacerte y agradecer, ser generoso.
Ahí estoy yo, en todas las virtudes de los seres humanos, porque las virtudes son amor inseparable del creador. Yo sólo te digo que te amo con el más profundo amor y que así debes tu amar a tu prójimo, porque ahora ya sabes quién eres, y debes hacerlo saber a tus hermanos para que hagan lo mismo y así vaya transformando su mundo, convirtiéndolo en un mundo lleno de amor que es como nuestro Padre quiere verlo. Su deseo no es destruirlo, pero a veces ha tenido la humanidad que tocar fondo, quizá tu fondo llego hasta éste instante y es hora de que cambies, pero recuerda que nosotros no actuamos fuera de tu libre albedrío porque por eso se les dio la capacidad de elegir, de discernir.
Me despido queridos hijitos míos, sabiendo de su capacidad transformadora de corazones. Los bendigo por siempre desde el principio de los tiempos.
Letting go of your birth family
Jeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe
Dear friends, it gives me great pleasure to be with you again. You are all brave warriors. Your very presence in a physical body on earth today speaks of your great courage and readiness to face up to darkness, within and without and to throw your light on it, the light of your consciousness. You are warriors in the spiritual sense and your weaponry consists of both compassion and discernment. One does not overcome the fears and illusions of your reality by love and compassion alone. These essential, predominantly feminine qualities need to be complemented by the masculine qualities of clarity and discernment. Compassion enables you to perceive the core of light in any expression of duality, for instance to recognize the light of someone’s soul even if their personality is full of negativity. Discernment makes you aware of the presence of fear and power-related energies in any such expression and it enables you to distance yourself from it, to let it go from your energy field. To know who you are you have to let go of what you are not. Discernment helps you let go of that which you are not. Discernment is the “energy of the sword,” the energy that helps you set boundaries for yourself and find your own way. I call it the masculine energy and it is a necessary complement to the feminine qualities of understanding and forgiveness. I am stressing the importance of “the sword of discernment” in this channeling, for it is very relevant to the issue we will discuss today. Today I would like to speak of your relationship with your parents and with your birth family in general. When you enter a path of spiritual growth, this issue will at some point be in the forefront of your attention. One might look upon your birth in a physical body as a fall into darkness, if you dissociate it from any notions of sin or guilt. The birthing process is really a plunge into the deep that you have consciously decided upon from some part of your soul. At the core of your soul, you have decided to take upon you this present incarnation, and you felt the trust and perseverance needed to “accomplish the mission.” However at the moment you plunge in, so to speak, you are soaked in a state of not-knowing, a state of temporary unawareness. As soon as you enter the material reality of earth, your consciousness becomes veiled or hypnotized by certain illusions which are nothing but the deeply ingrained habits of the majority of people on earth. This is the net that is cast around you. When you enter the earth life, the memory of “the other side” is still fresh and alive. But you have no words to express it, no way of communicating the truth of it, the simple things like the unconditional love and safety that surround you everywhere you go. The energy of Home is still self-evident to you, like the feel of water to a fish. But then you enter the physical world and the psychological reality of your parents. You reach out to them, you want to keep that sense of Home alive but it seems that you are cut off, like a net cast around the “fishy part” of you. This is the birth trauma that has physical as well as deeply spiritual aspects to it. The net that catches you as you fall is predominantly spun by your parents’ way of being, their basic outlook on life, their ways of relating to themselves, their hopes and desires for you. When you were born, the collective consciousness on earth was still in the grip of ego based consciousness, as it is even now. Times are changing, but there is a kind of beginning stage in which things need time to gain momentum before real, fundamental change is actually brought about. At present you are still in these beginning stages, and the inner work you do is vital in this respect. So when you entered earth, you entered a reality dominated by ego based consciousness and you got acquainted with it through the energy of your parents. When you enter the reality of ego based consciousness as represented by your parents, you get to deal with a number of pervasive illusions, of which I wish to name three important ones. 1. The loss of masteryThe first illusion is the illusion of the loss of mastery. This illusion makes you forget, while you grow up and become an adult, that you are the creator of everything that happens in your life. Most people do not recognize what happens in their life as their own creation. They often feel they are a victim of “greater powers” that make and shape their life. This is the loss of mastery.2. The loss of unityWith the plunge into collective human consciousness as portrayed by your parents, you also lose your sense of unity with all that lives. The basic realization of the “oneness of all things” is slowly filtered out of your consciousness. You are encouraged to build your own ego. According to ego based consciousness, we are all essentially separate beings, struggling for our own existence, struggling for survival, nourishment and acknowledgement. We seem to be confined to our own body and locked into our own psychological reality with no true and open connection to “the other.” This is the illusion of separation and the tragic sense of loneliness that accompanies it.3. The loss of loveAnd then there is the loss of love, meaning the sense of unconditional joy and safety that belongs to the very heart of you like a natural birthright. As you enter the earth plane on which the energy of love is not self-evident at all, you gradually start to confuse love with all kinds of energies that are not love, such as admiration, wealth or emotional dependency. These confused notions of love affect your relationships and basically make you continually search for something outside of you to regain that sense of unconditional love that is actually deep inside you.How these illusions or losses affect you depends on the specific energy of your parental house and your family environment. Generally the parental consciousness is a mixture of ego and heart, of fear and light. There are certain areas in which your parents are likely to be very attached to or hooked up with the illusions mentioned above. But at other points they may be quite enlightened, for instance by having experienced suffering and inner growth in some area which opened up their hearts. The specific way in which they are stuck in the illusions of ego based consciousness is different for each parent or family. When you enter this specific configuration of energies that makes up your birth family, your consciousness is wide open with hardly a sense of personal boundaries yet. As a baby, you take in your parents’ energies very thoroughly, like a basic imprint that has a deep effect on how you experience things later. There is no filter yet. It is only much later when you become aware of yourself as yourself, roughly during puberty, that you grow the consciousness needed to sift though these energies and find out what feels good and natural to you and what does not. First you attach yourself very strongly to the paradigm of your parents, and then as you grow older and gain more self-awareness, you start to question your parents’ outlook on things as you are looking for your own sense of identity. This psychological growth process is very much akin to the transition from ego based consciousness to heart based consciousness. The natural stages of earth life, the biological and psychological cycles and seasons, correlate with natural growth stages in the spiritual sense. The transition from ego to heart based consciousness often runs parallel with overcoming the limiting, fearful energies that controlled your birth family. The cosmic birth trauma that you experience when you are born as an individual soul (see chapter Cosmic birthing pain, p.121) is to some extent repeated every time you begin a new earth life. At the time of your birth, your parents belong to the energy of the earth. They have already adapted to this dimension, to the laws that apply here. Often these are limiting laws which are not at all self-evident to the child. The parents thus represent the ego based consciousness for the child, the energy of the three illusions. The child meets these through the parental home, and the way in which they have taken shape in the parents will influence the child strongly for the rest of its life. Especially in the first three months, the child takes in its surroundings very deeply. The energies of the parents sink into the child’s consciousness unhampered by rational thought or defense. On the other hand there is still a “piece of heaven” in its memory, a part of the child’s consciousness that is untainted by the illusions, that knows love, mastery and oneness as the natural state of being. This awareness collides with the ego based energies around it, and this is a deeply painful conflict. It can make the child want to turn around and go back “home;” it can cause grave resistance to life at the very start. It is actually the cosmic birth trauma repeated over again. How does the child handle this collision or conflict of energies? Most often, it shuts down some parts of himself or herself. Some parts of the child’s consciousness will go into hiding. The child will tend to comply with the energies of the parents, adapt itself to them, for it is wholly dependent upon them from the start. The child is in a very vulnerable physical state and it has a great desire to be nurtured and loved by the parents. Its memory of the natural state of oneness, love and mastery is actually the child’s gift to the parents, but they are often unable to receive this gift, once they have been veiled by the energy of the illusions. They are thus unable to truly receive the child. Parents have at some point been children as well, of course, and have gone through the same process. Parents do not consciously force their fears and illusions onto their children. However as adults they have unwittingly absorbed many energies of ego based consciousness. At the moment of the birth of a child, parents often experience a temporary awakening. Watching this innocent little creature coming out of the womb, entrusting itself to the world, so open and vulnerable, stirs a deep sense of awe in almost anyone. This sacred moment opens the gates to Home wide open in the parents’ consciousness and they – unknowingly – reach out to the divine core inside of them that knows unconditional love and oneness. They enter a sacred space for a while, and they feel who they are beyond the illusions. But often this is a temporary state of bliss, because afterwards things will settle down and “get back to normal.” Their ways of thinking and feeling will tend to fall back into the patterns they were used to. And thus the opening to heart based consciousness closes down again. And what happens to the child that grows up? Most children choose to adapt so strongly to the parental frame of reference that they lose touch with their original soul energy that they were still very much aware of in the beginning of their incarnation. In this first phase of life (until puberty) they are so involved in focusing themselves into this world and getting love and attention from their parents, that they themselves forget who they are. How does this affect the child? The child has an unbridled longing for love and safety and when it stumbles upon fearful, blocked parts in the parents’ energies, it will be confused by them. It will experience pain and a sense of abandonment. But it will hide these emotions from itself, because they are too painful to fully realise when you are in such a state of vulnerability and openness. What the child will do is put on blindfolds and create illusionary images of love. To survive emotionally, it will allow itself to be confused by the false images of the parents because if unconditional love is not available, conditional love seems better than none. The child will generally bend over backwards to get the love and safety it needs and remembers from Home. And therefore it will mistake the wrong energies for love. For example it will confuse love with a parent’s pride in certain achievements or a parent’s emotional need for the child. Whenever the child achieves something that makes the parents proud and the child is complimented for it, they may feel their heart open up from gladness that they are liked and appreciated. But if the parental pride is not from a source of genuine understanding of the child, if it is not based upon what the child itself aspires to but more on what society expects from the child, then the pride is really a kind of poison. The child is rewarded for living up to external standards, whereas love means that one gets in touch with the child’s inner standards – what they want to achieve in this lifetime for themselves. When attention is systematically focused on outer achievements, the child will be fooled into believing that achievement equals love and they will tend to grow a guilty conscience when they are not doing “what is right,” what they are supposed to do according to external standards. As an adult, they may become someone who does not recognize when their boundaries are crossed or when they are working too hard. They will simply find that they feel the urge to achieve all the time, not understanding why working hard has become an addiction. Another distortion of the true energy of love is when the child starts to confuse love with emotional dependency. Many children feel loved when they feel needed by their parents. They are actually filling a hole in their parents’ heart, a hole that the parents have not taken care of themselves, and when the child steps into it, it offers itself as a substitute parent. It seeks to provide the love and support the parents are missing inside. In this way, it wants to please the parents and get the love it so sorely needs. But this kind of service is not love, of course. It is a dangerous entanglement of energies that will create a lot of difficulties later on in both the relationship between the parents and the child and in the intimate relationships that the child will enter as an adult. Many parents have experienced a lack of unconditional love in their own childhood. They were not truly received by their parents either. This has left a deep seated pain and a sense of abandonment in their being. When they have a child themselves, they embrace it with mixed signals. On the one hand, there is genuine love in them but on the other hand, there is the subconscious need “to make up for the loss.” Parents often try to heal their own emotional wounds through the relationship with their child. When they do so unconsciously, they use the child as a substitute parent – the child needs to give them the love they so sorely missed in their own childhood. When that happens, the messages “I love you” and “I need you” get completely mixed up for the child. The child’s energy will not be her own anymore, because it will feel sucked up by the parent’s need, and this being sucked up will actually feel good to the child! It will provide a false sense of safety which by the time the child is an adult will make her feel like she is being loved deeply by someone when her energy is depleted and owned by that person. She will feel loved and appreciated when she is stretching her limits to give the most she can. She will interpret emotional dependency, even jealousy and possessiveness, as a form of love whereas these energies are diametrically opposed to it. This tragic loss of self is born from the association of love with need. So far I have stressed that when you come to earth as a child, you are submerged into an “ocean of forgetfulness,” a net of illusions that at first seems to tie you down very thoroughly. However from the soul level, you consciously allow yourself to be led astray. Deep down inside when you incarnate on earth, you trust that you will find the solution and the way out. It is your mission to find the way out of the illusions and to bring the “energy of the solution,” the energy of love and clarity, out into the world, available to others. At certain times in your life, there will be opportunities and possibilities that will help you fulfill this mission. As you grow up, you will meet certain people or situations that will invite or challenge you to find out who you are. You will be gently pushed or, if you are stubborn, violently provoked by life to “detangle the knot.” You need to let go of the false images of love that were part of your upbringing, part of your parents’ energy. This may trigger an identity crisis, similar to what has been described in the first part of this book as the first stage in the transition from ego to heart. It may seem that nothing is certain anymore and that everything you believed in is under scrutiny. Indeed, your soul will leave no stone unturned to bring you Home. Your soul will knock on your door incessantly until you open up and set yourself free. Major events in your life are always geared to offer you opportunities to grow and return to who you are. But it takes courage and determination to get to the bottom of this quest and to regain the energies of the newborn child, untainted by the illusions of the loss of mastery, love and oneness. You will likely find yourself opposed to your own soul energy for a while, for it may lead you astray from what you regarded as normal and befitting for you. Your soul may seem a wayward guest to you, as you have been getting used to the ways of the world, the ways of your birth family. It takes both the male energy of self-consciousness and discernment and the female energy of love and understanding to release yourself from ego based consciousness. Regarding your parents, discernment means that you distance yourself from the fear ridden and limiting energies they have fed you. Remember the importance of “the energy of the sword” that I mentioned in the beginning. To let go of your birth family in the spiritual sense, you need to be able to distinguish between their energy and your own and you need to be able to “cut the cords” that limit and suffocate you. This is not primarily about expressing anger and frustration to your parents or telling them where they were wrong about you. It may be a good thing sometimes to try to make clear to them your position on things or your feelings about them. But in many cases, they may not understand what you are trying to tell them. They may not resonate with the part of you that is “different” and at odds with their outlook on life. Releasing the ties to the parental energy means first and foremost to release the energy from your own mind and emotions. It is about looking within and finding out to what extent you implicitly live by your parents’ set of illusions, by their do’s and don’ts which were based on fear and judgment. Once you are clear about this and you allow yourself to let that go, you will be free to forgive them and really “leave the parental house.” It is only after you sever the cords on the inner level and take responsibility for your own life that you can really let your parents be. You will have clearly said “no” to their fears and illusions (sword of discernment), but at the same time you will see that your parents are not identical with their fears and illusions. They also are children of God simply trying to fulfill their soul mission. Once you feel this, you can feel their innocence and you can forgive. In a sense you have been the victim of your parents – your parents as they represented ego based consciousness in your childhood. You have temporarily and partly lived according to their illusions. In a way you had no choice, as their child. However to transcend your sense of being the victim here is one of the most powerful breakthroughs you can have in your life. It makes you a free person when you can recognize the deep energetic imprints from your childhood and consciously decide which ones benefit you and which ones you’d rather let go. This is mastery. You then no longer subconsciously adapt to the wishes and longings of your parents when they are not your own. At the same time, you no longer rebel against them either. You can see the false images they offered you as simply not belonging to you, period. You do not need to judge your parents for burdening you with these aspects. You can be loving and discerning at the same time. One might say that you are introduced to ego based consciousness through your parents and you transcend it through them as well, by letting them go in love and forgiveness and by recognizing yourself as the independent master that you are. Lightworkers and their parentsAt this point I would like to speak specifically about the lightworker soul in relation to his or her birth family. Lightworkers often carry within them an extra assignment in regard to their parents or birth family. When they come to earth, Lightworkers have the specific intention to awaken, to set themselves free from ego based consciousness and to plant the seeds of Christ consciousness on earth. More strongly than others, lightworkers want to teach and heal others, helping them grow towards a heart based consciousness.For that reason, many lightworker souls are born with parents or in families which are heavily stuck in the reality of ego based consciousness. Because it is their intention to break open stuck and rigid energy patterns, lightworkers are drawn like a magnet to “problem situations” in which the energy is stagnant, like in a dead-end alley. The lightworker comes in with a certain awareness, a certain spiritual sense which makes him or her “different,” not fitting into the family’s expectations or ambitions. The lightworker child will somehow, by what she radiates or expresses as her truth, challenge the family’s basic assumptions about life. She almost instinctively will do everything to get the energy moving and flowing again. While the lightworker soul thus wants nothing more than to be of service to the parents and the family, they might look upon her as the odd one out, even as the black sheep. When the inner beauty and purity of the lightworker child is not recognized as such, she will often temporarily get lost in emotions of loneliness and even depression. When they start their incarnation, lightworkers have the confidence deep down that they will find their way out, that they will overcome the limiting energy of their birth family. However when they are actually born on earth and grow up, they are exposed to the same dilemmas and confusions as any other child. In a certain sense they experience this confusion more deeply and more intensely. Because they are spiritually aware souls who are often older and wiser than their parents, they are very much aware that “something is not right” about the energy of their environment. On the inner level they clash head-on with the parents’ energies, not understanding or resonating with their mind set or behavior. This clash causes great distress inside them, gentle and sensitive as they are. They have to find a way to survive emotionally, coping with the fact that they both love the parents dearly and are very different from them. This causes a lot of psychological problems in lightworkers ranging from loneliness, insecurity and fear to addiction, depression and self destruction. Thus your journey to earth and to places of darkness where the energy is stuck and hostile is not without risk. It is a dangerous mission. Don’t forget why I call you brave warriors! It is for this reason; you are like pioneers who venture out into strange and unknown territory. There are no signposts or markers. The environment in which you start your journey is inhospitable and does not feel like home. You will have to create the energy of home for yourself, with only your own feelings and intuition as your compass. As a lightworker, you are a pioneer who wants to break the barriers of old and stifling thought patterns and release the energy stuck within. You are almost always the first one in your environment to do so. You do not meet your soul mates until later. It is the struggle by yourself that marks you as the true warrior that you are. You will have to find the way out by yourself and once you have done so you will attract likeminded spirits into your life, people who reflect your awakened state of being. The solitary struggle you all have to go through to discover your light is the heaviest burden for you. On the soul level you have chosen this path consciously, but to live through it as a child of flesh and blood is a painful thing that wounds you deeply. I urge you to feel and recognize this pain in yourself, because only by connecting to it can you transform and release it. Once you know that wounded child inside that took the cross of alienation upon its fragile shoulders, you will get to the core of your burden. When you get to the core, the solution is nearby. You only need to embrace the pain of that child with a pure and deep awareness. From this awareness an energy of compassion and deep respect will reach out to the child. You will lift the cross just by being with yourself and truly loving and cherishing that part of you that is “different.” This is how you bring the child home and fulfill your mission as the pioneer that you are. Resolving family karmaThe lightworker’s assignment in regard to their birth family is to become who they are. In doing so, they accomplish their mission. It is not their task to change their family; it is not your job to change anything outside of you. You are not here to make the world a better place. You are here to awaken yourself. And yes, when you do so the world will become a better place, because your light will shine upon it and bring joy and enlightenment to others as well. But do not focus on the world, whether it is your family or any other relationship you enter.The real work is to let go of all those bits of ego based fear and illusion that you yourself absorbed so deeply as a child. Getting to know these energetic imprints which partly created your personality, and releasing the parts of it that do not belong to you is a challenging and intense process. It is about peeling away all the layers of the onion; it is about being born a second time. By stressing the profundity of this inner process, this second birth, I do not mean to discourage you. On the other hand I would like you to have deep respect for yourselves. You are the bravest warriors I know. You are pioneers who, by kindling your own light in places of darkness and hostility, pave the way for a new consciousness on earth. It is not your job to kindle the light in someone else’s heart. It is up to them if they do so. You may offer a spark, you may set an example, but in no way are you responsible for anyone else’s awakening. This is important to stress especially with regard to your birth family. You often feel instinctively as a child and more consciously as a grown-up that you have to save your parents from their fears and illusions. Moreover you often think that you have failed in this assignment. You feel that you have not truly been able to help your parents in the way you had envisioned. This line of thought rests on a mistaken perception of what helping really means and what your assignment is with regard to your parents. In reality, the situation is this. From your birth onward, you begin to absorb your parents’ energies very strongly as if they were your own. You cannot easily distinguish any more where you begin and they end. Because you absorb their fears and illusions as well, you get intimately in touch with their emotional burdens. These burdens may have been passed over to them through several generations on either side of the family. There may be a karmic aspect to it, meaning that the same issue gets repeated over and over again until the “spell is broken.” This you may call family karma. There may be issues relating to an unbalanced male or female energy, energies resulting from old slavery traditions, issues pertaining to certain illnesses, etc. This kind of karmic burden is solved when the energy stuck inside of it gets released and thus is not passed along to the next generation. Family karma is resolved when at least one member of the family breaks the link by setting herself free from the emotional burden that she absorbed from childhood and that may even be in her genes. The family member who “breaks the spell” does so first and foremost by helping herself. It is about being focused on your own inner growth and expansion. This growth and expansion has an effect on the “energy of the family.” It opens up the possibility for members of that family to find the way out as well. The lightworker who has freed himself of the emotional dead-end ally provides an energetic trail for others of his family. This he accomplishes by his inner work and what he radiates because of that, not by actually trying or even pushing others to change and move forward. What she offers her birth family energetically is the possibility of change. Her energy mirrors the possibility of change to them and that is all she needs to do. Whether the family members pick up on the trail is entirely up to them. Never are you responsible for nor is your spiritual mission dependent upon someone else’s decision to change or not. You may have freed yourself of the karmic burden that your family saddled you with and be ridiculed or rejected for it by your family, and yet your mission will have been entirely successful. You will have crushed the hypnotic hold that karmic patterns can have over a family line and if you have children, the emotional burden will not be passed along to them. This is what your soul mission is about. Imagine you are living in a valley which is quite barren and dry. All of your community tells you that you cannot get out of this valley – it is all there is. You seem to be the only one to remember that there are much more lush and fertile lands than this. So after a lot of consideration, you decide to try your luck and climb out of that valley. The climb up takes a tremendous amount of strength and energy. Not only is the road very steep, there are no road signs or marks to hold onto either. While you are climbing up you leave a track behind you. At some point, you come up out of that valley and the landscape that lies before you overwhelms you with joy and a sense of recognition. You knew there was something out there that felt much more like home than your birth ground. Enthusiastically you peer down and look for your family. You would like them to join you and marvel at this great vista. You would like to share your victory. But you can see no one down there and when you notice some folks far off, they do not seem interested in your journey at all. This is what happens frequently to lightworker souls. I ask you not to mourn the loss of your family in this respect. You will have offered them a great service by walking out of the valley, by clearing the way and leaving a track. This track will stay there and it will be used one day by anyone who wants to climb out of that particular valley. The track is an energy space that you have made available to them. It is the building of this track that was your purpose when you were born with these parents and in this family. It is not your purpose to make your family go up as well or to carry them out of the valley on your shoulders! That is not your task. Whenever you try to figuratively drag your parents or family up that steep hill, you are hindering your own growth and you will be disillusioned and disappointed. It is not the way of spiritual growth and alchemy. Those others that you love and want to share your light with may choose to live in the valley for another century or more. It is up to them. But one day in their own time, they will uncover a little track that goes up and they will think: “Hey, this is interesting, let’s go up and try this; I am not having a good time down here anymore.” And off they go. They will start their own journey of inner growth, their own climb into the light. And isn’t it wonderful, isn’t it absolutely precious, that they will find marks along the way, a track for them to hold onto? They will have to go through their own struggles, but they will have a beacon set out for them which lightens their journey. As a pioneer you will have cleared the way though a wild and unknown territory and the road paved by you will be used with gratitude and honor. To be really free and to regain your mastership as an independent spiritual being, you have to let go of your birth family. You have to let go of them, not only as their child but also as their parent. Let me explain this double bind. The child in you needs to let go of the hope that your parents will offer you unconditional love and safety. It has to turn to you for this and you have to help it let go of the angry, sad and disappointed part of the child that feels betrayed by your parents. This is the child part. However you also need to let go of the part of you that wants to be your parents’ parent. It is typical of lightworker souls that at some point when they grow up, they start to feel like they are the parents of their parents. Because of their inborn desire to teach and heal and their developed spiritual awareness, they often see their parents’ fears and illusions clearly and they want to heal them. This may get you into a lot of struggle with your parents because your desire to help them is often intertwined with an unconscious need to be recognized for who you really are. In other words, the wounded child speaks through you when you try to help your parents, and it is a recipe for disaster when you try to help others through the wounded parts of you. You will end up more wounded and your parents will likely end up upset or confused. To let go of your parents means to let go of any desire to change them. You have to understand that it is not your task to lead them anywhere. Your mission is to deal with your own path – that is all. After you have truly parted with your parents, letting go of the double bind, you will find that a new space opens up between you and them, much more free and open. If they are still alive, the relationship with your parents may become less strained, as the energies of reproach and guilt will have left the scene. On the other hand, you may feel you do not want to visit them so often anymore. There may simply be a lack of common interests. In any case you will feel more free in this relationship, setting your own course through life without the need for approval by them or the tendency to get angry and upset if they do not agree with you. In your life, you may now get in touch with people who belong to your “spiritual family.” Your spiritual family has nothing to do with biology, genes or heredity. It is a family of kindred souls. Often you know them from past lives in which you bonded through friendship, love or a shared mission. It is very easy to get along with them, for you share an inner likeness; you belong to the same family. It is a kind of homecoming you experience. What made you feel different and lonely among other people first now becomes the foundation of your connection and mutual recognition. Bonding with your spiritual family is a true source of joy in earth life. The key to allowing it into your life is to find your own way “out of the valley” and to recognize the light within. When you are able to recognize your own light in an environment that does not mirror it back to you, you become independent and free. Unburdened by the karmic aspects of your history, the fears and illusions that held you down, you will attract relationships into your life which are based on love and respect and which reflect your awakened divinity. © Pamela Kribbe 2005 |
Eltexto hablado ha sido luego corregido en cierto modo para facilitar su lectura.
Este mensaje fue traducido desde el holandés al inglés por la dra. Wendy Gillissen (sitio web, y luego desde el inglés al español por Sandra Gusella.
Querida gente, es para mí un gran placer estar con ustedes nuevamente.
Cuando estoy con ustedes y hablo a través de Pamela, siento su presencia y los veo como energía de luz, buscando su camino a través de un mundo oscuro, donde a menudo encuentran dificultades y energías con las cuales no saben cómo tratar.
Todos ustedes son valientes guerreros. Su sola presencia en un cuerpo físico en la tierra habla de su enorme coraje y disposición para luchar con las energías oscuras y con los obstáculos que encuentran dentro de ustedes mismos. Pamela está preocupada por la palabra ‘luchar’ que uso aquí. Pero yo sin embargo uso la palabra aquí porque ustedes, en cierto modo, son luchadores: luchadores que no sólo resuelven dificultades con el amor del corazón, sino con la espada del discernimiento.
Discernimiento significa: ser capaz de reconocer claramente cuando las energías no están en armonía con las suyas (por lo tanto ustedes pueden soltarlas de su campo de energía). El discernimiento es la energía de la espada, la energía masculina, y la importancia de éste a la luz del tema que voy a discutir hoy es grande.
Quiero hablar acerca del período de transición, como ustedes lo llaman, el período que a veces es llamado la transición de Piscis a Acuario, o de la Tercera a la Quinta dimensión. Ustedes les han dado muchos nombres a esta transición energética que está actualmente aconteciendo en su esfera terrestre.
Yo no quiero hablar acerca de esta transición en términos de eventos externos, en términos de predicciones sobre lo que va a suceder en su tierra. Por ejemplo sobre el número de terremotos o catástrofes que aún deberían tener lugar antes de que el cambio pueda ser completado.
Yo quiero hablar acerca del cambio del corazón.
En muchos de ustedes hay una necesidad de una cierta seguridad. Por esta razón ustedes a veces confían en las teorías sobre la transición y en las predicciones acerca de las cuales leen o escuchan. Ustedes se dejan llevar por motivos de temor y/o curiosidad. Pero al hacer esto, a veces pierden de vista el hecho de que las mismas energías turbias pueden estar asociadas con esas predicciones.
Por lo tanto yo les pido que cuando lean acerca de predicciones del futuro, acerca de este período de transición, siempre pidan la fuente. Pídanla con su corazón, sólo sientan de qué fuente energética vienen esas especulaciones, esas teorías sobre la transición. ¡Usen la espada de su discernimiento!
Yo los aliento mucho a comprender este período de transición en términos internos.
Por consiguiente hablo de la transición de la conciencia basada en el ego a la conciencia basada en el corazón. He descrito en detalle esta transformación interior en las series de los Trabajadores de la Luz, que se encuentran en el sitio web de Pamela y Gerrit. Hablo en estos términos porque se trata de una transformación interior que todos ustedes pueden sentir dentro. No hay nada fuera de ustedes que necesiten para este cambio, y nada fuera de ustedes puede abstenerlos de esto. Tampoco hay un ‘límite de tiempo’, un período en el cual algo haya tenido que ser ‘hecho’ a tiempo. Es una transformación interior que ustedes, personalmente y singularmente, van haciendo paso a paso.
En esta canalización quisiera ilustrar este proceso de transformación (del ego al corazón) con un tema con el cual todos ustedes están profundamente implicados: la relación con su propia familia de nacimiento.
Cómo ustedes se relacionan con su familia, dice mucho acerca de su propio progreso en la transición de la conciencia basada en el ego a la conciencia basada en el corazón.
Su nacimiento aquí en la tierra puede ser comparado con una especie de caída a la oscuridad, pero no conectada con ninguna asociación de pecado y culpa. Es realmente una zambullida a la profundidad que ustedes tomaron concientemente desde una cierta capa dentro de su alma. En el momento en que ustedes se sumergen, sin embargo, están en un estado de inconsciencia, luego están inmersos en el mundo de la materia. En ese momento, ustedes arriban al útero de su madre.
Por un lado, ustedes llevan consigo una energía muy brillante, la energía del Hogar. Ustedes aún recuerdan cómo es estar en el Otro lado, ustedes recuerdan el amor que sentían a su alrededor como algo natural y la unión con todo lo que es, todo lo que vive.
Cuando ustedes descienden a la tierra como un embrión, estas energías del Hogar aún están fuertemente con ustedes. Pero al mismo tiempo ustedes se confrontan con lo que yo llamo el ‘paradigma de los padres’.
Paradigma es una palabra que significa tanto como visión del mundo, pero ésta abarca mucho más que eso. No sólo contiene los pensamientos y convicciones de sus padres sino también sus sentimientos, sus emociones más profundas. Toda esa ‘red de seguridad’ es el paradigma dentro del cual se sumergieron como una nueva alma que viene a la tierra, al comienzo de su nueva encarnación.
Ustedes están inmersos en la realidad de la ‘tercera dimensión’, o como a mí me gusta llamarla: el mundo de la conciencia basada en el ego, como está representado en sus padres. Ésta es una realidad energética en la cual predominan ciertas ilusiones.
Quiero mencionar aquí las tres ilusiones más importantes.
1. La pérdida de la maestría
La primer ilusión es la ilusión de la pérdida de la maestría. Esta ilusión les hace olvidar, mientras viven, trabajan, y están vivos en la tierra, que ustedes son los creadores de todo lo que sucede en su vida. Ustedes no reconocen lo que sucede en sus vidas como su propia creación, de vez en cuando ustedes piensan que son una víctima. Ustedes creen que hay poderes, más grandes que ustedes, que pueden hacer y planear su vida. Ésta es la pérdida de la maestría.
2. La pérdida de la unidad
Y luego, con la zambullida dentro de lo profundo, esa zambullida dentro del paradigma de sus padres, quienes han vivido en la ilusión por bastante tiempo, también está la pérdida de la unidad con todo lo que vive. El reconocimiento de unidad entre ustedes y el mundo, entre ustedes y ‘el otro’ está perdido para ustedes. Dentro de la conciencia basada en el ego existe la convicción de que todos nosotros estamos separados unos de otros, cada uno en un cuerpo separado. Existe la creencia de que vivimos en ese cuerpo y que cuesta mucho trabajo contactar a los demás. Es la ilusión del cuerpo como una prisión. Esa es la segunda ilusión.
3. La pérdida del amor
Y la tercer ilusión que quisiera mencionar aquí es la pérdida del amor. En la esfera fuera de la cual ustedes vienen a la tierra, la energía del amor ha sido un nutrimento patente. Cuando vienen aquí a un mundo relativamente oscuro, donde hay mucho desamor, comienzan a confundir amor con toda clase de energías que no son amor, como admiración de dependencia emocional. Más tarde en esta canalización retornaré a esta confusión.
Ahora, quisiera llevarlos a aquel momento cuando nacen aquí, un pie aún en el cielo, el otro en la tierra, en ese paradigma ustedes no encajan bien en todo eso. Siempre hay puntos específicos con los cuales sus padres están muy ligados al paradigma. También hay puntos donde ellos están libres de él, esto es decir, hay aspectos en los cuales la energía del corazón ha sido liberada en ellos. Pero siempre hay algunos puntos en los cuales ellos también están muy adheridos al paradigma de la conciencia basada en el ego.
Y ahí ustedes llegan, como quien dice, frescos desde el cielo. Lo que sucede luego en el desarrollo del niño en relación a sus padres, es que al comienzo se apegará muy fuertemente al paradigma de sus padres, y luego comenzará a soltarlo lentamente a medida que envejece. Este proceso de desarrollo está muy emparentado a la transición desde la energía del ego a la energía del corazón que está teniendo lugar en la conciencia colectiva de la humanidad como un todo.
Lo que está teniendo lugar a gran escala, también está sucediendo a pequeña escala, en el nivel de lo individual. La transición de la conciencia basada en el ego a la conciencia basada en el corazón en un micro-nivel a menudo ocurre al trascender las energías limitantes, cargadas de miedo, que ustedes han recibido de sus padres durante su infancia.
Quiero describir esta transformación de la conciencia a una pequeña escala, por ejemplo describiendo la relación entre padres y niños, porque es muy fácil para ustedes reconocerlo al nivel de la experiencia personal. No me gustan las predicciones o anuncios que no están a tono con la experiencia, que no pueden ser reconocidos por su propio corazón, por sus propios sentimientos. Es por esto que yo les pido a ustedes otra vez: cuando lean o escuchen un material sobre el período de transición, por favor cuestiónenlos con su corazón y vean si encajan con su propia experiencia. Porque ustedes ya no son estudiantes, todos ustedes son maestros. Su propia experiencia es el criterio de prueba.
Sus corazones están llenos de sentimientos intuitivos, tiernos y apacibles, acerca de lo que está sucediendo. Confíen en ellos. Cómo se definirá exteriormente este cambio interno de la conciencia, en la realidad física de la tierra, todo eso no es importante. Triunfaremos cuando triunfemos.
Es el paso del corazón, el paso interior, en el reino de las emociones, lo que realmente cuenta en la transición de la Nueva Era.
En el momento en que comienzan la vida aquí en la tierra, ustedes se topan con la realidad principalmente a través de sus padres. Al llegar aquí ustedes traen consigo la memoria del Hogar, y sienten una apacible sensación de nostalgia. Hemos mencionado anteriormente el trauma del nacimiento cósmico (ver la canalización 3 en estas series), que ustedes llevan consigo como un alma, por todo el camino desde el comienzo de su viaje a través de todas sus vidas en la tierra y en otra parte. Pero cada vez que ustedes comienzan a vivir como un niño en una vida terrenal específica, también hay un trauma de nacimiento. Quiero decir esto principalmente en un sentido psicológico: despedirse siempre del Hogar, y la necesidad de corregir esto, de encontrar su propio camino en la energía de la tierra.
En el momento de su nacimiento, los padres pertenecen a la energía de la tierra. Ellos ya se han adaptado a esta dimensión, a las leyes que se aplican aquí. Con frecuencia son leyes limitantes, en el área de las normas sociales e ideas que los padres han absorbido marcadamente, las cuales no son patentes para el niño en absoluto.
De este modo los padres representan para el niño la conciencia basada en el ego, el paradigma de las tres ilusiones. El niño se enfrenta a esto por medio del hogar paternal, y el modo en el que este paradigma se ha desarrollado en los padres, lo influenciará marcadamente el resto de su vida.
Por supuesto que los padres –Pamela me pide que agregue este pensamiento, porque no quiere que los padres sean puestos bajo una luz desfavorable – en algún momento también han sido niños, y han ido a través del mismo proceso. Los padres no fuerzan concientemente sus miedos e ilusiones sobre sus hijos. Por más que sea, en la etapa en que ellos tienen hijos, los adultos inconscientemente han absorbido muchas energías del viejo paradigma basado en el ego, el paradigma que está formado por las tres ilusiones que hemos mencionado anteriormente.
El niño entra a esto fresco y nuevo y se da cuenta de que la realidad no se corresponde, no está en armonía con lo que él estaba acostumbrado. En esa fase muy temprana de su vida, el niño está en un estado de conciencia más bien pasivo. Está muy abierto en sus ser, en su mente y en sus sentimientos, y absorbe todo lo que lo rodea. Especialmente en los tres primeros meses la habilidad del niño para absorber es increíble, asimila todo de la realidad energética que lo rodea, dentro del núcleo más profundo de sus células.
Él se bebe de un solo trago, y la experimenta como realidad, la realidad energética del entorno directo, usualmente la de los padres. Por otro lado, aún está dentro de él aquella ‘pieza del cielo’, aquél núcleo de ser puro, incondicional que no es afectado por las ilusiones.
En cierto modo estas realidades energéticas chocan entre sí, pero el niño mantiene esto escondido de él mismo. Porque este conflicto es demasiado doloroso para experimentarlo en esta etapa muy vulnerable en la cual el niño se encuentra cuando es un recién nacido. Para esconder esta colisión, este conflicto interior para él mismo, el niño se acomodará a su entorno. Él quiere hallar una ratificación, en su ambiente, para estas energías de amor, de unidad, y de maestría que aún están presentes en él en su estado natural.
El niño aún es maestro de su realidad, se siente unido y uno, tiene amor, pero quiere que éste sea confirmado por su entorno. Él comienza a buscar confirmación, pero con frecuencia recibe confusos mensajes de su entorno.
Sus padres quieren darle amor, pero también hay mucho miedo en ellos. Hay mucha energía bloqueada que no puede fluir, que ellos no se permiten que fluya. También hay en los padres un anhelo, una sensación de añoranza por su propia maestría, su amor, su vínculo natural con Todo lo que Es, pero ellos han perdido este estado de la mente hace mucho tiempo. Ellos se han habituado tanto a la vida en la tierra con todas sus ilusiones, que han comenzado a considerar estas ilusiones como reales.
Por lo tanto inconscientemente, los padres criarán a sus hijos con energías que son confusas para ellos. Y otra vez, hasta un cierto punto los padres no pueden ser culpados por esto, en el sentido de que en un nivel conciente ellos a menudo se están esforzando mucho por dar a sus hijos lo mejor.
Cuando un niño nace, los padres a menudo tendrán una abertura a más luz y amor. En aquel momento, un núcleo de amor incondicional, divino será tocado en los padres. Ellos sienten el carácter sagrado del nacimiento y del pequeño ser que se ha confiado en ellos y en la vida. Al nacimiento del niño sus corazones están abiertos de par en par, y ellos están en contacto con su propio ser divino, sagrado. Pero esto con frecuencia es temporal, porque más tarde todo comenzará a calmarse, a envolverse otra vez en la realidad energética de los padres que existía antes del nacimiento del niño. Y así la abertura a la realidad basada en el corazón que estuvo ahí, también puede cerrarse otra vez y con frecuencia lo hace. Los padres retroceden a sus viejos modos de pensar, sentir y querer.
¿Y entonces qué sucede con el niño que crece?
La mayoría de los niños eligen adaptarse tan enfáticamente al paradigma paternal, que ellos pierden el contacto con su energía del alma original, aquella de la que aún tenían mucha conciencia al comienzo de su encarnación. En esta primer fase de la vida (hasta la pubertad) ellos están tan preocupados en enfocarse en este mundo, y en conseguir el amor y la atención de sus padres, que ellos mismos olvidan quienes son.
El niño tiene un desenfrenado anhelo por amor y cercanía y cuando los padres no pueden proveerlo suficientemente, el niño se inclinará hacia otro lado para conseguirlo de cualquier forma. Él creará ilusorias imágenes de amor.
Él tomará por amor las energías indebidas, por ejemplo el orgullo de un padre cuando el hijo logra algo que en el mundo externo es visto como inteligente o bien hecho. Esta clase de orgullo paternal en realidad no tiene nada que ver con el niño. No es un orgullo en un logro interior, sino en un desempeño externo que no se origina necesariamente en los impulsos internos del niño. El niño puede crecer viendo a esta clase de orgullo como amor. Y a menudo más adelante en su vida llegará a trabajar muy duro y no entenderá, siendo un adulto, por qué tiene el impulso a trabajar tan duro todo el tiempo, por qué el trabajo ha llegado a ser una adicción para él.
Una segunda distorsión o imagen ilusoria del amor es cuando el niño comienza a confundir amor con dependencia emocional. Muchos padres han experimentado ellos mismos una falta de amor real durante su infancia. Ellos no se han sentido verdaderamente acogidos en una atmósfera de cordialidad y seguridad. Cuando luego ellos mismos tienen un hijo, lo abrazan con señales mixtas. Por un lado, está el amor genuino, por otro lado está la necesidad subconsciente de suplir la pérdida. Los padres intentan sanar sus propias heridas emocionales encontrando el amor y la seguridad emocional, que ellos perdieron en su pasado, a través de la relación con sus hijos. Cuando esto sucede, el niño recibe señales muy confusas por parte de sus padres.
La energía lo pondrá al tanto, los mensajes “te amo” y “te necesito” estarán indisolublemente intrincadas. Por este enredo, que ustedes podrían imaginar como una espiral de cuerdas retorcidas, el niño comienza a asociar amor con necesidad. Este enredo o ilusión es el comienzo de una relación emocional de dependencia entre padres e hijos, que puede tener un resultado muy destructivo, no sólo en la relación padre-hijo, sino también a la larga en las relaciones íntimas que el niño tendrá como un adulto.
En las relaciones que tenga con otros adultos, él o ella podrían fácilmente comenzar a pensar que ‘ser necesitado’ es un ingrediente esencial del amor en esa relación. Podrían entonces comenzar a interpretar los sentimientos de dependencia, incluso los celos y el carácter dominante, como una forma de amor, mientras que estas energías son diametralmente opuestas al amor.
Resumiendo esta primer parte del material, ustedes ven que siendo niños en el nacimiento aterrizan a un paradigma paternal que en el comienzo, es decir la primer mitad de sus vidas, causará totalmente mucha confusión. Es como si ustedes fuesen llevados por mal camino, y en un cierto momento entran a sus vidas oportunidades y posibilidades que los invitan a investigar, a desenredar el nudo. Entonces podrían sufrir una crisis de identidad, en la cual ya nada es cierto y ustedes constantemente dudan de quienes son y de quienes no son. Esto se ha descrito en las series de los Trabajadores de la Luz como la primer fase de la transición del ego al corazón.
El verdadero desenredo de sus ilusiones y errores toman lugar cuando ustedes contactan la energía del corazón, también descrita en la series de los Trabajadores de la Luz. En cuanto a sus padres, esto significa ser realmente capaz de liberarlos y perdonarlos interiormente y comenzar a seguir su propio camino.
En cierto sentido ustedes han sido las víctimas de sus padres; sus padres como representantes de la conciencia basada en el ego durante su infancia. Ustedes han vivido temporalmente y parcialmente de acuerdo a sus ilusiones. En cierto modo, ustedes no tuvieron opción, mientras fueron niños. Sin embargo, trascender este estado de ser la víctima es uno de las rupturas más poderosas que ustedes pueden tener en sus vidas. Cuando ustedes pueden reconocer las impresiones energéticas más profundas de su infancia como tales esto los vuelve una persona libre, y luego deciden cuáles les convienen y cuáles es mejor soltar. Esto es maestría.
Entonces ustedes ya no se adaptarán subconscientemente a los deseos y anhelos de sus padres, cuando no sean los suyos propios. Al mismo tiempo, ustedes ya no se rebelarán contra ellos tampoco. Ustedes pueden ver las impresiones que no les conviene simplemente como algo que no pertenece a su período. Ustedes no necesitan juzgar a sus padres nunca más por cargarlos con estos aspectos. Ustedes no tienen que luchar contra ellos nunca más.
Ustedes son introducidos a la conciencia basada en el ego a través de sus padres y ustedes la trascienden nuevamente a través de sus padres, específicamente liberándolos a ellos en amor y perdón y reconociéndose a ustedes mismos como el maestro independiente que son. Éste es el reclamo de su maestría, el reconocimiento de que ustedes son los creadores de su vida y de todo lo que han elegido, incluso del camino equivocado que han tomado.
Los Trabajadores de la Luz y sus padres
Llegado a este punto quisiera hablar específicamente sobre las almas Trabajadoras de la Luz. También ellas al nacimiento se sumergen dentro del paradigma de los padres que han elegido para ellas mismas como almas. Ahora, los Trabajadores de la Luz frecuentemente llevan con ellos una asignación extra en relación con los padres o con el paradigma paternal.Los Trabajadores de la Luz, cuando vienen a la tierra, tienen la intención de plantar la semilla, los brotes de la conciencia Crística, la energía de la Nueva Era. En un sentido incluso más profundo que las otras almas, Los Trabajadores de la Luz tienen el propósito de comprender el paradigma del corazón en la realidad terrenal. Específicamente por esta razón –y esto puede parecer una paradoja- muchas almas Trabajadoras de la Luz eligen familias para encarnarse en ellas, en las cuales hay mucha oscuridad. Con oscuridad me refiero simplemente a las ilusiones de las cuales hablé anteriormente, las tres ilusiones que llevan a la pérdida de su maestría, a la pérdida de su verdadera unidad, a la pérdida del amor.
Así, cuando los Trabajadores de la Luz vienen a la tierra con una conciencia desarrollada, un refinamiento o ‘antigüedad’ en sus almas, ellos terminan en familias donde algo está sucediendo, donde una cierta ilusión es experimentada al extremo. Por la naturaleza de su misión, los Trabajadores de la Luz son como un imán arrastrado a situaciones donde la energía se ha quedado atascada, donde la energía está paralizada como en un callejón sin salida. Ellos sienten como su tarea el hacer que la energía fluya nuevamente ahí.
Y es por esto que los Trabajadores de la Luz frecuentemente nacen dentro de familias difíciles.
Cuando ellos comienzan la vida, los Trabajadores de la Luz a menudo tienen una fuerte confianza de que ellos encontrarán la salida, de que ellos superarán la energía limitante. Sin embargo, cuando ellos nacen como niños y crecen, están expuestos a los mismos dilemas y confusiones como cualquier otro niño. En un cierto sentido, ellos incluso experimentan esta confusión más profundamente y más intensamente. Debido a que llevan consigo mucho de la energía del Hogar, ellos (interiormente) chocan frontalmente con los modelos de energía bloqueada en su entorno y esto los hiere profundamente. Así existe un cierto riesgo implicado en el viaje de los Trabajadores de la Luz hacia aquellos lugares de oscuridad o error. Es una misión peligrosa. No olviden por qué yo los llamo a ustedes valientes guerreros, es por esta razón.
Su nacimiento aquí es un aterrizaje en un paisaje inhóspito con solamente ustedes, su conocimiento interior, como equipaje. Hay una baja resonancia con el ambiente, no mucho reconocimiento y admisión de quiénes son ustedes. Es el extranjero que ustedes buscan como un Trabajador de la Luz. Como un Trabajador de la Luz ustedes son los pioneros que quieren cambiar la dirección a algo, cambiar algo, y ustedes siempre son los primeros en hacer eso en ese ambiente. Por lo tanto ustedes no se encuentran con sus semejantes en ese momento. Y eso hiere, es duro para un alma humana. Como una entidad espiritual ustedes han elegido este camino concientemente pero como un ser humano, mientras son niños puede ser cruel. Es por esto que yo los incito a sentir y a reconocer ese dolor en ustedes mismos, porque sólo haciendo eso pueden trabajar con eso y liberarlo. Es el dolor de un niño que está desamparado y que nunca encuentra reconocimiento de su originalidad. El niño es un extraño en ese ambiente. Los Trabajadores de la Luz experimentan esto incluso más porque ellos son 1. muy ‘diferentes’, y 2. buscan un ambiente donde el ser diferente no sea reconocido o sea aceptado con dificultad.
Todo el viaje del niño hacia la edad adulta e incluso hacia la vejez, puede ser visto como un desafío a encontrar nuevamente su propia, innata luz interior. El desafío es ser, desde su interior profundo, conocer y sentir otra vez: “este soy yo, y esto es lo que yo he venido a traer aquí.”
Esto es especialmente verdadero para los Trabajadores de la Luz. Su asignación ante todo es llegar a ser quienes ellos son. Al hacer eso, ellos llevan a cabo su misión. No es su tarea mejorar el mundo. Es su tarea encontrarse a ustedes mismos. Y sí, el mundo llegará a ser un mejor lugar por esto, porque su Luz entonces brillará de un modo natural. Pero ustedes no tienen que trabajar para esto, sólo sucederá.
El verdadero trabajo es soltar todas aquellas pizcas de paradigma del ego (miedo, ilusión) que ustedes absorbieron tan profundamente cuando eran niños, durante los tres primeros meses y después.
Esta liberación es una tarea extremadamente pesada. No quiero desalentarlos diciéndoles esto. Más aún, yo quiero enseñarles a ustedes que pueden tener mucho respeto por ustedes mismos y que ustedes son los valientes guerreros que yo conozco. El desafío es realmente ser todo lo que ustedes pueden ser en un ambiente que no es el propio. Este es el trabajo del pionero, de aquél que allana el terreno para una nueva conciencia aquí en la tierra.
Resolviendo el karma familiar
En los textos que han sido ubicados previamente en el sitio (las series de los Trabajadores de la Luz) he hablado mucho acerca de las etapas por las que deben pasar para desprenderse de la conciencia basada en el ego y comenzar a moverse a vivir desde el corazón. Por lo tanto aquí yo no tocaré estos temas. Quiero decir algo específicamente sobre la relación con sus padres y quiero relacionarlo con los ejercicios de meditación que Gerrit ha realizado al comienzo.(Esto no ha sido publicado).
Es importante tomar conciencia de todos los sentimientos implicados en la relación con sus padres, en particular los sentimientos que su niño interior tiene hacia ellos. Por lo tanto puede ser muy instructivo invertir los roles, como sucede en el ejercicio. (En este ejercicio, ustedes se encuentran con sus padres siendo ellos niños). Pueden surgir a luz cosas que ustedes no sospechaban.
Esta inversión de roles lleva en ella una semilla de verdad. En esencia, ustedes (también) son los padres de sus padres. Fue su intención jugar la parte de padres cuando ustedes vinieron a la tierra en esa familia específica: ustedes querían conducir a sus padres a algún lugar, o lejos de algo; ustedes querían invitarlos a ellos a volverse hacia una realidad más iluminada.
Ustedes frecuentemente piensan que han fracasado en esto. Sienten como que han fallado, que no han sido capaces de ayudar a sus padres del modo en que lo han previsto.
Sin embargo eso no es verdad.
La cuestión es entender verdaderamente qué significa ‘ayudar’. Esto funciona de la siguiente manera:
Ustedes, cuando nacen, son desembarcados a un paradigma al cual esencialmente ustedes no pertenecen. Pero comienzan a vivir de él, lo absorben tan intensamente que pasa a formar parte de ustedes. Pasa a ser tal parte de ustedes que realmente ya no saben más qué es de ustedes y qué no. Subconscientemente esto los hiere y los lleva a un conflicto interior. A medida que ustedes se van haciendo adultos, pueden elegir volverse concientes de este dolor y trabajar en él. Entran al camino del crecimiento interior y de la conciencia. Están llegando a ser concientes de cada una de las capas más profundas de dolor que hay en ustedes mismos, y las sanan. El dolor de no ser reconocido, el dolor de la soledad, todas esas piezas emergen.
Y mientras están haciendo aquello, ustedes están cumpliendo su tarea. Ustedes están ayudando a sus padres, no directamente sino indirectamente. Lo que están haciendo, en realidad, es marcar un camino, una huella energética.
Ustedes se están elevando de un cierto valle, un área oscura donde rigen ciertas ilusiones, y ustedes dejan detrás una huella. La escalada requiere de una tremenda cantidad de fuerza y energía. Y ésta es su misión, la tarea que se han asignado. Al despejar el camino, la ‘huella de la solución’, esta huella estará energéticamente disponible para sus padres, para su familia y para todo aquel que quiera usarla, es decir, todo aquel que esté en un callejón sin salida puede usar la energía de la solución, que ustedes han hecho que esté disponible a través de su escalada fuera de lo profundo. (Ver también la canalización ‘Trampas en el camino para llegar a ser un sanador’ para la noción de la ‘energía de la solución’).
Así, la huella que ustedes mismos crean en el camino hacia su propia iluminación, hacia su propia alegría, es el cumplimiento de su tarea. Además, no es tarea de ustedes llevar también a sus padres o a otros cercanos a ustedes, sobre sus espaldas. Ustedes no tienen que hacer que ellos cambien, hacer que ellos se separen de los viejos temores e ilusiones. Esa no es tarea de ustedes. Su tarea es crear una huella energética, la cual ustedes hacen a través de su propio crecimiento interior y liberando.
La noción de karma familiar, la cual se usa en los círculos esotéricos, puede llevar a malentendidos en este sentido. En el caso del karma familiar se supone que hay un karma que va más allá del individuo, que pertenece a una familia y que alguien de esa familia (los Trabajadores de la Luz, por supuesto) puede asumirlo. Es verdad, por cierto, que en una familia – y esto puede remontarse a muchas generaciones – un cierto tema, ciertos problemas pueden repetirse una y otra vez. Esto incluso podría tener implicancias genéticas. En un cierto nivel se busca la solución para estos problemas, y serán transmitidos hasta que llegue la solución.
A muchas almas, no solamente a los Trabajadores de la Luz, se les ha transmitido una parte de karma que pertenece a la familia de nacimiento en una cierta línea familiar. Los Trabajadores de la Luz con frecuencia eligen esto concientemente y tienen el propósito explícito de contribuir al desenredo o al desembrollo de la energía atascada.
Pero esta contribución no los vincula a ustedes con tener que liberar a su familia de ese karma. Es liberarse a ustedes mismos de ese karma. Al hacerlo así, ustedes crean un espacio energético de posibilidades que luego los otros pueden usar, si ellos quieren. Los otros también pueden elegir no hacerlo; este es su derecho y esto es algo que para ustedes es muy difícil de liberar.
A veces ustedes realmente tienen la idea de que figuradamente tienen que arrastrar a sus padres o seres queridos hacia arriba de la montaña. Que el éxito de su misión realmente depende en el cambio que tiene lugar en la vida de otras personas.
Esto no es así. Aquellos, a quienes ustedes aman y desean mucho llevar a la Luz, pueden vivir por un par de siglos más en el valle. Pero un día ellos encontrarán una pequeña huella que va hacia arriba y pensarán “¡eh!, esto es interesante, parece bueno probar esto, realmente no la estoy pasando bien aquí abajo”. Y ellos parten. Ellos siguen su propio camino de crecimiento interior, su propia escalada hacia la Luz. ¿Y no es esto maravilloso, no es fantástico que haya ahí para ellos una huella a la cual puedan agarrarse?
Ellos aún seguirán su propio camino, pero ahí siempre habrá un faro. Un terreno ha sido allanado para ellos, por lo tanto será más fácil para ellos tomar aquellos pasos. Debido a ustedes. Esa es su tarea; ese es el rol del pionero: despejar el camino a través de la selva, a través de algo que no ha sido conquistado o trazado previamente.
Si ustedes triunfan en deshacerse de las tres ilusiones, si ustedes pueden permitir que las energías de la maestría, de la unidad y del amor fluyan en sus vidas, entonces ustedes están en contacto con el corazón y ustedes viven desde una conciencia basada en el corazón. Entonces pueden soltar el viejo paradigma y en un cierto sentido dejar a sus padres. No literalmente, sino interiormente. Despedirse de sus padres interiormente significa: dejar que ellos sean quienes son, no intentar cambiarlos nunca más. Comprender que no es su tarea conducirlos literalmente a ellos a algún lugar. Su tarea está hecha; han marcado un camino, con amor. Para esto han venido, ustedes no han fallado.
Ustedes verán que luego de este adiós interior, la relación con sus padres se volverá menos tensa, que las energías de lucha, reproche y culpa podrán dejar la escena.
En su ambiente directo, pueden aparecer ahora otras personas que son parte de lo que ustedes pueden llamar su ‘familia espiritual’. Su familia espiritual no tiene nada que ver con la biología, con los genes o con la herencia. Se trata de almas semejantes. Estas son almas que con frecuencia ustedes conocen de vidas previas. A menudo ustedes tienen un vínculo de amistad con ellas. Cuando ustedes se encuentran con alguien así, pueden estar asombrados de cuán fácilmente tiene lugar el contacto y de cuán pronto pueden reconocerse uno al otro en toda clase de aspectos.
Al principio, ustedes han pasado a través de muchos problemas para ser capaces de vivir con el hecho de ser diferentes. Frecuentemente han tenido el sentimiento de ‘no encajar’, pero luego cuando ustedes realmente sueltan su viejo paradigma, se cruzarán personas en su camino con quienes este ‘ser diferentes’ es la conexión, la afinidad que sienten.
Eso les da una inmensa cantidad de alegría y de satisfacción. Es la energía de su verdadera familia, de sus compañeros de alma, con quienes sentirán el reconocimiento que han buscado todo este tiempo. Cuando ustedes son capaces de reconocerse a ustedes mismos independientemente de cualquiera, entonces estas relaciones y amistades satisfactorias pueden aparecer automáticamente en sus vidas y con total naturalidad.
© Pamela Kribbe 2005
Traducción: Sandra Gusella
Jeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe
September 20 -2007, TilburgDear friends,
I am filled with joy as I come near to you today and share my energy. I share my energy with you, but you are sharing as well. Your Light shines and radiates upon the world, even though you do not always realize this. You are making the difference on earth, here and now, in this age in which so much is changing.
At this point of time, there is a bursting open of Light. Consciousness is evolving on earth and it stirs the dark to come out of its hiding place. It brings to the surface much that is old and rotten, for all to see. This is why this age appears so contradictory in its manifestations. Consciousness grows, but it may become darker before the Light gains a foothold and truly shines in your world.
You are the ones that drive the old to the surface, you force it into openness by your consciousness, by your Light. This is what you feel called to, this is who you are. You are lightworkers. You are souls with a deeply sensed mission; you are moved by a calling that gripped me as well during my life on earth. Many of you were followers of me back then, or better put, followers of the teaching and energy that I disseminated.
I am your heart, I am your soul. I am not just that one human being who once lived on earth and who is now returning to you. I come here before you as the expression of the Christ energy: your oversoul, the energy that binds you, that is your source and origin. It is a field of energy that is now moving closer and closer to earth, touching the hearts of many people and affecting their emotions.
This wave of Light brings much confusion to people who are not ready for change. They feel insecure, they experience a lack of meaning in their lives, and they do not know how to deal with these confused emotions. And you are the ones on earth who are here to radiate Light to these people. You are the pioneers, you are the teachers of this New Age. Now you may ask yourselves: am I ready to do that? How should I go about? How do I radiate or express my Light? The answer is simpler than you think: you are already doing it. You are doing what you came to do.
One of the reasons why you have so many doubts about yourself is that you fear to face up to your own grandness. In your everyday life, you still harbour a lot of negative thoughts and emotions about yourself which make you wonder: ”Can I really be anchored and rooted in this place called earth, am I really at home here? Do I truly fulfill my mission here?” And I am telling you: especially when you are challenged by fear, despair or gloominess, you are able to fulfil your mission. Because right there is where your Light is needed the most. No one is better equipped to heal the pain inside of you than you are. In lighting up your own inner darkness, with love and compassion, you are setting up an example of lightwork that radiates outward to others and encourages them to light up themselves.
You are old and come from afar. You are nearing the completion of a cycle of lifetimes. And now, at the end of this cycle, your energy has become gentle, full of compassion and wisdom. But you have also become discouraged, and you get depressed now and then, when you look at the state of mother earth, this beautiful creation of plant, animal, and human kingdoms, which could be so full of life and vitality. Also, when you observe your relationships to others, you often feel that something is lacking. You miss a certain openness, love, gaiety, connectedness. You are homesick for a reality in which you can share this with others. This pains you. You have pain about the world. You have pain about the people near to you. You have pain about yourself. You sense homesickness and a deep love within that you find hard to express and embody here on earth.
But I say to you that you are on the threshold of a New Era. Have faith, I am here with you to support and encourage you. However you are the ones who cross the barrier, you are the ones who carry on my work. You are the Christs of the New Era. Especially when you feel down and tired, losing all confidence, please open up to this new possibility, the light that is dawning, and surrender to it. Do not try to fight or struggle with your fears and gloominess. They are there – let me take care of it. Feel my energy here and now, I am with you.
I am you, we are one. Allow the light and comfort of the Christ energy to be with you and feel how we are all connected by this powerful carrier of Light. You are the Christ of the New Era.
Now I would like to ask you to direct your attention to the hurt part of you, the inner child which has felt beaten and humiliated throughout many lifetimes on earth. You have gone through a lot, both in this lifetime and in past ones. It is this dear child within you, physically located in your belly, that needs care and attention. Especially, it needs patience and trust from you. This child, this emotional part of you, does not heal at once. It has been wounded deeply, and from this hurt it creates negative emotions in your life, such as loneliness, fear, feeling abandoned or rejected. These emotions point at your deepest wound. It is not even death that you fear most. It is the sense of total disconnection from God that constitutes the deepest agony. Feeling separated from the loving presence of Spirit, cut off from the natural light and connectedness of Creation, has created the heaviest burden inside of you. I am asking you to see that pain inside of you and to reach out your hands to the hurt child inside.
Just imagine that you are an angel, a representative of the realms of Light, and feel how your angel energy envelops your body with a soft and warm cloak. It is a golden energy that cherishes you and you can feel how it circles around you, from head to toe. Notice how hands of gold reach out to your belly, to the small and innocent child within. Tell the child it is welcome and precious beyond words.
Say “hello” to that old pain of yours and allow it to be there. “You can be a part of my life, I am not letting you down”. This is the compassion that you long for, this is what makes you whole, let it be. Standing by your own wounded self, not letting the child within suffer all by itself, is the energy that makes you a Christ. In your everyday life, any time you resist your own pain, wishing you could get rid of your fear and anger all at once, cursing yourself for it, you are letting the child inside you down. By resisting your pain, and judging the behaviour coming from it, you alienate the child from you. You say “I do not want to be sad or angry or afraid anymore, I just want to be happy, why can’t I get over it, I hate myself.” But the child within is crying and calling out for you, and it will not be healed by your resistance or condemnation.
Take the time to heal yourself. When you feel resistance, stop right there and sit down. Do not turn away, let the resistance go, for the child’s sake. Be present with your wounded child, allow the golden energy of your angel self to embrace it. Do not be afraid to be so grand! Take as much time and space as your need to heal yourself. Do not belittle your needs and the depth of your pain. Take it seriously. This healing process is the very reason you chose this lifetime on earth. The inner transformation you are going through is precisely what you aimed to accomplish, what you are called to do, and what earth is waiting for.
Have compassion with your pain. Face the desolation deep within and tell that part of you “I am there for you, I AM the angel who brings Light, I will bring you to the promised land. Have no fear, for I stand beside you, I stand behind you, I am before you and I am inside you. I do not come from above, I do not come from below, I come from your soul. I am the essence of You.”
You are becoming angels in the flesh. You are angels incarnated in physical matter. You have much to give and share with people, but do not let that distract you. You are the number one in your life, and you always need to be connected to that inner child part of you. As soon as you notice that your emotions become unruly, that you feel uneasy, tense, anxious or annoyed, face up to it immediately. This is more important than any other thing you need to do in your life. Even other people are second place. Your life is about you. You can only channel your angel light into your human existence, if you are also willing to reach out to the darkest part of you.
Take time and space for self healing. Do anything that helps or comforts you, whether it is spiritual counseling, reading books, taking a walk or preparing yourself a fine meal. Nurture yourself both on the spiritual and on the human level. Stay focused and take your time. This is how self healing occurs. This is how you embody your angel light and do what you came to do in this lifetime. It is about you!
We salute you. We are here in great numbers, much greater than you think! There are angels and guides surrounding each one of you. They want to help you find your way in life. There is a lot of support for you from the cosmos, much respect and encouragement. You are the ones who are doing it here on earth, this we cannot do for you. But we will do anything we can to send you joy and consolation. This is truly an age of transformation. Please call upon us, we are there for you. We are crossing that threshold together and it looks like it is going to be a Great (New) Time!
© Pamela Kribbe 2007
Dear friends, I am delighted to be among you again and to communicate with you in this way. I must say that this means a lot to me as well. I cherish these meetings for in this way I can come closer to you than from my own plane of reality.
Yet I always live inside your hearts and I wait for moments in your time when you are open and susceptible to my energy. My energy, the Christ energy that is being reborn in this time, is not solely my energy. It is not simply the energy of one man who lived on earth at one time; it is a collective energy field in which you take part in a way that is more profound than you realize.
You all made a vow once, you all set your intention to carry this energy forth into the reality of earth, to anchor it in earth. Many lifetimes, many centuries, you have worked on this mission. You are all in the process of birthing the Christ seed within and I am helping you. I was a forerunner, yet the sowing of the Christ seed was a collective effort. Even my coming to earth was possible only because of the field of energy that was present here, woven by you. We work together, we are a unity. Therefore I am accessible to all of you. I am not exclusively available to any one person. I am at the service of all of you.
Today I want to speak about an issue that touches you deeply and frequently in your day to day life. It is about dealing with emotions.
Last time I spoke about the energies of the male and the female which run through your energy field and chakras. I have emphasized the importance of healing the lowest three chakras as a part of becoming whole and complete unto yourself. I thought it was important to emphasize this as some of you who crave the spiritual tend to withdraw yourself, both in thought and feeling, to the higher chakras.
The heart, the third eye and the crown chakra are attractive to you, because these energy centers connect you with the higher realms that are so natural to you. But the real inner breakthroughs must now occur on a lower level, in the area of the lower chakras, closer to earth.
The area of the emotions is a vital area in your growth process towards freedom and wholeness. You are spiritual beings. You come from a plane of reality where the density and coarseness of earth reality was unknown to you. To cope with this has been difficult.
Throughout many lives you have tried to express your cosmic energy here on earth. And in this expression, in the channeling of your energy to earth, many deep traumas have been built up. The emotional body that you all have is rife with wounds and traumas. Of that I wish to speak today.
Anyone who walks the path of inner growth knows the importance of emotions: that you should not repress them, that you have to come to terms with them in some way, that you must ultimately release them. But how it all really works is not always so clear.
I first want to make a distinction between emotions and feelings. I am not concerned here with specific terms or labels and you may call it by different names, but I want to make a distinction between emotions in the sense of energies that are essentially expressions of misunderstanding and feelings or energies that are a form of higher understanding.
Feelings are your teachers, while emotions are your children.
Emotions are energies that have a clear manifestation in the physical body. Emotions are reactions to things that you do not really understand. Consider what happens when you are overcome by a fit of rage. For instance someone hurts your feelings unexpectedly and you feel yourself becoming angry. You can feel this very clearly in your body; in certain places you feel the energy go tense. This physical tension or tightening that follows the energetic shock shows there is something you do not understand. There is an energy coming toward you that you feel is unjustified. The feeling of being treated unjustly, in short the not-understanding, is vented through the emotion. The emotion is the expression of the not-understanding, it is an energetic explosion and a release.
When this happens, you are confronted with the following choice: what am I going to do with this emotion? Am I going to base my actual behavior on it? Am I going to use this as fuel for my reactions to other people or do I let the emotion be and base my actions on something else?
Before answering this question, I want to explain the nature of feelings.
Emotions are essentially explosions of misunderstanding that you can clearly perceive in the body. Feelings, on the other hand, are of a different nature and are perceived differently as well. Feelings are more quiet than emotions. They are the whispers of the soul that reach you through gentle nudges, an inner knowingness or a sudden intuitive action that later appears to have been very wise.
Emotions always have something very intense and dramatic to them. Consider anxiety attacks, fear, rage or deep sadness. Emotions take hold of you completely and pull you away from your spiritual center. In the moment you are highly emotional, you are full of a kind of energy that pulls you away from your center, your inner clarity. In that sense, emotions are like clouds hovering before the sun.
With this, I do not want to say anything against emotions. Emotions should not be repressed; they are very valuable as a means to get to know yourself more intimately. But I do want to state what the nature of emotional energy is: it is an explosion of misunderstanding. Emotions essentially take you out of your center.
Feelings, on the other hand, bring you deeper into yourself, into your center. Feelings are closely associated with what you call intuition. Feelings express a higher understanding, a kind of understanding that transcends both the emotions and the mind.
Feelings originate in a non-physical realm, outside of the body. That is why they are not so clearly located within one spot of the physical body. Consider what happens when you sense something, an atmosphere or a mood, or when you have presentiments about a situation. There is a kind of knowingness within you then that seems to come from the outside and that is not a reaction from you to something external. It comes “out of nothing” (“out of the blue” as you so beautifully put it). In such a moment, you may feel something open up in your heart chakra.
There are many moments in which such an inner knowingness comes to you. For instance, you may “know” something about someone without having really talked with him or her. You can sense something about the two of you that later on will play an important role in your relationship. Such things are not easy to grasp in words – “simply a feeling” - and certainly not easily understood by the mind. (These are the moments in which your mind gets skeptical, telling you that you are making things up or are going crazy).
I would like to mention another energy that has more of a “feeling” nature than an emotional one. It is joy. Joy can be a phenomenon that transcends the emotional. Sometimes you can feel a kind of joy inside that lifts you up without a particular reason. You feel the divinity inside you and your intimate connection to all that exists. Such a feeling may come to you when you least expect it. It is as if Something Greater touches you or as if you touch a Greater Reality. Feelings are not so easily summoned and seem to come to you “out of the blue.” Emotions almost always have a clear immediate cause: a trigger in the outside world that “pushes your buttons.”
Feelings originate from the dimension of your Higher or Greater Self. You need to be quiet inside to catch those whispers in your heart. Emotions can disturb this inner silence and peace. Therefore it is vital to become emotionally calm and to heal and release repressed emotions. Only from your feeling which connects you to your soul can you make balanced decisions.
By being quiet and peaceful, you can feel with all of your being what is right for you at a certain moment. Making decisions based on emotions is making decisions from a non-centered position. You need to release the emotions first and get in touch with your inner core where there is clarity.
Now I want to go into the question of how you can best deal with your emotions.
I said that “feelings are your teachers and emotions are your children.” The parallels between “being emotional” and “being like a child” are striking. Your “inner child” is the seat of your emotions. Also there is a striking resemblance between the way you deal with your own emotions and the way you deal with real children.
Children are honest and spontaneous in their emotions and they do not hide or repress them until adults encourage them to do so. The fact that children spontaneously express their emotions does not however mean that children experience their emotions in a balanced way. Everyone knows that children can be carried away by their emotions (rage, fear or sadness) and are often unable to put a stop to them. In such a situation, the child can almost drown in their emotions and that makes them unbalanced, i.e. out-of-center.
One of the reasons for this unbounded emotionality is that the child has only recently left a world in which there are hardly any boundaries. In the ethereal or astral dimensions, there were no such restrictions and limitations as there are in the physical realm, within the physical body. The child’s emotions are often “reactions of misunderstanding” to this physical reality. Therefore when he or she grows up, the child needs help and support in dealing with their emotions. This is part of the process of “balanced incarnating” on earth.
So how do you deal with emotions, whether in yourself or in your children?
Emotions should not be judged or repressed. Emotions are a vital part of you as a human being and as such they need to be respected and accepted. You can look upon your emotions as your children who need your attention and respect and your guidance.
An emotion can best be viewed as an energy that comes to you for healing. Therefore it is important to not be completely swept away by the emotion, but to remain able to look at it from a neutral stance. It is important to stay conscious. One might put it like this; you should not repress an emotion, but you should not drown in it either. For when you drown in it, when you identify with it completely, the child in you becomes a tyrant that will lead you astray.
The most important thing you can do with an emotion is to allow it in, to feel all aspects of it while not losing your consciousness. Take for instance anger. You can invite anger to be fully present, experiencing it in your body at several places, while you are at the same time neutrally observing it. Such a type of consciousness is healing. What happens in this instance is that you embrace the emotion, which is essentially a form of misunderstanding, with understanding. This is spiritual alchemy.
Let me explain with the help of an example. Your child has bumped her knee on the table and it really hurts. She is upset, screaming with pain and she kicks the table because she is angry with it. She considers the table to be the source of her pain.
Emotional guidance at this moment means that the parent first helps the child name her experience. “You are angry, aren’t you – you are in pain, right?” Naming it is essential. You transfer the root of the problem from the table to the child herself. “It’s not in the table, it is you who are hurt, it is you who is angry. And yes, I understand your emotion!”
The parent embraces the emotion of the child with understanding, with love. The moment the child feels understood and recognized, her anger will gradually fade away. The physical pain may still be present. But her resistance to the pain, the anger around it, can dissolve. The child reads compassion and understanding in your eyes, and this relaxes and soothes her emotions. The table, the cause of the emotions, is not relevant anymore.
In embracing an emotion with understanding and compassion, you shift the focus of the child’s attention from outside to inside, and you teach the child to take responsibility for the emotion. You are showing her that her reaction to an outside trigger is not a given, but that it is a matter of choice. You can choose misunderstanding or understanding. You can choose to fight or to accept. You can choose.
This also applies to the relationship with your own emotions, your own inner child. Allowing your emotions in, naming them and making an effort to understand them, means that you truly respect and cherish your inner child. Making the shift from “outer” to “inner,” taking responsibility for the emotion, helps to create an inner child that does not want to hurt anyone else, that does not feel victimized. Strong emotions – whether anger, grief or fear – always have the component of powerlessness, i.e. the sense that you are the victim of something outside of you. What you do when you focus not on the circumstances outside of you but instead on your reaction and your pain is that you “dismiss” the outside world as the cause of your emotions. You do not care that much about what gave rise to the emotion. You completely turn inward and you say to yourself: okay, this has been my reaction and I understand why. I understand why I feel the way that I do and I am going to support myself in this.
Turning toward your emotions in such a loving manner is liberating. It does require a kind of self-discipline. Releasing outside reality as the “source of the evil” and taking full responsibility yourself means that you acknowledge that “you choose to react a certain way.” You stop arguing about who is right and who is wrong, who is to blame for what and you simply release the whole chain of events that happened outside of your control. “I now experience this emotion in the full awareness that I choose to do so.” That is taking responsibility. That is courage!
The self-discipline in this is that you give up on being righteous and on being the helpless victim. You give up on feeling angry, misunderstood and all the other expressions of victimhood that can feel quite good at some times. (Truly, you often cherish the emotions that bug you the most). Taking responsibility is an act of humbleness. It means being honest with yourself, even at your weakest moment.
This is the self-discipline that is asked of you. At the same time, this kind of turning inward requires the highest compassion. The emotion you are honestly prepared to face as your own creation is also looked upon with gentle understanding. “You chose anger this time, didn’t you?” Compassion tells you: “Okay, I can see why and I forgive you. Perhaps when you feel my love and support more clearly you will not feel inclined to take that response next time.”
This is the true role of consciousness in self-healing. This is what spiritual alchemy means. Consciousness does not fight or reject anything; it encircles darkness with awareness. It encircles the energies of misunderstanding with understanding and thus transforms ordinary metal into gold. Consciousness and love are essentially the same. Being conscious means letting something be and surrounding it with your love and compassion.
Often you think that “consciousness alone” is not enough to overcome your emotional problems. You say: I know I have repressed emotions, I know the cause of it, I am aware but it does not go away.
In that case, there is a subtle resistance within you to that emotion. You keep the emotion at a distance, from fear of being overwhelmed by it. But you are never overwhelmed by an emotion when you consciously choose to allow it.
As long as you keep the emotion at a distance, you are at war with it. You are fighting the emotion and it will turn against you in several ways. You cannot keep it outside in the end. It will manifest itself in your body as an ache or tension or as a feeling of depression. Feeling down or weary frequently is a clear sign that you are repressing certain emotions.
The thing is that you need to allow the emotions to fully enter your consciousness. If you do not know exactly what emotions are there, you can very well start by feeling the tensions in your body. This is a gateway to the emotions. In your body it is all stored. For instance, if you feel pain or tension in the area of your stomach, you can go there with your awareness and ask what is the matter. Let the cells of your body speak to you. Or imagine that right there, a child is present. Ask the child to show you what emotion is predominant in him or her.
There are several ways to connect with your emotions. It is vital to realize that the energy that got stuck in the emotion wants to move. This energy wants to be released and therefore it knocks at your door as a physical complaint or as a feeling of stress or depression. For you it is a matter of really opening up and being prepared to feel the emotion.
Emotions are part of your earthly reality – but they should not get a hold over you. Emotions are like clouds for the sun. Therefore it is so important to be aware of your emotions and to deal with them consciously. From a clear and balanced emotional body, it is much easier to contact your soul or inner core through your intuition.
In your society, there is much confusion about emotions. This is evident, among other things, from the amount of debate and confusion there is about how to raise your children. Children clearly are much more emotionally spontaneous than you are as adults. This creates difficulties. What if some of your moral boundaries are crossed? What if the situation gets out of hand and chaos arises? Does one have to discipline children or let them express themselves freely? Do their emotions have to be controlled or not?
What is important in a child’s upbringing is that they learn to understand their emotions, to understand where they come from and to take responsibility for them. With your help, the child can learn to see their emotions as “explosions of misunderstanding.” This understanding prevents your child from “drowning” in their emotions and going out of control. Understanding liberates and brings you back to your own center without repressing the emotions. The parent teaches their child to deal with emotions in this way by being the living example of it.
All the questions you have about dealing with your children also apply to yourself. How do you cope with your own emotions? Are you hard on yourself? When you feel angry or sad for some time, do you discipline yourself by saying: “Come on, get yourself together and move on”? Do you suppress the emotion? Do you feel that disciplining yourself is good and necessary? Who taught you this? Was it a parent?
Or do you go to the other side? Do you wallow in your emotion, not wanting to let go of it. This also is frequently the case. You may have felt for a long time that you were a victim of some situation outside of you, for example your upbringing, your partner or your work environment. At a certain moment, it may have been very liberating to get in touch with the anger inside you about the negative things that influenced you. Anger can enable you to break free from these influences and go your own way. However you may get so enamored with your anger that you do not want to give it up anymore. Instead of becoming a doorway, it becomes a way of living. A form of victimhood then arises which is anything but healing. It holds you back from truly standing in your own power.
It is very important to take responsibility for your own emotions and not to make absolute truths of them. When you give them the status of truths, instead of looking upon them as “explosions of misunderstanding,” you will base your actions on them and that will lead to uncentered decisions.
The same happens with children who are allowed too much emotional freedom. They run wild and become uncontrollable; they become little tyrants and that is not right. Emotional chaos is just as unpleasant for the child as it is for the parent.
In short you can either be too strict or too lenient in dealing with your emotions (and, by analogy, with your children). I want to go a little more into the “lenient” way, for that seems to be more of an issue nowadays. Since the sixties there has been a collective realization that it will not do to suppress your emotions, for then you are stifling your spontaneity and creativity, indeed your very soul. Society will produce disciplined and obedient children who care more for rules than the whispers of the heart and that is a tragedy – for society as well as the individual.
But what about that other extreme: what about justifying emotions in such a way that they take over and rule your life?
You can very well observe inside you whether there are emotions that you cherish in such a way that you regard them as truth instead of what they really are: explosions of misunderstanding. These are emotions you have identified with. The paradox is that often enough, these are emotions that cause you much suffering. For instance: powerlessness (“I cannot help it”), control (“I’ll handle it”), anger (“it’s their fault”) or grief (“life is miserable”). These are all emotions that are painful but yet, on another level, they give you something special to hold on to.
Take powerlessness or the “victim feeling.” There can be advantages to this emotional pattern. It may give you a sense of safety. It releases you from certain obligations or responsibilities. “I can’t help it, can I?” It is a dark corner you’re sitting in but it seems a safe one. The danger of identifying or “merging” with such an emotional pattern for a long time is that you lose touch with your own true freedom, your innermost divine core.
Things may have entered your life path that have justifiably provoked emotions of anger and resentment within you. This may have happened in your youth, later on or even in past lives. It is very important that you get in touch with these emotions consciously and that you become aware of the anger, sadness or any other intensely charged energy within you. But at a certain point, you need to take responsibility for your emotions, for they constitute your reactions to an outside event.
Being centered, being in a state of clarity and spiritual balance, means that you take full responsibility for all the emotions that are in you. You can then recognize the emotion of, for instance, anger within you and say at the same time: this was my reaction to certain events. I surround this reaction with understanding, but at the same time I intend to release it.
Life is ultimately not about being right; it is about being free and whole. It is very liberating to release old emotional responses that have grown into a lifestyle.
One might say that it is all about the subtle middle road between suppressing emotions and drowning in them. On both sides, you have been raised with opinions and ideals that are not in accordance with the nature of spiritual alchemy. The essence of spiritual growth is that you do not suppress anything, but at the same time you take full responsibility for it. I feel this, I choose this reaction, so I can heal it. Claiming your mastership – that is what my message is about truly.
Perhaps it is not really a middle road, but a different road. It is all about spiritual mastership. In accepting all there is within you, you rise above it and become its master. Mastership is both strong and gentle. It is very allowing and yet it takes great discipline: the discipline of courage and honesty.
Claim your mastership, become the master of the emotional bits and pieces that torment you, often behind your back. Get in touch with them, take responsibility. Don’t let yourself be driven by unconscious emotional hurts that sidetrack you and block your road to inner freedom. It is your consciousness that heals. No one else can restore the power over your own emotions for you. There are no external instruments or means to take away those emotions. It is in becoming aware of them with strength, determination and compassion that they are released into the Light.
Becoming whole and free on the emotional level is one of the most important aspects of growing spiritually. I want to finish by saying: do not make it more difficult than it is. The spiritual path is a simple path. It is about love for yourself and inner clarity. It does not require any specific knowledge or any specific rituals, rules or methods. All things you need for your spiritual growth are within you.
At a quiet moment, go to the feeling side of you. Let this feeling side of you tell you what needs to be clarified and cleansed within you. Trust your intuition. Work on it. Believe in yourself. You are the master of your life, the master of your unique path to love and freedom.
© Pamela Kribbe 2005
Esta canalización fue presentada a una audiencia en vivo el 6 de Febrero de 2005 en Haaren, Holanda. La palabra hablada ha sido ligeramente corregida para facilitar su lectura.
Queridos amigos, Estoy encantado de estar nuevamente entre ustedes y de comunicarme con ustedes de esta manera. Debo decirles que esto significa mucho para mí también. Aprecio estos encuentros, porque de este modo puedo llegar más cerca de ustedes que cuando estoy dentro de mi propio plano de realidad.
Aún así yo siempre vivo dentro de sus corazones y espero esos momentos en su tiempo cuando están abiertos y susceptibles a mi energía. Mi energía, la energía crística que está renaciendo en estos tiempos, no es solamente mi energía. No es simplemente la energía de un hombre que vivió en la tierra en una época: es un campo de energía colectiva de la cual ustedes forman parte de un modo más profundo de lo que ustedes comprenden.
Todos ustedes hicieron una promesa una vez, todos ustedes expresaron su intención de llevar esta energía más allá hacia la realidad terrestre, de anclarla dentro de la tierra. Durante muchas vidas, muchos siglos, ustedes han trabajado en esta misión. Todos ustedes están en el proceso de dar nacimiento a la semilla crística dentro de ustedes, y yo los estoy ayudando. Yo fui un precursor, sin embargo la siembra de la energía crística fue un esfuerzo colectivo. Incluso mi llegada a la tierra fue posible únicamente por el campo de energía que estuvo presente aquí, tejido por ustedes. Nosotros trabajamos juntos, somos una unidad.
Por lo tanto, yo soy accesible a todos ustedes. Yo no estoy disponible exclusivamente para alguna persona. Yo estoy al servicio de todos ustedes.
Hoy quiero hablar acerca de un tema que los toca profundamente y frecuentemente en el día a día de sus vidas. Es sobre tratar con las emociones.
La última vez hablé acerca de las energías masculinas y femeninas que corren a través de su campo de energía y de sus chacras. He recalcado la importancia de sanar los tres chacras inferiores, como una parte de llegar a estar entero y completo dentro de ustedes mismos. Pensé que era importante recalcar esto, ya que muchos de ustedes que anhelan lo espiritual tienden a retirarse, tanto en pensamiento como en sentimiento, a los chacras superiores.
El corazón, el tercer ojo y el chacra de la corona son atractivos para ustedes, porque estos centros de energía los llevan a estar en contacto con los reinos superiores que son tan naturales para ustedes. Pero la real ruptura interna debe ocurrir ahora en el nivel inferior, en el área de los chacras más bajos, cercanos a la tierra.
El área de las emociones es un área vital en el proceso de desarrollo hacia la libertad y la totalidad. Ustedes son seres espirituales. Ustedes vinieron de un plano de realidad donde la densidad y la falta de rumbo de la realidad terrestre era desconocido para ustedes. Arreglárselas con esto ha sido difícil.
A lo largo de muchas vidas, ustedes han tratado de expresar su energía cósmica aquí en la tierra. Y en esta expresión, en la canalización de su energía a la tierra, se han desarrollado muchos traumas profundos. El cuerpo emocional, que todos ustedes poseen, está repleto de heridas y de traumas. De esto quiero hablar hoy.
Todo aquel que transite por el camino del crecimiento interior sabe de la importancia de las emociones: que ustedes no deberían reprimirlas, que de algún modo ustedes tiene que llegar a un acuerdo con ellas, que ustedes finalmente deben liberarlas, pero cómo trabaja todo esto no siempre está muy claro.
Primero quiero hacer una distinción entre emociones y sentimientos.
No estoy interesado aquí en los términos específicos o clasificaciones, y ustedes pueden llamarlo con diferentes nombres, pero yo quiero hacer una distinción entre emociones, en el sentido de energías que son esencialmente expresiones de malentendido, y sentimientos, o energías que son una forma de entendimiento más elevado. Los sentimientos son sus maestros, mientras que las emociones son sus niños.
Las emociones son energías que tienen una clara manifestación en el cuerpo físico. Las emociones son reacciones a cosas que ustedes realmente no entienden. Consideren lo que sucede cuando ustedes se ven superados por un ataque de rabia. Por ejemplo, alguien hiere sus sentimientos inesperadamente, y ustedes sienten que se ponen coléricos. Ustedes pueden sentir esto en su cuerpo muy claramente: en determinados lugares ustedes sienten que la energía se pone tensa. Esta tensión física o rigidez, que sigue al sobresalto energético, muestra que hay algo que ustedes no entienden. Hay una energía viniendo a través de ustedes que sienten que es injustificada. El sentimiento de ser tratado injustamente, en breve la incomprensión, se descarga a través de la emoción. La emoción es la expresión de la incomprensión, es una explosión energética y una liberación.
Cuando esto sucede, ustedes se enfrentan con la siguiente elección: ¿qué voy a hacer con esta emoción? ¿Voy a basar mi comportamiento actual en esto? ¿Voy a usar esto como combustible para mis reacciones hacia los demás o voy a dejar que la emoción sea, y baso mis acciones en algo más?
Antes de responder estas preguntas, quiero explicar la naturaleza de los sentimientos.
Las emociones son esencialmente estallidos de incomprensión que ustedes claramente pueden percibir en el cuerpo. Los sentimientos, por otro lado, son de una naturaleza diferente, y son percibidos también de manera diferente. Los sentimientos son más calmos que las emociones. Ellos son los susurros del alma, que los alcanzan a ustedes a través de suaves codazos, una sabiduría interior o una acción intuitiva súbita que más tarde parece haber sido muy acertada.
Las emociones siempre tienen algo muy intenso y dramático en ellas. Consideren los ataques de ansiedad, de pánico, de rabia o la tristeza profunda. Las emociones se agarran de ustedes completamente y los alejan de su centro espiritual. En el momento en que están sumamente emocionados, están llenos de una clase de energía que los separa de su centro, de su claridad interior. En este sentido, las emociones son como nubes suspendidas delante del sol.
Con esto, yo no quiero decir nada en contra de las emociones. Las emociones no deberían reprimirse; son muy valiosas como un medio para llegar a conocerse más íntimamente. Pero yo quiero expresar cuál es la naturaleza de la energía emocional: es un estallido de incomprensión. Las emociones esencialmente los llevan fuera de su centro.
Los sentimientos, por otro lado, los llevan a ustedes profundamente dentro de ustedes mismos, hacia su centro. Los sentimientos están estrechamente asociados con lo que ustedes llaman intuición. Los sentimientos expresan un entendimiento más elevado, una clase de entendimiento que trasciende tanto a las emociones como a la mente.
Los sentimientos se originan en un reino no físico, fuera del cuerpo. Es por esto que ellos no están tan claramente localizados en un lugar del cuerpo físico. Consideren lo que sucede cuando ustedes sienten algo, una atmósfera o un estado de ánimo, o cuando ustedes tienen presentimientos acerca de una situación. Entonces hay una especie de sabiduría en ustedes, que parece venir desde afuera, y que no es una reacción de ustedes a algo externo. Ustedes lo toman desde el exterior, y viene ‘de la nada’ (‘como llovido’ como ustedes tan bellamente lo dicen). En tales momentos ustedes pueden sentir que algo se abre en el chacra del corazón.
Hay muchos momentos en los cuales tal sabiduría interior viene a ustedes. Por ejemplo, pueden ‘saber’ algo acerca de alguien sin haber hablado mucho con él o ella. Pueden sentir algo acerca de ustedes dos, que más tarde jugará un rol importante en su relación, pero lo cual no es fácil de expresar en palabras - ‘simplemente un sentimiento’ – y ciertamente no fácilmente comprendido por la mente. (Estos son los momentos en los que su mente se pone escéptica, diciéndoles que ustedes están inventando cosas o que se están volviendo locos).
Quisiera mencionar otra energía que tiene más una naturaleza de ‘sentimiento’ que una emocional. Es la alegría. La alegría puede ser un fenómeno que trasciende lo emocional. A veces ustedes pueden sentir una clase de alegría interior que los eleva, sin una razón particular. Ustedes sienten la divinidad dentro de ustedes, y su conexión íntima con todo lo que existe. Tal sentimiento puede llegar a ustedes cuando menos lo esperan. Es como si algo Superior los tocara o como si ustedes tocaran una realidad Superior. Los sentimientos no son evocados tan fácilmente y parecen llegar a ustedes ‘como llovidos’.
Las emociones casi siempre tienen una causa inmediata clara: un gatillo en el mundo exterior ‘que presiona sus botones’.
Los sentimientos se originan en la dimensión de su Ser Superior. Ustedes necesitan estar serenos por dentro para atrapar esos susurros en su corazón. Las emociones pueden perturbar este silencio interior y paz. Por lo tanto, es vital llegar a estar calmos emocionalmente y sanar y liberar las emociones reprimidas. Solamente desde sus sentimientos, los cuales los conectan con su alma, ustedes pueden tomar decisiones equilibradas.
Estando en silencio y tranquilos, ustedes pueden sentir con todo su ser qué es lo correcto para ustedes en un determinado momento. Tomar decisiones basadas en la emoción es tomar decisiones desde una posición no centrada. Ustedes primero necesitan liberar las emociones y entrar en contacto con su núcleo interno, donde hay claridad.
Ahora quiero ir a la pregunta de cómo pueden ustedes tratar mejor sus emociones.
He dicho que “los sentimientos son sus maestros y las emociones son su niños”. Los paralelos entre ‘ser emocional’ y ‘ser como un niño’ son sorprendentes. Su ‘niño interior’ es el asiento de sus emociones. También hay una semejanza sorprendente entre el modo en que tratan a sus propias emociones y el modo en que tratan a los niños (reales).
Un niño es honesto y espontáneo es sus emociones, y él no las esconde o reprime hasta que los adultos lo estimulan a hacerlo. El hecho de que los niños espontáneamente expresen sus emociones no significa, sin embargo, que el niño experimente sus emociones de un modo equilibrado. Todos saben que un niño puede ser arrebatado por sus emociones (rabia, temor o tristeza) y con frecuencia es incapaz de frenarlo. En tal situación, el niño puede casi anegarse en sus emociones y eso lo desequilibra, lo deja fuera de su centro.
Una de las razones de esta emotividad ilimitada, es que el niño ha dejado recientemente un mundo en el cual difícilmente hay algún límite. En las dimensiones etéreas o astrales, no había tales restricciones y limitaciones como las hay en el reino físico, dentro del cuerpo físico. Las emociones del niño son a menudo ‘reacciones de incomprensión’ a esta realidad física. Por lo tanto, el niño cuando madura necesita ayuda y apoyo en tratar con sus emociones. Esto es parte del proceso de la ‘encarnación equilibrada’ en la tierra.
Por consiguiente ¿cómo tratan ustedes con las emociones, ya sea en ustedes mismos o con sus niños?
Las emociones no deberían ser juzgadas o reprimidas. Las emociones son una parte vital de ustedes como seres humanos, y como tales necesitan ser respetadas y aceptadas. Ustedes pueden considerar a sus emociones como a sus niños, quienes necesitan su atención y respeto, y su guía.
Una emoción puede ser mejor vista como una energía que viene a ustedes para ser sanada. Por lo tanto, es importante no dejarse llevar completamente por la emoción, sino permanecer capaz de observarla desde una postura neutral. Es importante estar conciente. Uno podría decirlo de este modo: ustedes no deberían reprimir una emoción, pero no deberían sumirse en ella tampoco. Porque cuando ustedes se anegan en ella, cuando ustedes se identifican con ella completamente, el niño en ustedes pasa a ser un tirano que los llevará a extraviarse.
Lo más importante que ustedes pueden hacer con una emoción es reconocerla, sentir todos los aspectos de ésta, mientras no pierden su conciencia. Tomen por ejemplo la ira. Ustedes pueden invitar a la ira a estar totalmente presente, experimentándola en su cuerpo en varios lugares, mientras ustedes están al mismo tiempo observándola neutralmente. Tal tipo de conciencia es sanadora. Lo que sucede en esta circunstancia, es que ustedes abrazan a la emoción, lo cual es esencialmente una forma de incomprensión, con comprensión. Esto es alquimia espiritual.
Por favor déjenme explicar con la ayuda de un ejemplo. Su hija se ha golpeado su rodilla con la mesa y está realmente herida. Ella está perturbada, gritando con dolor, y ella patea la mesa porque está enojada con ella. Ella considera que la mesa es el origen del dolor.
La guía emocional en este momento significa que los padres primero ayuden a la niña a nombrar a su experiencia. “Tú estás enojada, ¿no es así? – tienes dolor, ¿correcto?”. Nombrarlo es esencial. Ustedes transfieren la raíz del problema desde la mesa a la niña misma. No es la mesa, eres tú quien está dolorida, eres tú quien está enojada. ¡Y sí, yo comprendo tu emoción!
Los padres abrazan la emoción de la niña con comprensión, con amor. En el momento en que la niña se sienta comprendida y reconocida, su ira se desvanecerá gradualmente. El dolor físico puede aún estar presente, pero su resistencia al dolor, la ira alrededor de esto, puede disolverse. La niña lee compasión y comprensión en sus ojos, y esto relaja y calma sus emociones. La mesa, la causa de las emociones, ya no es más pertinente.
Al abrazar una emoción con comprensión y compasión, ustedes cambian el foco de la atención de la niña desde el exterior hacia el interior, y ustedes le enseñan a la niña a tomar responsabilidad por la emoción. Ustedes le están mostrando a ella que su reacción a un disparador externo no es algo determinado, sino que es una cuestión de elección. Ustedes pueden elegir incomprensión o comprensión. Ustedes pueden elegir luchar o aceptar. Ustedes pueden elegir.
Esto también se aplica a las relaciones con sus propias emociones, su propio niño interior. Darle cabida a sus emociones, nombrarlas y hacer un esfuerzo por entenderlas, significa que ustedes verdaderamente respetan y aprecian a su niño interior. Hacer el cambio desde lo ‘externo’ hacia lo ‘interno’, tomar responsabilidad por la emoción, ayuda a crear un niño interior que no quiere herir a nadie más, que no se siente victimizado. Las emociones fuertes – ya sea ira, aflicción o temor – siempre tienen el componente de la impotencia, ej sentir que ustedes son la víctima de algo que es externo a ustedes. Lo que ustedes hacen cuando se enfocan, no en las circunstancias externas a ustedes, sino en cambio en su reacción y en su dolor, es que ustedes ‘descartan’ al mundo externo como la causa de sus emociones. Ustedes no se preocupan mucho más por lo que ocasionó la emoción. Ustedes se vuelcan completamente hacia el interior y se dicen a ustedes mismos: muy bien, ésta ha sido mi reacción, y comprendo por qué. Comprendo por qué me siento del modo en que me siento, y voy a asistirme en esto.
Volverse hacia sus emociones de esta manera amorosa, es liberador. Esto requiere una especie de autodisciplina. Librar a la realidad exterior de ser el ‘orígen del mal’ y tomar ustedes mismos total responsabilidad, significa que reconocen que ‘ustedes eligen reaccionar de un cierto modo’.
Ustedes dejan de discutir sobre quién tiene razón y quién no la tiene, quién es el culpable de eso, y ustedes simplemente liberan la cadena completa de eventos que sucedieron fuera de su control. ‘Yo ahora experimento esta emoción con total conciencia de que yo elijo hacerlo así’. Esto es tomar responsabilidad. ¡Esto es coraje!
La autodisciplina en esto es que ustedes renuncian a ser rectos y a ser la víctima desamparada. Ustedes renuncian a sentirse encolerizados, incomprendidos y todas las otras expresiones de victimización que pueden sentirse totalmente bien en algunos momentos. (De hecho, ustedes frecuentemente estiman a las emociones que más los traban). Tomar responsabilidad es un acto de humildad. Esto significa ser sincero con ustedes mismos, incluso en sus momentos de mayor debilidad.
Esta es la autodisciplina que se les pide. Al mismo tiempo, esta clase de vuelco hacia el interior requiere la mayor compasión. La emoción a la que ustedes están francamente preparados para enfrentar como su propia creación, también es considerada con tierna comprensión. ‘Tú eliges la cólera esta vez, ¿no es así?’ puede ser lo que descubran respecto a ustedes mismos. La compasión les dice: ‘Muy bien, puedo ver por qué, y te perdono’. ‘Tal vez cuando tú sientas más claramente mi amor y apoyo, tú no te sentirás inclinado a tomar esa respuesta la próxima vez’.
Este es el verdadero rol de la conciencia en la autodisciplina. Esto es lo que significa la alquimia espiritual.
La conciencia no pelea o rechaza nada; ésta rodea a la oscuridad con comprensión. Ésta rodea las energías de incomprensión con comprensión y así convierte el metal en oro. La conciencia y el amor son esencialmente lo mismo. Ser conciente significa dejar que algo sea y rodearlo con su amor y compasión.
Con frecuencia ustedes piensan que ‘la conciencia solamente’ no es suficiente para superar sus problemas emocionales. Ustedes dicen: yo sé que tengo emociones reprimidas, conozco la causa de ellas, soy conciente, pero esto no pasa.
En ese caso, dentro de ustedes hay una sutil resistencia a esa emoción. Ustedes mantienen la emoción a una distancia, por temor o por sentirse agobiado por ella. Pero ustedes nunca son agobiados por una emoción, cuando ustedes concientemente eligen admitirla.
Siempre y cuando mantengan la emoción a una distancia, ustedes estarán en guerra con ella. Estarán luchando con la emoción y ella se volcará en contra de ustedes de varias maneras. A la larga ustedes no pueden mantenerla fuera. Ella se manifestará en su cuerpo como un dolor o una tensión, o como un sentimiento de depresión. Sentirse agotado o fatigado es un claro signo de que ustedes están reprimiendo ciertas emociones.
La cuestión es que ustedes necesitan permitir que sus emociones entren a su conciencia plenamente. Si ustedes no saben exactamente qué emociones hay ahí, ustedes muy bien pueden comenzar por sentir las tensiones en su cuerpo. Ésta es una puerta para las emociones. En su cuerpo todo está acumulado. Por ejemplo, si ustedes sienten dolor o tensión en el área de su estómago, ustedes pueden ir ahí con su conciencia y preguntar qué hay. Permitan que las células de su cuerpo les hablen. O imaginen que, allí mismo, el niño está presente. Pídanle al niño que les muestre qué emoción es predominante en él o en ella.
Hay varias maneras de ponerse en contacto con las emociones que hay dentro de ustedes. Es esencial reconocer que la energía que quedó atascada en la emoción quiere moverse. Esta energía quiere ser liberada y por lo tanto golpea a sus puertas como una queja física o como un sentimiento de estrés o depresión. Para ustedes, es cuestión de realmente abrirse y estar preparado para sentir la emoción.
Las emociones son parte de su realidad terrestre – pero ellas no deberían dominarlos. Las emociones son como las nubes para el sol. Por consiguiente es tan importante ser conciente de sus emociones y tratarlas concientemente. Con un cuerpo emocional claro y equilibrado, es mucho más fácil entrar en contacto con su alma o núcleo interior, a través de su intuición.
En su sociedad hay mucha confusión en torno a las emociones. Esto es evidente, entre otras cosas, por la cantidad de debate y confusión que hay con respecto a cómo educar a sus niños. Los niños son claramente mucho más emocionalmente espontáneos de lo que son ustedes como adultos. Esto crea dificultades. ¿Qué ocurre si se sobrepasan algunos de sus límites morales? ¿Qué sucede si la situación se va de las manos y surge el caos? ¿Uno tiene que castigar a los niños o permitirles expresarse libremente? ¿Sus emociones tienen que ser controladas o no?
Lo que es importante en la educación de un niño es que él aprenda a comprender sus emociones. Comprender de dónde vienen y ser responsable por ellas. Con su ayuda, el niño puede aprender a ver sus emociones como ‘estallidos de incomprensión’. Esta comprensión evita que él quede ‘anegado’ en sus emociones y pierda el control. La comprensión libera y los lleva de vuelta a su centro, sin reprimir la emoción. Los padres le enseñan a su hijo a tratar con las emociones de esta manera siendo el ejemplo viviente de ello.
Todas las preguntas que ustedes se hacen acerca de cómo tratar con sus hijos también se aplican a ustedes mismos. ¿Cómo se las arreglan con sus propias emociones? ¿Son duros consigo mismos? ¿Cuándo se sienten enojados o tristes por mucho tiempo, se castigan a ustedes mismos diciendo: “vamos, sigue andando, y no te quedes colgado”? ¿Suprimen la emoción? ¿Sienten que castigarse a sí mismo es bueno y necesario? ¿Quién les enseñó esto? ¿Fueron sus padres?
¿O se van al otro extremo? Se ‘revuelcan’ en sus emociones, no queriendo soltarlas. Con frecuencia este también es el caso. Ustedes pueden haber sentido por mucho tiempo que eran una víctima de una situación externa a ustedes, por ejemplo su educación, su pareja o su ambiente de trabajo. En un determinado momento, puede ser muy liberador entrar en contacto con la ira dentro de ustedes relacionada con las cosas negativas que los influencian. La ira puede permitirles escaparse de estas influencias, y seguir su propio camino. Sin embargo, ustedes pueden enamorarse tanto de su ira, que ya no quieren más darse por vencidos. En lugar de ser una puerta, esto pasa a ser una ‘forma de vida’. Entonces surge el papel de víctima, que es cualquier cosa menos sanador. Esto les impide a ustedes mantenerse en su propio poder. Es muy importante ser responsables de sus propias emociones y no hacer de ellas ‘verdades absolutas’. Cuando ustedes les dan a ellas la condición de verdades, en lugar de considerarlas como ‘estallidos de incomprensión’, ustedes basarán sus acciones en ellas, y esto los llevará a tomar decisiones no centradas.
Lo mismo sucede con los niños a quienes se les permiten demasiada libertad emocional. Ellos ‘corren desenfrenados’ y se vuelven incontrolables; ellos se vuelven pequeños tiranos, y eso no está bien. El caos emocional es tan desagradable para el niño exactamente como lo es para los padres.
En breve, ustedes pueden ser tanto estrictos como demasiado indulgentes al tratar con sus emociones (y, en analogía, con sus niños). Quiero examinar un poco más el modo ‘indulgente’, porque éste parece ser más el tema de discusión hoy en día. Desde los ‘sesenta’ ha habido una comprensión colectiva de que no se suprimirían sus emociones, porque entonces se estaría sofocando su espontaneidad y creatividad, en efecto su verdadera alma. La sociedad produciría niños obedientes y disciplinados quienes prestarían más atención a las reglas que a los susurros del corazón, y esto sería una tragedia – tanto para la sociedad como para el individuo.
¿Pero qué hay en el otro extremo: qué hay en cuanto a justificar las emociones de tal modo que ellas asumen la dirección y gobiernan sus vidas?
Ustedes pueden observar muy bien dentro de ustedes si hay emociones que las estiman de tal modo que las están considerando realmente como verdades (en lugar de lo que ellas realmente son: estallidos de incomprensión). Ustedes se han identificado con estas emociones. La paradoja es que, muy frecuentemente, éstas son emociones que les causan mucho sufrimiento. Por ejemplo: victimización (‘yo no puedo hacer esto’, ‘yo no puedo ayudar en esto’, liderazgo (‘yo me ocuparé de esto’, ‘yo lo voy a manejar’), tristeza, miedo, ansiedad, etcétera. Estas son todas emociones que son dolorosas pero aún así, en otro nivel, les dan a ustedes algo especial de qué agarrarse.
Tomen el ‘sentimiento de víctima’. Puede haber ventajas en este patrón de sentimiento. Puede darles a ustedes una sensación de seguridad. Los libera de ciertas obligaciones y responsabilidades. ‘Yo no puedo ayudar, ¿o sí?’ Es un rincón oscuro en el cual se están sentando, pero parece un lugar seguro.
El peligro de identificarse o ‘fundirse’ con tal patrón de sentimiento por mucho tiempo es que ustedes pierden contacto con su propia verdadera libertad, su núcleo divino más interno.
En el camino de su vida pueden haber entrado cosas que justificadamente han provocado emociones de cólera y resentimiento dentro de ustedes. Esto puede haber sucedido durante su juventud, más tarde, o incluso en vidas pasadas. Es muy importante que ustedes contacten estas emociones conscientemente, y que se percaten de la cólera, de la tristeza o de cualquier otra energía cargada intensamente dentro de ustedes. Pero en determinado momento, ustedes necesitan tomar responsabilidades por sus emociones, porque ellas constituyen sus reacciones a un suceso externo.
Ser centrados, ser claros y poderosos y estar en equilibrio espiritualmente, significa que toman una total responsabilidad por todas las emociones que están en ustedes. Entonces ustedes pueden reconocer la emoción de (por ejemplo) cólera dentro de ustedes y al mismo tiempo decir: esta fue mi reacción a un determinado suceso. Yo rodeo está reacción con comprensión, pero al mismo tiempo me propongo liberarla.
La vida finalmente no se trata de ser correcto; se trata de ser libre y completo. Es muy liberador soltar viejas respuestas emocionales que han pasado a ser un ‘estilo de vida’.
Uno podría decir que todo gira en torno al sutil camino intermedio entre suprimir emociones y sumirse en ellas. En ambos extremos, ustedes han sido educados con opiniones e ideales que no concuerdan con la naturaleza de la alquimia espiritual. La esencia del desarrollo espiritual es que ustedes no suprimen nada, sino que al mismo tiempo toman total responsabilidad por eso.yo elijo esta reacción, por lo tanto yo puedo sanarlo. Reclamar su maestría, en verdad de esto se trata mi mensaje.
Tal vez no es realmente un camino intermedio, sino un camino diferente.
Todo esto tiene que ver con la alquimia espiritual. Al aceptar todo lo que está dentro de ustedes, se elevan sobre eso y pasan a ser su maestro. La maestría es tanto fuerte como dócil. Es muy tolerante y aún así requiere de gran disciplina: la disciplina del coraje y la sinceridad.
Reclamen su maestría, vuélvanse los maestros de las partes y piezas que los torturan, a menudo a espaldas de ustedes. Entren en contacto con ellas, tomen responsabilidad. No se dejen llevar por heridas emocionales inconscientes que los desvían y que bloquean su camino hacia la libertad interior. Es su conciencia la que sana. Ningún otro puede recuperar por ustedes el poder sobre sus propias emociones. No existen instrumentos externos o medios para eliminar esas emociones. Es siendo conscientes de ellas, con fuerza, con determinación y con compasión, que ellas son liberadas a la Luz.
Llegar a estar ileso y libre en el nivel emocional es uno de los aspectos más importantes del desarrollo espiritual. Quiero finalizar diciendo esto: no hagan esto más difícil de lo que es. El camino espiritual es un camino simple. Se trata de del amor por ustedes mismos y de la claridad interior. No requiere ningún conocimiento específico ni rituales específicos, reglamentos o métodos. Todo lo que ustedes necesitan para su desarrollo espiritual está dentro de ustedes.
En un momento tranquilo, vayan a la parte sensible de ustedes. Dejen que este lado sensible les diga lo que necesita para ser aclarado y purificado dentro de ustedes. Confíen en su intuición. Trabajen en eso. Crean en ustedes mismos. Ustedes son el maestro de su vida, el maestro de su único camino hacia el amor y la libertad.
© Pamela Kribbe 2005
Traducción: Sandra Gusella
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Jeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe Dear friends, with much joy and happiness I am with you today. My energy flows among you and as you can feel, this is not a lecture in the traditional sense. I am passing on a certain energy (in addition to information) and you are as much a part of this as I and Pamela and Gerrit. In our being together here, we create a field or vortex of energy in this room, in this opening to the earth. Therefore this place is sacred. At any place where people – angels in human bodies – come together and join with the intention of seeding their light into the earth, the ground becomes sacred. I would like to briefly say something about the phenomenon of channeling which has become so popular recently. You all know the concept of prana, which is employed in yoga and eastern philosophy. Prana is a spiritual energy that you take in with every breath. The idea is that you do not merely inhale oxygen when breathing in but also a life force energy, a cosmic energy which exceeds the physical and enables you to live. Now what I’d like to point out is this: just as everyone inhales prana along with oxygen in breathing, everyone channels continuously in his or her own way. Channeling is not reserved to a few people with a special gift. Channeling is the most natural thing in the world. You see, you cannot live without cosmic energy. You cannot exist, live and thrive without taking in cosmic energy. Just as you cannot live from oxygen alone, you cannot function even in a basic manner without some connection to the cosmic energy that is your home. Earth and cosmos, oxygen and prana, both are necessary to manifest yourself completely as a human being in earth reality. In the previous channeling I have called you the gatekeepers, the ones who open the gate to more light on earth. But you are also the bridge builders, the ones who mediate between the cosmic and the earth realm, the ones who channel cosmic energy to the earth. This is something you actually do and it is something you need to do in order to feel joyful, purposeful and healthy. You are channeling whenever you use your intuition, whenever you go deep within and sense how things are for you and how you would like to change them. At these moments you form a channel with your higher self and you connect to the wisdom of non-earthly, cosmic realms which can support you in reaching your goals here on earth. Every one of you channels in some way to realign yourself with your greater being that is outside of space and time. Today we share our energies and join to channel a cosmic energy which is trying to find its way to earth in this New Era. The New Era is no longer a vision of the future. It is already manifesting itself in the daily life of innumerable individuals. If you read the paper or watch the news it may seem that the time is not ripe yet. But the awakening brought forward by the New Era starts at the level of the individual, not at the level of governments, institutions and organizations. It is in your own everyday existence that a new flow of energy presents itself. It is the flow of your heart that invites you and beckons you to live and to act according to its lightness and wisdom. This is how the birthing of the New Era takes place, by ordinary individuals being attentive to the whispers of their heart. Spiritually the foundation of any real change or transformation is always laid on the individual level. The energy which is awakened in your hearts will gradually find its way through institutions and organizations which still hold on to the old paradigm of ego based consciousness. Old bulwarks of power will break down, not by violence but by the tender energy of the heart. If the heart takes over the lead the old will collapse, not under the pressure of power and violence but under the pressure of love. In this New Era relationships undergo a major transformation. Relationships are the source of the deepest emotions within you, reaching from great joy to deep agony. In relationships you may become aware of an inner pain that is essentially much older than the relationship itself, even older than your human existence. In this age you are invited and often challenged to achieve a deep self-healing in the field of relationships. Because of the new energy now presenting itself it is possible to transform the destructive elements of a relationship into a positive, equal flow of energy between you and the other person. However healing and personal transformation may also mean that you let go of relationships in which you cannot properly express yourself. It frequently means that even if you love someone dearly, you may have to say goodbye, because your own inner path takes you to a different place. Whether it leads to renewal or to parting in a relationship, you are all challenged to face the deepest issues in this area of personal bonding. The call of the heart, the heart based energy which marks the New Era, has entered your daily lives and you cannot ignore it anymore. To explain why relationships can hurt you so much and turn your life completely upside down, I would like to say something about an ancient pain you carry within your soul. It is a pain which is very old, much older than this lifetime, older even than all your former lives on earth. I want to take you back to your original birthing pain as a soul. “Once upon a time” all was whole and undivided. Can you imagine this? Allow your imagination to travel freely for a moment. Just imagine: you are not in a body, you are pure consciousness and you are part of a huge energy field that surrounds you in a comfortable way. You feel that you are part of this unity and are being cherished without conditions. Feel how this energy field encloses you as an immensely comfortable blanket, as an abundantly loving energy which allows you to explore and develop freely, without ever doubting yourself or your intrinsic right to be who you are. No anxiety, no fear. This sense of comfort and security constituted the pre-birthing conditions from which you emerged as an individual soul. It was a cosmic womb. Even if it is far removed from your present state, your heart still aches for this sense of completeness and wholeness, the feeling of absolute safety you experienced in that blanket of love and benevolence. The sense of oneness you remember was God. Together in this blanket of love you constituted God. Within this divine consciousness or blanket of love, it was decided at some point to create a new situation. It is very difficult to put into human words but perhaps you can imagine that in God, this unity awareness, there was a longing for something different, something other than unity. There was, so to speak, a longing for experience. When you are completely assimilated into a wholeness of pure being, you do not experience things – you simply are. In spite of the ecstasy and the total safety in this state of being, there was a part of God, a part of this cosmic awareness, that wanted to explore and to evolve. This part “departed from itself.” You are this part of God. At a certain point your consciousness agreed to this experiment of departing from unity and becoming an “I,” an entity in itself, a defined individual awareness. This was a huge step. From the bottom of your being you felt that this was a good thing. You felt that the longing for creativity and renewal was a positive and valuable aspiration. However the moment that you actually departed from the field of oneness, there was pain. For the first time in your recollection, for the first time in your life there was deep pain. You were torn loose from a realm of love and safety which had been completely self-evident to you. This is the birthing pain I referred to. Even during this first intense experience of desolation, something in your innermost being told you that it was all right, that this was your own choice. But the pain was so deep that at the outer layers of your being you got confused and disoriented. It became quite difficult to keep in touch with the deeper knowledge inside, the inner level at which you are God and where you know that all is well. The tormented part that arose at that time I call the inner child. Your soul, your unique individuality, carries within itself the extremes of a pure divine knowledge on the one hand and a traumatized cosmic child on the other hand. This unity of God and Child, of knowledge and experience started off on a long journey. You started off as an individual soul. You started to investigate and experience what it is like to be an I, a defined individual. God had transformed a part of Godself into Soul. The soul needs experience to find again its divine origins. The soul needs to be alive, to experience, to discover, to self-destruct and to recreate in order to feel who the soul truly is, namely God. The self evidence of being one and whole had been shattered and had to be regained by experience. This in itself was a great feat of creativity. The birthing of I-consciousness was a miracle! It had never existed before. Often you try to transcend the boundaries of your I-ness in order to experience oneness and deep unity again. You might say that is the very aim of your spiritual quest. But consider for a moment: from God’s point of view it is the I-ness, the separateness, that constitutes the miracle! The state of being ONE was the normal situation, “how it had always been.” Within the miracle of being an individual soul lies an immense beauty, joy and creative power. The reason that you do not experience it like that is that you are still struggling with your birthing pain as a soul. Somewhere deep inside you the primal scream of anguish and betrayal still resounds: it is the recollection of being torn apart from your Mother/Father, from the omnipresent blanket of love and safety. On your journey through time and experience you have gone through so many things. You have tried all different kinds of forms. There were quite a lot of incarnations in which you did not have the form of the human body, but that is not so relevant now. What matters to me in this context is that throughout this very long history, you were guided by two different motives. On the one hand there was the zest for exploration, creation and renewal and on the other hand there was the homesickness, the sense of being cast out of paradise and an overpowering loneliness. By the adventurous, progressive part in yourself, the energy which pushed you out of the cosmic womb, you have experienced and created a lot. But due to the birthing pain and homesickness you carried within, you also had to deal with a lot of trauma and disillusion. Your creations were therefore not always benevolent. During your journeys through time and space you have done things you have regretted later on – things you might call “bad” (in quotation marks). These actions were, from our perspective, merely the result of the determination to plunge into experience and venture into the unknown. You see, as soon as you decide to become an individual, to break away from the self evident oneness, you cannot experience light only. You have to find out everything anew. So you will also experience the dark. You will experience all there is, up to all the extremes. At your present point of evolution, you come to realize that everything stands or falls with the power to truly embrace your “I-ness.” It is about truly embracing your own divinity and from that self-awareness, experiencing joy and abundance. In the moment of your cosmic birth, the moment that desolation and pain enveloped you, you started to feel tiny and insignificant. From that moment on, you started to look for something that could save you – a power or force outside of you, a god, a leader, a partner, a child, etc. In the awakening process that you are now experiencing, you realize that the essential safety you are longing for is not to be found in anything outside of you, whether it is a parent, a lover or a god. However strongly this longing or homesickness may be triggered in a particular relationship, you will not find this essential safety there, not even in a relationship with God. For the God you believe in, the God who has been handed down to you by tradition and who still heavily influences your perception, is a God outside of you. It is a God who outlines things for you, who lays out the way for you. But that God does not exist. You are God, you are that creative part of God who decided to go its own way and to experience things in a wholly different way. You had the confidence that you would be able to heal yourself from the primal wound of birth. You could say that the expansive energy of exploration and renewal is a male energy, whereas the energy of unification, joining together, the energy of Home, is a female energy. Both these energies belong to the essence of who you are. As a soul you are neither male nor female. Essentially you are both male and female. You started your journey with both these ingredients. And now the time has come to let them work together in harmony which means to truly experience wholeness in yourself. After having denied your own greatness for such a long time, you will start to realize finally that there is no alternative but to be the God you are longing for. This is the ultimate breakthrough to enlightenment: to realize that you yourself are the God you are craving. There is nothing outside you that can bring you into the heart of your own power, your own wholeness. You are it, you are the one and you have always been the one! You have always been waiting for you. To light this flame of self awareness within brings such joy, such a deep sense of homecoming that it puts all of your relationships into a new perspective. For example you feel less concerned about the things that other people tell you. If someone criticises or distrusts you, you do not automatically take it personally. You feel less affected or eager to react. You let it go more easily and the need to defend yourself, both to yourself and to the other person, drops away. When you are easily affected emotionally by what another person thinks of you, this indicates that inwardly there is a self contempt that makes you give credit to the negative opinions of others. You do not solve this self contempt by seeking out a conflict with the other but only by going inward and getting in touch with the emotional wounds within yourself. These are much older than this specific moment of rejection. In fact all pain of rejection, all relationship pain, goes back to the original, unhealed birthing pain. It may seem as if I’m taking a huge step here for there are all kinds of complex situations in relationships which seem to indicate that the cause lies closer. It may seem as if your pain is caused by something your partner has done or not done. It may seem as if something outside of you causes the pain. And therefore you think that the solution to your problem lies in the behavior of the other. But let me tell you: fundamentally you are working on healing an ancient pain within yourself. If you are not aware of this, you may easily get entangled in relationship issues that can be extremely painful. Especially in male/female relationships (love relationships), you frequently try to forge a kind of unity and safety between you that resembles the primeval state of oneness that you vaguely remember. Subconsciously you are trying to recreate the feeling of being comfortably wrapped in a blanket of unconditional love and acceptance. There is a child within you who is crying out for that unconditional acceptance. However if this child in you puts his or her arms around the child part in your partner, too often it results in a suffocating grasp that blocks both partners from genuine self expression. What happens is that you become emotionally dependent, and then you are going to need the love or approval of the other person for your well-being. Dependence always calls into being power and control issues, for to need someone is equal to wanting to control his or her behavior. This is the beginning of a destructive relationship. To give up your individuality in a relationship, guided by a subconscious longing for absolute unity, is destructive towards yourself as well as towards the other person. True love between two people shows two energy fields that can function in complete independence from each other. Each energy field is a unity unto itself and connects to the other on the basis of that unity. In relationships in which partners are dependent upon each other, you will find an uncoordinated striving for “organic wholeness,” not wanting or being able to function without the other. This leads to an entanglement of energies which can be observed in the auric fields as energy cords by which the partners feed each other. They feed themselves with the addictive energies of dependence and control. This kind of energy entanglement indicates that you do not take responsibility for yourself, that you do not face up to the old soul wound that only you can heal. If only you would address this deepest pain and take responsibility, you would see that you do not ever need someone else to be whole and you will liberate yourself from the destructive aspect of the relationship. Karmic relations In this context I would like to say something about karmic relationships. By this I mean relationships between people who have known each other in other lifetimes and who have experienced intense emotions with regard to each other. The hallmark of a karmic relationship is that the partners carry unresolved emotions within such as guilt, fear, dependence, jealousy, anger or something of the kind. Because of this unresolved emotional charge, they feel drawn to each other in another incarnation. The aim of the renewed encounter is to provide an opportunity to resolve the issue at hand. This happens by recreating the same issue in a short period of time. When they first meet, the karmic “players” feel a compelling urge to get nearer to each other and after some time they start to repeat their old emotional role patterns. The stage has now been set to face the old issue anew and perhaps handle it in a more enlightened way. The spiritual purpose of the renewed encounter is for both partners to make other choices than they made during that former lifetime. I am going to give an example here. Imagine a woman who, in a previous lifetime, had a husband who was quite possessive and bossy. For a while she accepted this but at a certain point she decided it was enough and she broke off the relationship. Afterwards the husband committed suicide. The woman felt remorse. She believed that she was guilty. Shouldn’t she have given him another chance? She carried this sense of guilt with her for the rest of her life. In another lifetime they meet again. There is an odd attraction between them. At first, the man is exceptionally charming and she is the center of his attention. He adores her. They enter into a relationship. But from now on he becomes increasingly jealous and possessive. He suspects her of adultery. She finds herself in an inner struggle. She is angry and upset that he wrongly accuses her but she also feels a strange obligation to be forgiving and to give him another chance. He is a wounded man, she thinks; he cannot help it that he has this fear of being abandoned. Maybe I can help him get over this. She justifies her behavior in this way but in fact she allows her personal boundaries to be violated. The relationship negatively affects her self esteem. The most liberating choice for the woman would now be to break off the relationship and go her own way without feelings of guilt. The pain and fear of the husband are not her responsibility. His pain and her sense of guilt have led to a destructive relationship. Their relationship was already emotionally charged because of another lifetime. The meaning of the renewed encounter is that the woman must learn to let things go without feelings of guilt and that the man must learn to stand on his own feet emotionally. So the only real solution is to break off the relationship. The solution for the woman’s karma is to let go of her sense of guilt once and for all. The mistake she made in her former lifetime was not that she abandoned her husband but that she felt responsible for his suicide. The departure of his wife in this lifetime would confront the husband again with his own pain and fear and it would offer him a new opportunity to face these emotions instead of escaping them. You may recognize a karmic encounter by the fact that the other person immediately feels strangely familiar to you. Quite often there also is a mutual attraction, something compelling in the air which urges you to be together and to discover each other. If the opportunity is available, this strong attraction may grow into a love relationship or a heavy infatuation. The emotions you experience may be so overwhelming that you think you have met your twin soul. However things are not as they seem. In such a relationship there will always be problems which sooner or later will surface. Often the partners become involved in a psychological conflict that has power, control and dependence as the main ingredients. By this they repeat a tragedy which they subconsciously recognize from a former lifetime. In a past life they could have been lovers, parent and child, boss and subordinate, or some another type of relationship. But always they touched a deep inner pain in each other by acts of unfaithfulness, abuse of power or, by contrast, too strong an affection. There was a profound encounter between them which caused deep scars and emotional trauma. That is why the forces of attraction as well as repulsion can be so violent when they meet again in a new incarnation. The spiritual invitation to all souls who are energetically entangled in such a way is let each other go and become “entities-unto-themselves,” free and independent. Karmic relationships as mentioned here are almost never long-term, stable, loving relationships. They are destructive rather than healing relationships. Quite often the basic purpose of the encounter is to succeed in letting each other go. This is something that could not be done in one or more past lifetimes but now there is another opportunity to release each other in love. If you find yourself in a relationship that is characterized by intense emotions, that evokes a lot of pain and grief but from which you cannot break free, please realize that nothing obligates you to stay with the other person. Also do realize that intense emotions more often refer to deep pain rather than to mutual love. The energy of love is essentially calm and peaceful, light-hearted and inspiring. It is not heavy, exhausting and tragic. If a relationship gets these traits, it is time to let it go rather than “work on it” once again. Sometimes you convince yourselves that you have to stay together because you “share karma” and you have “to work things out together.” You call upon the nature of karma as an argument for prolonging the relationship, while you are both suffering immensely. In fact you are distorting the concept of karma here. You do not work out karma together; karma is an individual thing. The karma at stake in such relationships as mentioned before often requires that you let go completely, that you withdraw from such a relationship in order to experience that you are whole unto yourself. Again, resolving karma is something you do on your own. Another person may touch or trigger something inside you that creates a lot of drama between you. But it remains your sole task and challenge to deal with your own inner hurt, not with the other person’s issues. You only have responsibility for yourself. This is important to realize because it is one of the main pitfalls in relationships. You are not responsible for your mate and your mate is not responsible for you. The solution to your problems does not lie in the behavior of the other person. Sometimes you are so connected to the inner child of your partner, the emotionally hurt part inside, that you feel you are the one to “rescue” it. Or your partner may be trying the same with you. But this is not going to work. You will be reinforcing emotions of powerlessness and victimhood in the other person, whereas it would be more helpful ultimately if you drew the line and stood up for yourself. It is your destination to be able to feel whole and complete, entirely on your own. That is the most important condition for a truly fulfilling relationship. Healing relationships There are healing and there are destructive relationships. A characteristic of healing relationships is that the partners respect each other as they are, without trying to change each other. They take much pleasure in each other’s company but they do not feel uneasy, desperate or lonely if the other person is not around. In this kind of relationship you offer understanding, support and encouragement to your loved one without trying to solve their problems. There is freedom and peace in the relationship. Of course there may be misunderstandings now and then, but the emotions they bring up are short-lived. Both partners are prepared to forgive. There is a heart connection between them as a result of which they will not take the other person’s emotions or mistakes personally. Because it does not trigger a deeper layer of pain, they do not attach so much importance to it. Emotionally both partners are independent. They draw their strength and well-being not from the approval or the presence of their mate. He or she does not fill a gap in their lives but adds something new and vital. In a healing relationship partners may also know each other from one or more past lifetimes. But in these cases there is hardly ever an emotional karmic burden as described above. The two souls may have known each other in a past life in a way that was essentially encouraging and supporting. As friends, partners or as parent and child, they have recognized each other as soul mates. This creates an indissoluble bond throughout several lives. I will give another example. A young man grows up in a poor family somewhere in the Middle Ages. He is gentle and sensitive by nature and he does not fit in very well with his surroundings. His family consists of hard working, rather rough people who think little of his dreamy, unpractical nature. When he is grown up, he enters a monastery. He is not really happy here either, for life is tightly regulated and there is little human warmth or companionship among the people living there. There is however one man who is a bit different. It is a priest who has a higher rank but who has no air of authority and who is truly interested in him. Now and then he inquires how things are going and he allots him a few pleasant jobs like gardening. Each time they look at each other there is a sense of recognition, something like-minded between them. There is a silent connection from the heart. Although they do not meet very often or speak much, the priest is a source of hope and encouragement for the young man. In a following lifetime this man is a woman. Once again she has a gentle and dreamy nature. She has difficulties standing up for herself. When she is an adult she gets bogged down in a marriage with a man who is authoritarian and bossy. At first she fell for his distinct, powerful charisma but later on she realizes how his dominance restricts and oppresses her. Nevertheless she finds it very difficult to set herself free from him. At her work she sometimes mentions the subject to a colleague, a somewhat older man. He encourages her to stand up for herself and to stay true to her own needs. Each time she speaks with him she intuitively knows that he is right. Then after a great deal of inner conflict she divorces her husband. The contact with her colleague changes now. She feels affection for him. He turns out to be single. She feels so much at ease with him that it seems as if they have known each other for ages. They start a relationship which is affectionate, relaxed and encouraging for both of them. The sympathy which was flowing between them in a former lifetime now takes shape as a fulfilling relationship as husband and wife. This is a healing relationship. The woman has taken an essential decision in leaving her husband and choosing for herself. With this she has affirmed her emotional independence. This has created the basis for a loving, well-balanced relationship with a congenial soul. Twin souls At this point I would like to say something about the concept of twin souls, probably familiar to all of you. The idea of twin souls exerts a deep attraction for you. However it is potentially quite dangerous, because it can be interpreted in such a way that it reinforces the birthing pain and emotional dependence in each of you, rather than resolving it. This happens when you conceive of the concept of twin souls in such a way that there is another person who perfectly suits you and makes you whole. This is the concept of the twin soul as your other half. You then assume that the oneness and safety you are missing so deeply will be found in someone else who is the perfect match for you. According to this immature notion of twin souls, the souls are considered to be two halves who together make up a unity. Usually the two halves are respectively male and female. So this notion not only suggests that you are incomplete unto yourself but also that you are essentially male or female. You can probably see that this notion of twin souls is not healthy or healing from a spiritual point of view. It makes you dependent on something outside of you. It denies the divine origin which implies that you are everything, male and female, and that you are whole and complete unto yourself. It creates all kinds of illusions which bring you far away from home. And by “home” I mean your own self, the divinity of your “I-ness.” No soul is meant to be someone else’s other half. Twin souls do exist and they literally are what the word implies: they are twins. They are souls with the same “feeling tone” or vibration, or you could say with the same birthing time, as is the case with biological twins. The particular time of birth, this unique moment in time and place, makes for a uniquely charged feeling tone inside the souls that come to life. They are not dependent upon each other in any way. They are neither male nor female. But they are certainly tuned into each other as kindred spirits. What is the reason for the creation of twin souls? Why do they exist? You often think that the raison d’être for something is the learning process it effects. But this is not the case with twin souls. The reason for the existence of twin souls is not to learn something. The aim is simply joy and creativity. Twin souls have no function within duality. You will meet your twin soul when you are transcending duality, when you identify yourself again with the God inside yourself who is whole and undivided and who is able to take any form or appearance. Twin souls meet again on their journey back home. Let us go back for a moment to the beginning of the journey. The moment you leave the state of oneness and become an individual, you enter duality. Suddenly there is dark and light, great and small, sick and healthy, etc. Reality is split. You have no frame of reference anymore for who you really are. At first you took your identity from “being-part-of-a-whole.” Now you are a single part torn loose from the whole. But without your conscious knowing, someone accompanies you who is equal to you, who resembles you as closely as anything could. You took up “the same space” in the blanket of oneness, so near to each other that you didn’t know you were two until you were born. What connects the two of you is something beyond duality, something that antedates the history of duality. This is hard to put into words properly, because it defies your usual definitions of identity in which you are either one or two and cannot be both at the same time. Now you were both setting out on a journey, a long journey throughout many experiences. Both of you have experienced the extremes of duality, to discover gradually that your essence does not lie in duality but outside of it, in something which underlies it. As soon as you become deeply aware of this underlying oneness, your journey back begins. Little by little you feel less attached to external things such as power, fame, money or prestige. You understand more and more that the key is not what you experience but how you experience it. You create your own happiness or misery by your state of awareness. You are discovering the power of your own consciousness. Once you have gone through all the highs and lows of duality there will be a moment when you meet your twin soul. In the energy and appearance of your twin soul, you will recognize a very deep part of yourself, your essence beyond duality, and by this very recognition you will start to understand yourself better and become aware of who you really are. Your twin is a frame of reference for you that carries you outside of the limited beliefs about yourself that you took in during your life and lifetimes before. You liberate yourself by seeing this reflection of you in your twin; it is like a reminder and it has nothing to do with emotional dependence. Meeting each other helps each of you to be stronger and more self-aware individuals, expressing your creativity and love on earth. It accelerates your return journey as it helps you step up to a higher level of oneness while fully retaining and expressing your I-ness, your unique individuality. Ultimately we are all one. We are supported by an energy which is universal in all of us. But at the same time there is individuality in all of us. The twin soul is to some extent the link between individuality and oneness. It is like a stepping stone to oneness. If you connect with your twin soul consciously and materially, you will bring about the creation of something new: a third energy that is born out of their combined action. That energy always helps to enhance unity awareness on a larger scale than just the two of them. Because they are on their way Home, twin souls feel inspired to anchor the energies of love and oneness on earth and they do so in a way that accords with their own unique talents and skills. In this manner the twin soul love builds a stepping stone between “being one” and “being One.” There is a deep inner bond between twin souls but that does not alter the fact that they are complete unities unto themselves. Their joining together brings about love and joy and their meeting enhances creativity and self-realization. They support each other without falling into the pitfalls of emotional dependence or addiction. The love between twin souls is not meant to make each other whole, but to create something new: instead of the two becoming one, the two shall become three. Healing the cosmic birthing pain You will meet your twin soul at some point. Please let this knowledge be enough to you. Try not to dwell upon hopes and expectations that take you out of the here-and-now. What matters in this very moment is that you fully realize that the love and safety you deeply desire are present within yourself. The key is to realize that this absolute self-acceptance can never be given to you by anyone else, not even by your twin soul. Not only in love relationships but also in parent-child relationships, there is the temptation to find absolute oneness or safety in the other. Think of a parent who secretly wants his child to realize all the dreams he did not fulfill, or a child who as a grown up still clings to her parents and considers them to be her absolute safe haven. It is important to become aware of the underlying dynamics and motives in your relationships and to heal them in the light of your consciousness. Your cosmic homesickness is not going to be healed by or in a relationship. This will be done by you alone, by the full realization of who you are, by realizing your light, beauty and divinity. This is the destination of your journey. Also you will not return to the state of oneness from whence you came. The “blanket of love” from which you were born constituted your embryo stage. Now you are becoming mature gods. You will create a field of absolute safety and love from your own heart and allow others to share in this without any conditions. That is the essence of God: unconditional love that radiates, creates and cherishes without any agenda, without any calculation. I would like to ask you now to be silent for a few moments and to truly feel your I-ness, your unique being unto yourself. If you are surrounded by people, then for a moment feel your “I” very strongly. Unconditionally, you are this part of God. It is not something that can be taken from you, it is an undeniable presence that IS. And now feel how this undeniable fact of your I-presence can be a source of joy and strength to you. Say yes to the miracle of your own being and embrace it. Yes, I am I. I am separate and unique, my own being. I may connect deeply with others but also ever remain an “I.” You may think that behind this fact lies solitude and desolation but please go beyond these thoughts and feel the power and vitality within you. If you really say yes to your individuality, you experience self-confidence and trust. On that basis you will create loving relationships and the solitude and desolation will dissolve. When feelings of loneliness and desolation overwhelm you, take the child within you on your lap. Notice the hurt in this child. It is longing for the total safety it once knew as an embryo. It wants to see that safety reflected in the face of your partner, in the face of your child, in the face of your mother or father, in the face of a therapist. Then show the child your face. You have the face of an angel for this child. You are meant to heal this child in the most absolute way you can dream of. Neither I nor any “master” is able to do it for you. We can only show the direction. You yourselves are the saviors of yourself. Finally I would like to invite you to feel our joining together for a moment. Even if you are not present and you are reading this material, feel our connectedness. Do not focus on the I-ness now but on our togetherness in a very free and easy way. Feel the energy, feel what brings us together. It is a longing for a state of wholeness. Now imagine that we are surrounded by the most powerful energy there is, the energy of your awakened selves, the energy of the angel within you. Let us breathe in this energy and take a minute to deeply feel its power.Thank you for your presence.© Pamela Kribbe 2006 |
Jeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe
September 20 -2007, TilburgDear friends,
I am filled with joy as I come near to you today and share my energy. I share my energy with you, but you are sharing as well. Your Light shines and radiates upon the world, even though you do not always realize this. You are making the difference on earth, here and now, in this age in which so much is changing.
At this point of time, there is a bursting open of Light. Consciousness is evolving on earth and it stirs the dark to come out of its hiding place. It brings to the surface much that is old and rotten, for all to see. This is why this age appears so contradictory in its manifestations. Consciousness grows, but it may become darker before the Light gains a foothold and truly shines in your world.
You are the ones that drive the old to the surface, you force it into openness by your consciousness, by your Light. This is what you feel called to, this is who you are. You are lightworkers. You are souls with a deeply sensed mission; you are moved by a calling that gripped me as well during my life on earth. Many of you were followers of me back then, or better put, followers of the teaching and energy that I disseminated.
I am your heart, I am your soul. I am not just that one human being who once lived on earth and who is now returning to you. I come here before you as the expression of the Christ energy: your oversoul, the energy that binds you, that is your source and origin. It is a field of energy that is now moving closer and closer to earth, touching the hearts of many people and affecting their emotions.
This wave of Light brings much confusion to people who are not ready for change. They feel insecure, they experience a lack of meaning in their lives, and they do not know how to deal with these confused emotions. And you are the ones on earth who are here to radiate Light to these people. You are the pioneers, you are the teachers of this New Age. Now you may ask yourselves: am I ready to do that? How should I go about? How do I radiate or express my Light? The answer is simpler than you think: you are already doing it. You are doing what you came to do.
One of the reasons why you have so many doubts about yourself is that you fear to face up to your own grandness. In your everyday life, you still harbour a lot of negative thoughts and emotions about yourself which make you wonder: ”Can I really be anchored and rooted in this place called earth, am I really at home here? Do I truly fulfill my mission here?” And I am telling you: especially when you are challenged by fear, despair or gloominess, you are able to fulfil your mission. Because right there is where your Light is needed the most. No one is better equipped to heal the pain inside of you than you are. In lighting up your own inner darkness, with love and compassion, you are setting up an example of lightwork that radiates outward to others and encourages them to light up themselves.
You are old and come from afar. You are nearing the completion of a cycle of lifetimes. And now, at the end of this cycle, your energy has become gentle, full of compassion and wisdom. But you have also become discouraged, and you get depressed now and then, when you look at the state of mother earth, this beautiful creation of plant, animal, and human kingdoms, which could be so full of life and vitality. Also, when you observe your relationships to others, you often feel that something is lacking. You miss a certain openness, love, gaiety, connectedness. You are homesick for a reality in which you can share this with others. This pains you. You have pain about the world. You have pain about the people near to you. You have pain about yourself. You sense homesickness and a deep love within that you find hard to express and embody here on earth.
But I say to you that you are on the threshold of a New Era. Have faith, I am here with you to support and encourage you. However you are the ones who cross the barrier, you are the ones who carry on my work. You are the Christs of the New Era. Especially when you feel down and tired, losing all confidence, please open up to this new possibility, the light that is dawning, and surrender to it. Do not try to fight or struggle with your fears and gloominess. They are there – let me take care of it. Feel my energy here and now, I am with you.
I am you, we are one. Allow the light and comfort of the Christ energy to be with you and feel how we are all connected by this powerful carrier of Light. You are the Christ of the New Era.
Now I would like to ask you to direct your attention to the hurt part of you, the inner child which has felt beaten and humiliated throughout many lifetimes on earth. You have gone through a lot, both in this lifetime and in past ones. It is this dear child within you, physically located in your belly, that needs care and attention. Especially, it needs patience and trust from you. This child, this emotional part of you, does not heal at once. It has been wounded deeply, and from this hurt it creates negative emotions in your life, such as loneliness, fear, feeling abandoned or rejected. These emotions point at your deepest wound. It is not even death that you fear most. It is the sense of total disconnection from God that constitutes the deepest agony. Feeling separated from the loving presence of Spirit, cut off from the natural light and connectedness of Creation, has created the heaviest burden inside of you. I am asking you to see that pain inside of you and to reach out your hands to the hurt child inside.
Just imagine that you are an angel, a representative of the realms of Light, and feel how your angel energy envelops your body with a soft and warm cloak. It is a golden energy that cherishes you and you can feel how it circles around you, from head to toe. Notice how hands of gold reach out to your belly, to the small and innocent child within. Tell the child it is welcome and precious beyond words.
Say “hello” to that old pain of yours and allow it to be there. “You can be a part of my life, I am not letting you down”. This is the compassion that you long for, this is what makes you whole, let it be. Standing by your own wounded self, not letting the child within suffer all by itself, is the energy that makes you a Christ. In your everyday life, any time you resist your own pain, wishing you could get rid of your fear and anger all at once, cursing yourself for it, you are letting the child inside you down. By resisting your pain, and judging the behaviour coming from it, you alienate the child from you. You say “I do not want to be sad or angry or afraid anymore, I just want to be happy, why can’t I get over it, I hate myself.” But the child within is crying and calling out for you, and it will not be healed by your resistance or condemnation.
Take the time to heal yourself. When you feel resistance, stop right there and sit down. Do not turn away, let the resistance go, for the child’s sake. Be present with your wounded child, allow the golden energy of your angel self to embrace it. Do not be afraid to be so grand! Take as much time and space as your need to heal yourself. Do not belittle your needs and the depth of your pain. Take it seriously. This healing process is the very reason you chose this lifetime on earth. The inner transformation you are going through is precisely what you aimed to accomplish, what you are called to do, and what earth is waiting for.
Have compassion with your pain. Face the desolation deep within and tell that part of you “I am there for you, I AM the angel who brings Light, I will bring you to the promised land. Have no fear, for I stand beside you, I stand behind you, I am before you and I am inside you. I do not come from above, I do not come from below, I come from your soul. I am the essence of You.”
You are becoming angels in the flesh. You are angels incarnated in physical matter. You have much to give and share with people, but do not let that distract you. You are the number one in your life, and you always need to be connected to that inner child part of you. As soon as you notice that your emotions become unruly, that you feel uneasy, tense, anxious or annoyed, face up to it immediately. This is more important than any other thing you need to do in your life. Even other people are second place. Your life is about you. You can only channel your angel light into your human existence, if you are also willing to reach out to the darkest part of you.
Take time and space for self healing. Do anything that helps or comforts you, whether it is spiritual counseling, reading books, taking a walk or preparing yourself a fine meal. Nurture yourself both on the spiritual and on the human level. Stay focused and take your time. This is how self healing occurs. This is how you embody your angel light and do what you came to do in this lifetime. It is about you!
We salute you. We are here in great numbers, much greater than you think! There are angels and guides surrounding each one of you. They want to help you find your way in life. There is a lot of support for you from the cosmos, much respect and encouragement. You are the ones who are doing it here on earth, this we cannot do for you. But we will do anything we can to send you joy and consolation. This is truly an age of transformation. Please call upon us, we are there for you. We are crossing that threshold together and it looks like it is going to be a Great (New) Time!
© Pamela Kribbe 2007
Sexuality and spirituality
Jeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe Dear friends, I rejoice at being with you again. When I see you, I do not so much see you as the physical bodies that you look at in the mirror. It is your inside that I feel and see, the inner movements of your thoughts, feelings and emotions. I am here to support you on your journey. There is a theme that I would like to discuss today that has had a great impact on you throughout your history on earth. It is about sexuality and how it is experienced by men and women. This is not an easy subject. Sexuality has become burdened with many judgments, fears and emotions. Hardly any aspect of it is spontaneous and self-evident anymore. This is the same as saying that the childlike aspect of sexuality, the aspect of the freely exploring innocent child, has become lost. You are full of fear and tension when it comes to sexually expressing yourself. I want to address this burden in this channeling, but first I’d like to say a little about what sexuality means from a spiritual perspective. Sexuality is the dancing together of male and female energies. Originally sexuality was more than a physical act. It was meant to be a dance in which all levels or aspects of you and your partner participate. I will distinguish among four levels or aspects that can play a role in this dance of energies. Four aspects of the sexual experienceFirst, there is the physical level, the aspect of the physical body. The body is innocent. The body knows sexual desire and lust and this is something that is spontaneously present within the body. The body seeks gratification of its desires and it is the human, or the soul consciousness in the human, that determines the way in which the sexual desire is applied and manifested. Again, the body is innocent. It knows lust and desire. There is nothing wrong with that. It can be a source of fun, play and enjoyment. But the body cannot itself choose in what way it is going to express its sexual energy. It is you the human being who is in charge and the body needs your leadership.When you would like to experience sexuality in the most loving way, the seat of leadership will be in the heart. When you let your heart take charge of your sexual energy, it will find its most joyful expression. The alternative is to let either your thoughts (judgments) or your emotions rule the sexual flow and you will see that this will cause several blockages in your energy, but I will speak of this below. The second aspect of the sexual dance I wish to distinguish is the emotional level. Sexual union is a deeply emotional act. If you ignore this aspect, you are not fully present in the act and you cut yourself off from the real meaning of sexuality. In a previous channeling called “Dealing with emotions,” we have gone into the issue of emotions extensively. We highlighted the powerful emotions of fear, anger and sadness and discussed how they can take you out of your center. When any of these powerful emotions is working in a relationship between two people and they are not consciously recognized and addressed, it will come up when they are intimate together. These emotions may cause psychological reactions of resistance or closing down when you are physically intimate, or the body may be unable to feel lust or excitement. Whenever there are these psychological or physical blockages, it is important to deal with them at the level at which they have arisen: the emotional level. When you try to take away physical symptoms without looking at the underlying emotional dynamic, you are disrespectful of yourself and your body. When the body resists intimacy it gives you a message, pure and clear, that there is an emotional blockage. This may be due to a problem between you and your partner, or it may be an emotional hurt you carry with you from the past. Whatever it is, it needs to be addressed and taken care of in a gentle and loving way before the sexual energy can flow freely. Next to the emotional level is the level of the heart, which is the seat of feeling. In the same channeling I just mentioned (“Dealing with emotions”), we distinguished between emotions and feelings. Feelings belong to the domain of intuition and inner knowing. Your feeling side speaks to you through quiet whispers, filled with wisdom and compassion. Emotions are more dramatic in nature and we called them “reactions of misunderstanding,” for that is what they essentially are: explosions of not understanding what is happening to you. (See the channeling for clarification.) When the heart opens up between sexual partners there is trust, love and safety between them. When the heart is present in a sexual meeting, you allow your intuition to take note of what is happening between you when you get physically intimate. You do not hide your emotions, you speak openly of them. Old pain may surface and it is accepted as such. You are accepted as you are and this kind of acceptance is the greatest healing power there is. When you connect your heart energy with your sexual energy, great healing can take place in an area that is much in need of it. However, the heart can also play a subtle role in preventing you from experiencing sexuality in a joyful, loving way. The heart may have closed itself off from the joy of sexuality for different reasons. First there may be a desire in the heart to rise above the physical reality of earth. Second there may be religious dogmas at work that keep the heart from opening up to what sexuality really is. I will address both of these issues now. The heart can have a strong inclination to rise above the dense plane of material reality. It is a kind of homesickness. There may be a longing there for unity that is not at all aimed at sexual union, but in fact carries within it a subtle rejection of the earth realm (and of sexuality as well). Many of you know the desire to transcend this reality. Many of you remember the energy of love and harmony that you have experienced in non-material realms before you incarnated on earth. Your heart cries out for the ease and the lightness of this vibration. You try to drink in this energy when you meditate. Often the higher chakras are activated in this way, meaning the heart, the throat, the third eye and the crown chakra. They open up, while the lower three chakras (solar plexus, belly and tail bone) which are vital to your earthly self are more or less abandoned. In a more unnatural way, this also happens when you take drugs. When you take mind-expanding substances, the upper chakras are artificially ripped open and you can temporarily experience ecstasy and bliss that make you forget the dense and heavy aspect of earth reality. Although the desire and the longing for transcendence are understandable, it is important to make peace with earth reality. Otherwise you will create an artificial separation between the upper part and the lower part of your energy field. You will give preference to being in the upper part of your aura with your consciousness and you will grow a subtle or overt resistance to the reality of the body, the emotions and sexuality. This creates an imbalance in your energy field When you are homesick in this way, try to feel the reason and purpose for your being on earth right now. Your reason to be here is not to transcend earth but to bring Home down to earth. This is a sacred journey. The second reason for the heart to shy away from sexuality is religious dogmas, often from past lives. There may have been lives in which you took vows of chastity or in which you were taught to feel shame or guilt about bodily pleasure and sexuality. These energies may still linger in your heart. Because of them you may have negative judgments about or subtle resistance to physical intimacy. These judgments and sentiments do not rest on truth. Again I wish to say that the body itself is innocent. Lust, desire and all the physical processes that make you long for sexual union are natural, healthy processes. The imbalances that occur in the area of sexuality are almost always due to the non-physical levels, of which I have now discussed two. The fourth and last level is the aspect of the mind. On the mental level there can be moral or spiritual beliefs that keep you from enjoying sexuality. Most of these beliefs are religious in nature. On the spiritual level you may feel that the physical body is a kind of prison. The non-physical reality of the “higher realms” (as you call them, not I) is so glorified that the physical reality gets undervalued. This occurs frequently among lightworkers. Especially among them there often is resistance to the pleasure and enjoyment that sexuality can provide. This stems partly from religious and moral beliefs and partly from sheer inexperience with this aspect of life. Most lightworker souls have spent many lifetimes as priests, nuns or similar roles, withdrawn from the community, without a partner or family. They focused so much on the spiritual that the area of sexuality was neglected. In spiritual or religious people there is often a lack of respect for the body in its natural expression. This is truly regrettable for it is the expression into matter that is regarded on our side to be the most sacred journey for a soul to go on. To sow and reap the seeds of your divinity so far away from Home in the reality of matter and form is a sacred undertaking. It is a divine, creative act of the highest order. Perhaps you have at some time been present at someone’s deathbed or you have witnessed a childbirth. In those moments, the souls enters or lets go of the dance with matter. Both points in time are surrounded by an atmosphere of sacredness. You can sense this as a deep, enveloping silence filled with honor which announces the coming or leaving of the soul. There is but the deepest respect on our side of the veil for what you do at those moments. The dance with matter is sacred. And you detest it so often! Sexuality in its true meaning is a dance in matter which at the same time rises above matter. In balanced sexual self-expression you transcend material reality without ignoring or repressing it, without abandoning the lower three chakras and without seeking ecstasy only through the upper chakras. Complete sexuality integrates all levels of your being. Sexuality bridges the gap between matter and spirit. When two people are physically intimate in a loving way, all the cells in their body vibrate a little faster – they start to dance a little. A gateway is opened to an energetic reality with a slightly higher vibration and a lighter feeling. After a sexual joining in which all of you participates – your body, soul and mind – you feel peaceful and joyful at the same time. There is a quiet ecstasy. The cells of your body have tasted the energy of love and in that moment you brought the reality of Love a little closer to you. You channeled the divine energy of Love that so dearly wishes to flow through you and that has only the greatest respect for your sexual nature. If the energy on all four levels flows together in a sexual joining, it is an act of divine creation. That children are being born from such an act is only natural. When the dance of male and female is performed in such a joyous way, only goodness and sweetness can come of it. If a child is conceived in such a way, it enters the earth realm on a slide of love and light. It is the most loving welcome that a soul can have on earth. Because the sexual energies are so precious, we ask you: please deal respectfully with your sexuality. When there are problems, fears or tensions around it, do not judge sexuality in itself or give up on it, for it is a natural part of you and a sacred one. Sexual problems and the battle of the sexesI would now like to go into the history of sexuality and then say something about the specific problems that women and men experience nowadays in their sexual self-expression.Much has happened in the area of the sexual. At its core sexuality carries a great potential of light, but because of that there is also the potential for great misuse. The history I wish to speak of is one of the power struggle between men and women. This history is ancient and actually began at the time when the extra-terrestrial galactic empires started to interfere with life on earth. (See the “Lightworker series” on this website for a detailed account of this process). Before that earth was a kind of paradise, a Garden of Eden in which beauty and innocence prevailed. We will not discuss this era here but will simply note that you are in the end phase of a power struggle that is much older than the 5,000 years of written history. In the last stage of this history, men clearly played the role of perpetrator and oppressor. But it was not always so. There have been times in which the woman was much more powerful in the public as well as the private domain of life. She oppressed the male energy as well in cruel and sadistic ways. Woman is not naturally the oppressed or subdued sex, you know, nor is she by definition the most loving sex. Your stereotypes of women as sweet but powerless and of men as tough but insensitive say more about the last phase of the above mentioned history than about men and women as such. There have been times predating written history in which matriarchal societies were regarded as standard. In those times women also used their energies in a destructive way, being disrespectful of the individual life force and creativity in each human being. There was a time when women had power over men. Women controlled and manipulated men by using the powers of emotion and intuition that they have a natural affinity with. They also used their psychic abilities to control men. For example there were sacrifices and rituals where men were tortured and killed. I want to stress for your official history that this aspect draws a one sided picture of the relation between men and women. The oppression of woman by man has been evident for the whole period covered by your written history. But the grudge and hatred that men have displayed (and may still display) against women has not come from nothing. In addition to the cultural traditions and habits that influence them, there are also deep emotional wounds in the collective male soul that stem from a much older era. Without going into detail about this era, I would like to invite you to feel for yourself whether it is possible that you experienced this. For women the question is: can you imagine that you exerted power over men once and that you successfully tried to control their energy? And for men the question is: can you imagine that this took place on a large scale and that you were “the weaker sex?” Maybe you will receive certain images or fantasies by asking this question inside. Let your intuition show you and watch the emotions that surface. This may be surprising. Within the collective male, soul hatred and resentment had arisen because of this ancient history. This has come out in oppression of the female energy in the area of politics but also in the area of religion, particularly through the church. The idea that sexuality is sinful or at best a necessary evil is a male line of thinking that was influenced by hatred and grudges resulting from the repression of male sexuality in another era. Male sexuality was at that time considered to be an instrument for procreation without respect for the feeling side of men and the emotional ties between a father and his children. Often children were raised by the mother in separation from the father and hardly any attention was paid to what the father thought and wanted. Important values were passed on through the mother figure and the inferiority of men was one such value. Man was a workhorse rather than an equal partner. In addition to the church being a bulwark of frustrated male energy, the world of science also displays hostility to the female energy. Although science and religion are in many respect natural enemies, they are united in their resistance to the intuitive, flowing aspect of the female energy. The church dogmas are rigid and stifling but the scientific method is limiting too in another manner. While the impetus behind modern science was enlightening and innovative (in the desire to dethrone false authority), it has gotten stuck in a narrow kind of rational thinking that doesn’t allow the female energy to participate. Scientific thinking is analytical and logical but it does not open up enough to the imagination and to extrasensory (intuitive) sources of observation. The aversion that many scientists have to “the paranormal” and to anything that cannot be explained by rational reasoning is however partly due to a soul memory of pain and humiliation dating back to a time when psychic powers were abused by women and were used against them as an instrument of manipulation. I speak of this ancient history because I would like to make clear that in the “battle of the sexes” there are ultimately no offenders and victims, no “good guys and bad guys,” because you all have been both. It has been a struggle between the male and the female energies in which these energies became opposites, whereas they originally were complementary to each other. In this day and age both men and women are invited to join forces again and to rediscover the joy and honor of the original dance of female and male. Essentially the female energy is leading and inspiring while the male energy is serving and protecting. The female energy is the inspiration behind any creation; the male aspect takes care of the manifestation in form and action. Both energies work through every human, through every individual, whether male or female. Whether you are a man or a woman is not really relevant; it is the balance and relationship between both energies within you that counts. Blockages in female sexualityI will now speak of energy blockages in the area of sexuality which specifically apply to women or men. In women, it is the area of the first and second chakra (tail bone and umbilicus) that is most battered and hurt as a result of sexual oppression and violence over the centuries. For quite some millennia women have been framed into a subservient role in almost all areas of society and this still goes for many places on earth. With regard to sexuality, this inequality manifested as rape, assault and humiliation on a large scale. As a result of this many women, indeed the collective female soul, have suffered incredibly. There are deep emotional wounds which need time, love and utmost care to heal.Often the drive for sexual union is felt by women as a longing of the heart or as a spiritual feeling. But when they get physically intimate they may find that they cannot express their sexual energy freely because of energy blockages in the first and second chakra. In those energy centers there are (soul) memories of sexuality that was forced upon them and humiliated them. These experiences were so painful that the woman withdrew her energy, her consciousness from the area of the belly. When this part of the body is now approached again in a sexual way, the muscles instinctively tighten or the emotional body automatically signals resistance. The physical cells are aware of the trauma and do not go along so easily with the invitation to dance. They want to shut off and create a barrier to protect you from more aggression. This reaction is utterly understandable and should always be dealt with in a most respectful way. Using any kind of force to take away the resistance is in a way violating the hurt centers again. When you have these emotions as a woman, it is very important to become fully aware of them; there may be anger there, resistance or fear with regard to physical intimacy. And all of these emotions are often older than the relationship you are in, older even than this lifetime. There may be very old traumas in those lowest chakras that have caused deep emotional scars. Specifically I would advise women who recognize this pain to get acquainted with lifetimes in which they were the offender/perpetrator (as opposed to victim). Or if you find it difficult to access previous lifetimes, get in touch with the “energy of the offender or powerful woman” inside you. This may sound very strange but the reason is this. When you have been the victim of sexual violence this has caused a lot of anger in your energy field. There may be anger there from several lifetimes. This anger blocks you and keeps you imprisoned in a feeling of powerlessness and victimhood. To release anger you need understanding. You need to understand why and what for; you need to see the larger picture. When you can imagine yourself as a powerful woman who could be merciless and cruel towards men and feel inside that this is also a part of you, then the anger can dissolve. A more thoroughgoing understanding can arise, an inside knowing that you are part of a larger karmic story in which you played both the role of offender and of victim. It is nearly impossible to release your emotions of pain, powerlessness and victimhood without also looking at the other side of you, the “dark side.” You need not necessarily go back to past lifetimes to recognize this dark part inside you. You can also become more aware of it by watching yourself in your day-to-day life. When you feel this energy (e.g. the will to exert power or hurt others), you can sense that you have not only been the helpless victim of outside circumstances. There is a karmic tie between offender and victim; both roles reflect aspects of yourself. As soon as you know and accept your dark side, you can look at your own inner wounds in a different way and start to forgive. When there is understanding, anger can dissolve and you can get in touch with the layers of emotions beneath: the sadness, the grief, the pain that is there on many levels, also in the body itself. It is very important for women to acknowledge the offender aspect in themselves and to work with it. When there is hatred and grudges in you with regard to sexuality, realize that the more hatred and anger you feel, the more you identify with the role of victim and the more you rob yourself of your freedom. Try to feel inside you that in the arena of sexuality a karmic game is being played out in which you have fulfilled both roles, the good guy as well as the bad guy. From there you can get to a place of forgiveness – forgiving yourself as well as someone else. Things happen for a reason. Acts of violence and repression may seem meaningless, but there is always a story behind them. And whenever there is sexual violence involved it leaves deep impressions on all four levels of the human being. Blockages in male sexualityWith regard to the male experience of sexuality, the blockages that occur are mostly on the level of the heart or the head. At these levels there may be a fear of surrendering, a fear of deep emotional intimacy. Most of the time this fear reaches farther back than you can remember. It relates to the era in which women dominated men. This made the game of sexual attraction, that initially was innocent and spontaneous, threatening. Men learned that it was dangerous to openly show their emotions and open their heart to their partner.Within men there are deep seated fears about surrendering to their feeling side, and these fears need not necessarily manifest on the physical level. They may participate in the physical act of sex while keeping their feelings separate. So the man may be sexually present at the physical level while his feeling nature is (partially) absent. His emotions are locked away because of his fear to open up and become vulnerable to rejection once again. There are old soul remembrances there of being abandoned and emotionally scarred. Patience and loveIn general the energy blockages are somewhat different in men and women. Therefore it is very important to communicate openly with each other about what you feel and sense when you are together. When you truly trust your partner, you can investigate without shame where your sexual energy gets stuck when you are intimate. This you can do by simply becoming aware, when there is a flow of excitement and intimacy arising between you, to what extent you are allowing yourself to feel and express it. See if you feel stuck or blocked in any part of your body or in any part of your emotions and feelings. Do you feel a warm glow in your heart when you are together? Do you feel a spiritual openness towards the other? Are you prepared to meet the other in his or her totality?It sounds strange but you are afraid of real intimacy. You all strongly desire a fulfilling relationship. On the streets almost every billboard refers to the ideal of an emotionally and sexually gratifying relationship. But true intimacy frightens you. When someone else comes very close and you are asked to take off all your masks, all kinds of inhibitions arise that you were not aware of. In the moments that they surface try not to judge yourself for it. Instead see it is an opportunity to investigate those inhibitions and blockages within you. No one is free of them. Nearly all people have blockages that prevent them from experiencing sexuality in the full sense that I described in the beginning. That is why I want to ask you all to look at the flow of sexual energy inside you with loving awareness – whether you are alone or in a relationship – and to treat those blockages you find with care and respect. Force is the worst counselor in these matters. Patience and love are vital. Keep the longing for a true and complete experience of sexuality alive! You need not throw away the baby with the bath water. The desire is sound. The road to a full and joyful experience of sexuality may be long and winding. But along the road you will grow love and compassion for yourself as well as for others, and this is so immensely valuable in your human world. You are healing an ancient history of struggle between men and women. The male and female energies want to come together again and join in a dance of joy and creativity. Anything that you contribute to this at an individual level has a positive influence on the collective soul of men and women. Your self-love makes the energies of patience and love available for others. © Pamela Kribbe 2006 |
Work, Money and Creativity
The flow of ease and the flow of enough
Jeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe Dear friends, it is with joy and affection that I am among you today. I know you so well and it seems to me as if we met each other yesterday. In the realms where I dwell, time is not so important. I recognize you very well although your manifestation, your physical appearance, is different from the times I knew you. I am Jeshua. I have lived on earth in a human body, as Jesus. I have been a human being among people just like you. Nothing human is foreign to me. It is from this experience with human existence that I come to support you with your own development, with your birth into the New Era. A New Era is on the way. A transformation is going on these days with which all of you feel a strong connection. I want to tell you something else about myself. On earth I was a human being of flesh and blood and I had formed a channel with the energy of Christ. The Christ energy was flowing outward through me and that was my essential contribution to the earth at that time. But the Christ energy is not mine alone; it belongs to all of you. All of you are planting a seed, bringing a part of that energy here to earth today and in that lies your biggest fulfillment. However this transformation from the old to the New Era uproots and shakes up many things. The area of work and money is very much involved in this “uprooting,” for this is precisely an area in which the old energies are particularly active. You could characterize these as the energies of power and ego. The old energies have been so strongly active within this field that you may find it quite difficult to have a well-balanced attitude towards work and money issues. In your job, in the organization or company you work for or in the people who are your colleagues, you are confronted with society. Many times you ask yourself: how do I cope with energies that I have no affinity with and yet are surrounding me every day? In this encounter of the old and the new you would like to know how to deal with this friction. On the basis of the energy centers in your body I would like to elucidate this issue a little more. The aura that belongs to each human being contains seven chakras or energy centers. In the solar plexus which is the third chakra (near the diaphragm or the stomach), the will is located. It is in this center of personal will that power and ambition are seated. In the era of the old energy, the old time human being, people have been living to excess from this center. This has to do with an attitude of being keen on winning, of putting one’s own interests first and of fighting at the expense of others. An attitude like this is often born out of fear and a feeling of being lost. It is not my point to pass judgment on these energies. I just want to mention that they are often active from the solar plexus, the third chakra. One chakra higher we find the center of the heart. The heart connects you with your higher origin, with energy spheres you once dwelt in and from where you bring along ideals that contrast sharply with the energies of power and ego. Now what happens in the present transformation of consciousness is a passing along of the wheel from the solar plexus to the heart. That doesn’t mean that the solar plexus should be abandoned or pushed aside altogether. It is not true that you should “get rid of the ego.” It is more a matter of passing along the steering wheel to another level of being and in so doing, founding your life on the energy of the heart. All of you are seeking to achieve this in one way or another, either in your personal life or specifically in the field of work and creativity. All of you feel a kinship with the shift toward the energy of the heart. You all sense that you can live your life with much more joy and tranquility that way. With regard to the question of how do I deal with ego based energies (inside you and around you), the essential step that is asked of you is to connect from the heart with the energies of the solar plexus (the will and the ego) and to guide them in a loving and affectionate way. It is the connection between the heart and the solar plexus (more generally between the higher and lower seated chakras) that provides you with abundance in the field of work, creativity and money.
Now how do you know whether you are acting from your heart or from fear or ego? I would like to point out two important characteristics of the heart energy which may help you recognize it in your own daily life. The first characteristic is the absence of struggle and the presence of ease and simplicity. I will simply call it the flow of ease.
The flow of easeYou are used to struggling and fighting for the things you want. Especially in the area of work there is a lot of competition and ego battle. Often you have to act like someone you are not to get recognition and validation. This opposes the longing of your heart. The heart longs for a much more natural kind of presence. The heart energy does not exert pressure and is very smooth and gentle by nature. The heart energy speaks to you through the intuition. The heart gives gentle pushes and suggestions and will never tell you something that is emotionally charged with fear or pressure.In your daily life you can clearly notice whether things are going smoothly and finding their natural way or whether you repeatedly encounter resistance to something you are trying to achieve. If the latter is the case it means you are not – or not completely – in alignment with your heart energy. The secret of the heart energy is that it performs miracles not with force, but with ease and tenderness. Daring to trust your intuition is the most important way to get aligned with the energy flow of the heart which I call “the flow of ease.” Acting on your intuition in the context of work and creativity, even if this goes against the culture of your work environment, will create unexpected possibilities and opportunities for you. It will bring you closer to your own divine Self and empower you on the heart level, and it will by itself attract to you places and people who fulfill your heartfelt desires. When you experience problems at work, when you feel that you are not at the right place in your particular work environment, spend some quiet time alone. Find a moment of stillness in which you let go of all the thoughts and ideas that you have absorbed from your social environment and all the fears and worries that go with it. Try to look at these thoughts and emotions from a deep and quiet spot at the center of your heart. See them for what they are; they are clouds hovering in front of the sun but they are not you. Go to that core of sunshine in the your heart and ask your Self what is wise for you to do right now. Connect to your ancient and wise heart, the source of your highest creativity, and ask your intuition to tell you what is the right thing to do at this moment. Do not try to base your actions on outside opinions, on social standards of behavior that especially in the field of work can be overwhelming. The social or collective consciousness in this area is strongly based on fear: fear of losing your job, fear of social failure and fear of poverty. All these fears may overshadow your intuition and yet there is an inner voice that tells you what to do right now. The key is to dare to listen to this voice and you will see it will come up with genuine answers. When you try to go to that inner core, self doubt may block you and make you dismiss your heartfelt intuitions and inclinations as unrealistic and wrong. Self doubt may prevent you from trusting the spiritual path that is laid out for you. By your spiritual path, I mean the path of experiences that brings you in touch with your highest creative source, the creative energies that want to flow outward through you. These energies are already present. But you can only recognize and manifest them in the outer world by listening to and trusting your own feelings. Your soul speaks to you through your feelings. There are no external warrants or securities. Trust is essential. To accept the direction where your feelings are taking you and to act upon your intuition is to open yourself up to the guidance of your heart and to truly make the shift from ego based consciousness to heart based consciousness. You have reached the end stage of the domination by the solar plexus. Your soul has entered this incarnation with the intention of releasing this way of being, and you are all highly motivated to express your creativity from the heart. I ask you to trust yourself at this stage and to continue on this path, for you are already bringing into this world a new energy which is of great value. This energy often effects changes without you knowing it; you do more good than you realize. You help birth the New Era by trusting the flow of your heart and daring to follow the flow of ease. Therefore have no doubts and continue on your path. The energy of the heart is much more quiet and gentle than the competitive and harsh energies that often rule the arena of work. For that reason it takes courage and strength to stay centered in the heart, when you are surrounded by these ego based energies. But I tell you this: following the flow of your heart will ultimately bring you to creative possibilities that are quite real and practical, and it will bring you abundance on the material level. It is an act of faith and courage to entrust yourself to this flow. I said that I would mention two important characteristics of the energy of the heart. I started with the flow of ease. I would now like to speak about the flow of abundance which I will call the flow of enough. The flow of enoughThe energy of the heart is the source of true abundance in your life. Abundance has to do with all areas of your life reaching from the physical, material level to the emotional, social and spiritual level. You are meant to enjoy yourself and to be nurtured on all these levels. At this point I want to address the issue of material abundance in particular, as it is of extra relevance to lightworker souls.Lightworker souls and spiritually oriented, idealistic people in general tend to condemn money. Money is considered to be sinful by them, to be a lower energy. The reason for this condemnation is that they have come to associate money with power and wealth at the expense of others. Money has practically become synonymous with power. This association is one of the main reasons why the flow of material abundance has become blocked in many of you who read this. Also lightworker souls who have a great spiritual zest associate money with the base and trivial things of life which need to be transcended. Here many convictions are active which date back to past lives of austerity and abstinence from the material world. These lifetimes were often spent in solitude, aimed solely at spiritual liberation. The energy of these lifetimes still resonates throughout your energy field. It results in a kind of “strictness” that is narrowing you down. However money is innocent. Money is a flow of energy that actually represents pure potentiality. Money offers opportunities, money is potentiality and there is nothing wrong with that. Nor is it the case that by receiving money you act at the expense of others. With money you are able to create beautiful and good things for others. By receiving it joyfully, you expand the flow of abundance for both yourself and for others. The creative spiral always generates a receiving flow also, so that receiving and giving are balanced out. This is the way of the heart. Therefore do not be afraid to receive money. It is sad to watch how you, when you truly share your highest gifts and talents with the world, still have reservations about asking and receiving from the world what you want and need for yourself. Many old judgments prevent you from truly standing up for yourself and enjoying the receiving part. But the secret of the universe is balance. The universe knows that you need to be sustained on all levels to express your highest potential in this lifetime. There is nothing sinful about that. When you are truly creative from the heart, you will attract a receiving flow as well and only by allowing it in will you keep the outward flow of creativity alive and vibrant. You may not be consciously aware of the fact that you are blocking the flow of money in your life or that you have a tacit aversion to money. Take some time to examine your innermost thoughts and emotions about money and you can easily see how they are blocking the flow of abundance in your life. Please realize that you are meant to enjoy life on earth! It is a natural thing to take joy in beautiful things that caress the senses or fill the heart with inspiration. This is your home, your dwelling place for quite some time so please allow yourself to create your material surroundings as you wish them to be. Simply loving the earth and material reality alone will create a flow of abundance. The earth will listen to you for she wants to provide you with everything you need, not just to grow and evolve as a spiritual being but also to simply enjoy life as a human being. So please consider your attitude toward material abundance at the deepest level and feel how the flow of abundance indeed offers you the possibility to help build a new earth, to realize your dreams on the densest plane of reality. This is not the time to withdraw yourself from society, to meditate by yourself on top of a mountain. It is time for participation. It is time to let your energy flow into this world and freely receive all that comes back to you in return. Do not be afraid to receive abundance. Honoring your own input, receiving enough in exchange for your efforts, is part of being a well-balanced spiritual human being. I would like to say a little more about the word “enough.” I told you that the energy of the heart is characterized first by the flow of ease. When things succeed easily and all you need appears spontaneously on your path, it is a sign that you are going with the flow of your heart. The second energy flow I distinguished is the flow of enough. Enough means everything that I need right now to be a fulfilled human angel is available to me. To live in the flow of enough means that you feel satisfied with and thankful for what you have. You feel nurtured by what surrounds you on the material, emotional, mental and spiritual level. That is abundance. That is having enough. Experiencing the flow of enough means that you enjoy what you have in the Now. All of you know that to experience abundance is a subjective state of mind. It depends on the circumstances. The amount of material abundance that you have does not necessarily relate to the amount of pleasure you experience. Experiencing abundance is not about being rich; it is about experiencing riches in all that surrounds you. You have to discover for yourself the kind of material abundance that satisfies and fulfills you. For some people this could mean living on their own in a secluded hut where they can enjoy nature to the full. For others it implies a luxurious place in town where they enjoy the hustle and bustle of the city. There is no judgment on this from our side, from God or from Spirit. You need to find out what enough means for you. The key is to find the flow that makes you happy, that gives you the feeling that you are living life to the fullest. That is the flow of enough. You can recognise it not by the amount of material goods you possess but by the sense of joy and fulfillment you have in your everyday life. Enough is a feeling, not a thing. You can be out of tune with this flow in two ways. You can want “more than enough” or you can want “less than enough.” If you want “more than enough” you crave material wealth that you do not really need or are capable of truly enjoying. Too many possessions make life complicated and actually take away some of your joy. Joy thrives on a good and simple life. When you seek to have more than enough you often do it to feel a safeguard for the future. You can get addicted to the feeling of having money just for the security of it. But that is not to experience abundance in the Now. It is to experience lack in the midst of material wealth! To really be in the flow of enough, you need to let go of fear and dare to enjoy yourself with what there is. This very enjoyment will attract more of the same into your life; it will maintain the flow of enough. If you start thinking that you need more material security, however, you go into fear whereas what you need is more trust and less fear. If you settle for “less than enough” you are also stuck in fear but here it is the fear of truly opening yourself up to the world, expressing yourself and receiving back from it as well. You are afraid to live life to the fullest. You might think you are not worthy of it, not capable of it or that it is sinful to be all that you are and to receive full recognition for that. What you need is to feel your natural beauty and innocence. You are meant to express yourself and to be loved for who you are. The world becomes a more beautiful and radiant place if you share the gift of your soul with it, and it wants to bless you with enough in return. The universe is geared to abundance and you can be a part of that flow if you open up to your real nature which is pure and unconditional love. “Enough” is the natural state of being. You are all here to experience enough; the flow of enough is available to all of you. It is quite meaningless to settle for less. It is not true that you will improve yourself spiritually by abstinence or self-imposed poverty. More likely you will develop feelings of bitterness or hostility because of it. Please do not try to seek some kind of spiritual justification for your lack of abundance. You are all here to enjoy life to the fullest, to let your creative energy flow into the world and to receive joy, satisfaction and material abundance in return. Creating the flow of enoughWhen you feel yourself to be out of the flow of enough, take a look at your present living circumstances and interpret this as an energy message to yourself. “This is how I create reality now.” Do not judge yourself or anyone else for it. Just take note of it.Then feel the energy of your present environment – whether it is your house, your social life or your work – and compare this with what you truly long for in your heart. Take some time to really feel what you want. Do not merely content yourself with a vague sense of dissatisfaction or unrest but clearly define to yourself what you want in your life. In doing this you become aware of “lack” of that which is not there. Take note of the pain in you because of this, but do not dwell on the sense of lack or dissatisfaction. This is not an exercise to make you feel bad. Rather focus on the longings you have and realize deeply that this is what your soul wants for you. Be convinced that these longings point in the direction of what your soul has planned to do in this lifetime. You will be supported by the universe to make it come true. Your focused, silent and open awareness of these heartfelt desires is enough to make the changes happen. Realizing who you are is the biggest magnet to change in your everyday life. It is not necessary or even useful to push for change on the material level. The key is to feel deeply (but not emotionally) what you are longing for and to then leave it in the hands of your heart. Just release and trust. Things will start to change in your life. Perhaps you will first start to look more closely at some of your deeply ingrained habits in the area of thinking, feeling and reacting to people. Then relationships or jobs that do not serve your true goals may break apart and fall away. You can trust that you will get into a flow that will slowly but certainly bring you to your goal. Pay attention to the things that happen in your life. The things people say or do to you often contain an underlying message that tells you where you stand in relation to your goal. All that you need on the physical level to realize your heartfelt desires will appear in your life in an effortless way, out of the blue. It will enter your life with ease and elegance. It may seem miraculous and at the same time feel perfectly appropriate. It is not your grasping, trying, pushing and forcing that will get it to you but your silent awareness of your truest needs, your honesty to face up to them and your courage to trust and let go. Honoring the longings of your heart with such focus and surrender will bring the reality of enough to you. © Pamela Kribbe 2006 |
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